I saw a strange creature sitting on the tree trunk.

The other person was holding a piece of food and eating it loudly.

"Sir, it's just a magical thing, don't worry..."

The agent looked at how small the other person was.

He smiled disdainfully.

But Green Bull still didn't respond to his words.

At this time, the strange creature slowly jumped to the ground, looked at the green bull with faint eyes, and said something.

"You are not allowed to hurt Xiangling..."

"Heh...is it something weird again? But I'm not afraid!!!!"

It seems to be extremely exciting.

Let the green bull break free briefly.

Face unknown creatures.

He unleashed his strongest blow.

"As long as I can absorb you, I will definitely become stronger...come to my death..."

There were even more vine spikes than the one he had just dealt with Xiang Ling.

.. .. .. .. ..

Pierce it towards the rice cake.

Just a crazy green bull.

He didn't see the contempt in Guo Ba's eyes.

Perhaps among mortals.

This power is really good.

Unfortunately, he didn't know.

He was facing a demon god.

And he is also a demon who keeps resurrecting.

The spikes hit the rice cooker, but they spontaneously ignited and shattered.

"Mortal...your power is very good, but unfortunately...that's all...my name is: Demon God Marcus..."

He raised his hand and punched the green bull.

Platinum flame.

Light up the dark night.


Huge rainforest.

There was a moment of trembling.

The whole earth collapsed one after another.

After Zhongli, the second demon god took action.

One blow shattered the world.

The jungle that was still spreading before was instantly frozen, accompanied by the platinum light.

All reduced to ashes.

The wrath of the devil.

How terrifying.

Mountains, rivers.

Everything that stood in Guo Ba's way was burned away by this blow.

Kaido in the distance is still fighting with others.

Suddenly, the air became stagnant.

Then his body flew away uncontrollably.


He spat out a mouthful of blood and had no idea what was happening.

But out of the corner of my eye.

However, the Yonko saw a short figure and glanced at himself from an extremely far distance.

At that moment, he felt the breath of death.

Even facing Roger.

Even Captain Rocks.

He didn't feel this way.

But this time, Kaido clearly felt that this guy took action.

He is absolutely certain to die.

In the Qunyu Pavilion.

Nami and others were already kneeling on the ground.

The platinum flames on the ground directly changed the territory of Wano Country.

Mountains, woods, rivers.

All fell to the ground.

Just like the eraser, it directly erases everything.

"This...what exactly happened, Miss Ningguang..."

"It can't be a terrible weapon!!!"

"It feels even scarier than the final machine just now..."


Looking at the terrifying flames and the obliterated earth.

Ning Guang said calmly: "It's nothing...our demon god from Liyue took action, that's all..." Guang.

Chapter 356 We in Liyue are too "poor", Diluc and Keqing condense the inner elixir


A new word appeared in everyone's mind.

But everything is stained with the word divine.

Basically very scary stuff.

If it was their first meeting, Nami and others might think that he was a country bumpkin.

Or maybe it’s just a noun for a certain place.

You will never think like God.

However, it was a terrifying memory to witness this with my own eyes.

Nami and others were immediately shocked.

That weird guy.

Existing like a doll.

is God"?

Seeing everyone's shocked looks, Ning Guang smiled softly and said: "Yes... I was also shocked when I first learned that it was a demon...

However, this is not its true power.

In order to save our world, I used all my strength..."

Hear her story.

Everyone was in awe.

A god who sacrificed his life for humanity.

This is indeed worthy of people's respect.

Nami suddenly thought of something and asked: "Last time at Cake Island...you delivered those materials..."

"It's for the common people..."

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