She turned pale with fear.

What's going on.

How come there are so many soldiers and monsters? They all look very scary.

Of course, men and women walking in front of everyone.

He was the one who put the most pressure on Feng.

The leading man had long silver hair, wore a long knife at his waist, and his clear eyes pointed directly at people's hearts.

It's so hard to watch that you can't help but kneel on the ground and surrender.

It seems that he was born to be a king.

The purple-haired woman next to him was even more terrifying.

Although without saying a word.

But she didn't even dare to look directly at him.

Soon Su Han led the soldiers to the village.

Looking at the trembling people.

Su Han said: "From now on you will be our people, accept the gift from the gods..."

Hear his words.

Everyone was immediately stunned.


Is he a god?

Before Grandma Feng could ask, a girl's scream came from the distant woods.

It was still the wanton and arrogant laughter of a monster.

"There is a monster..."

"Hahahahaha... don't run away, girl... I can already smell the scent of the Four Souls Jade on you, please stay here..."

The two men rushed out of the forest.

When the centipede demon saw the centaurs nearby, he couldn't help but show a surprised expression.

But then a purple light flashed.

It completely disappeared.



General Thunder and Lightning drew his sword and slashed with an expressionless expression.

Purple light filled the sky.

Half of the forest, along with the centipede demon, was reduced to nothing.

Inuyasha, who was still hanging on the tree in the distance, was so frightened that he almost peed.

Chapter 326 A refreshed world view, Kagome and Inuyasha completely surrendered

This knife directly stunned Kagome, who had just traveled through time.

It also made everyone in Maple Village kneel on the ground.

This is something only God can do.

Cut it out with one knife.

Thousands of meters were torn apart.

Moreover, judging from the other person's appearance, it was as simple as breathing.

"You... don't get so angry like this. There are so many subordinates, so there's no need for you to take action..."

"Well, I know husband."

General Thunder nodded obediently.

But seeing Su Han's expression.

She understood that she had done the right thing just now, and there were some things that she didn't need to talk about at all. Those people were obedient after just one blow.

Kagome also knelt on the ground.

His eyes were full of fear.

What kind of terrifying world have I entered?

A woman of great power destroyed a forest with a single stroke of her sword! ! !

This is too terrible.

"Kujo Sora, go and subdue these people...and order the troops to build a fortress here. From now on, with this place as the center, we will start to collect the materials and humans of this world..."

"Yes, sir!"

General Tengu began to lead the people to get busy.

Such a large amount of land can be obtained.

It is very important for Inazuma.

They are an island country and lack food...and there is "547" land everywhere, which can be planted at will.

They can even enslave these people.

These are potential benefits.

Due to the national lockdown and year-round standing, the population of Daozhu has actually dropped to a terrifying peak.

Workers are needed everywhere.

Now the world of Inuyasha opens.

Of course they won't be polite.

accompanied by the declaration of the soldiers.

Grandma Feng and others finally understood that these powerful people came from a different world.

And the person who just drew the sword.

It is Lord Thunder God of Inazuma Country.

Is a true god.

After hearing this, everyone turned from frightened to excited.

Become God’s people.

What a blessing this should be.

Don't think being enslaved is a bad thing.

Being enslaved by a god in this world is a great joy, because monsters were everywhere during the Warring States Period.

Ordinary people are likely to die just by going to the toilet.

Now there is God's blessing.

What a blessing!

All the houses were pushed down and replaced by houses created using rock elements, which are strong, stable and very beautiful.

After Inazuma's country returned the Eye Hunting Order.

Many masters are willing to work within the shogunate army.

Naturally, there is no shortage of talents.

Soldiers are building here.

On the other side, Inuyasha was also released.

Platycodon's seal naturally cannot stop Hua Sanli's power.

Watching the dog regain freedom.

Chuanhu said with a smile: "Hey...puppy, do you want to do something for us...I am very short of manpower recently, if you join us."

Your strength will also be improved...

At least ten times stronger than now... Of course, you can also choose to refuse... However, this fairy fox wants to remind you that refusal comes with a price..."

Looking at the materialized purple thunder whip.

Inuyasha turned around and ran away without even thinking.

If you can't fight, can't you run?

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