It is simply impossible for him to be someone's subordinate.

But... Inuyasha only ran out for a walk when the power of thunder penetrated his body. His eyes turned white and he fell to the ground.

Hua Sanli said to Tianhu Ruiyi: "Leave it to you...let this puppy understand its situation. If it doesn't obey...just castrate it for me."

"Yes, sir..."

"By the way, take out the black pearls from his eyes. I'll be useful..."

"As commanded."

Tianhu walked towards Inuyasha who was scorched by electricity.

The fingers have a silvery sheen.

He directly took out the black pearls from the opponent's eyes.

This is the key to the cemetery.

Although Su Han has the power of the underworld.

However, we currently don’t know where the coordinates are, so we need this key to open it.


Look to the other side.

Kagome looked at Su Han and asked softly: "Um...are you also a god?"

A person who can be called a husband by God.

He must also be a god.

As a result, the other party shook his head and said: "No...I'm just a mortal..."


This shocked Kagome.

A mortal marrying a god?

How did he do that.

Su Han looked at her surprised expression and said with a smile: "Love is not what you think. As for her... although she is a god, she does not know how to deal with interpersonal relationships.

You can think of her as a homebody.

In short... she is my wife. "

" that's it..."

Kagome seemed to understand something.

Then, she said: "Then...can you let this lady send me back? I don't want to stay in this world anymore..."

I just listened to those villagers talking.

Kagome temporarily learned something about the world.

It can be said that this is a world of demons and chaos.

A little girl like me might not be able to survive a day here.

Su Han frowned and said, "I'm afraid I'll disappoint you... You can't go back to this world. Your coming here is your destiny..."


"There are many things that gods cannot reach. If you feel uncomfortable living here, you can go out and take risks. I won't stop you..."


Kagome was about to want to ask Su Han to send her to the well.

But he saw the dog demon he just met.

He was carried over by the monster.

The whole body is pitch black.

She didn't even know whether the other party was dead or alive.

Hua Sanli smiled and said: "This puppy is really disobedient, so I gave him a small punishment... Hey, little sister... don't you like us?"

"No!!! I like this sister very much..."

Kagome instantly showed a flattering smile.

She was crying inside.

Forget it, just accept your fate.

It belongs to both gods and fairy foxes.

I can't help but struggle with my small body.

Hana Sanli stroked Kagome's hair and said with a smile: "It seems you have a bright future... When we return to Inazuma, I will show you that our country is much better than here.

Moreover, there is spiritual energy in your body.

It's a good seedling.

Follow my sister and practice... so that you can replace the Son of God and become the shrine maiden of Narukami Taisha Shrine in the future..."

"Really? I can also cast spells..."

Kagome was originally a little sad.

When I heard that there was spiritual energy in my body, I couldn't help but be attracted to it.

In the end, I heard Hua Sanli say: "Not only do you have spiritual energy in your body, but you also have a good treasure... However, there are many things today. I will ask Rui Yi to teach you how to practice tomorrow..."

"Thank you sister..."

Kagome suddenly felt that her life didn't seem so miserable.

With the efforts of the soldiers.

The original village.

It turned into a small town, and at the same time the whole village moved towards the tunnel door...

This will make it easier to transport things in the future.

And Kagome became a little follower in the flowers.

Although she is only a junior high school student.

However, the perspective of modern people is still much stronger than that of people in this world.

There are many things that can give some unique advice.

Watch everything fall into place.

Su Han used the black pearl to open the door to the cemetery world.

This time, he did not bring Baiwen with him, because Maple Village still needed manpower to command.

Furthermore, he went over to collect the bones.

Will be back soon.

No need to fuss.

On the contrary, General Thunder and Lightning had nothing to do and followed him to the cemetery world.

Looking at the bones that looked like mountains.

General Thunderbolt was surprised: "There is such a person. It seems that he was quite strong during his lifetime..."

"Well, General Inu did have some strength during his lifetime, but... unfortunately, this world cannot allow him to reach the top... losses are normal."

Su Han pulled out Tie Shaoyang.

Transform into dragon state.

Cut it off with one knife.

Then the mountain-like bones were turned into countless fragments.

After all, it is difficult to absorb such a big thing.

Might as well be turned into pieces.

This makes collection simple.

Su Han stretched out his hand towards the broken bones, and a huge attraction came, and countless bones flew towards the space magic weapon.

When I saw the lotus platform and Tie Suiya.

He grabbed it.

There is a barrier on it.

However, such childish things cannot stop him at all.

The spiritual energy shook slightly.

Then the barrier was torn apart directly.

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