"I see, it seems like your life is not good, Taozi...did you hear that?"

"Yes! Miss Nami..."

Momonosuke is also very smart.

People come from far away to help.

"Five Seven Seven"

As the leader of the country, he naturally needs to do something.

I saw him saying to Ningguang: "Sister, if you need any help from us, just ask..."

"I see... we need a lot of things!"

Ning Guang smiled elegantly.

Since these people have said this, then you can accept it with peace of mind.

And Robin asked: "What about the person who appeared in the war on the top last time?"

"Oh, the one you said... was the first immortal who followed the Rock King. He was very powerful."


The second time the noun appears.

Just being an immortal is so terrifying.

Then the demon god is an existence that can destroy the heaven and the earth.

Hearing this, Momonosuke wanted to win over the big boss in front of him.

I wish I could dedicate the entire country to her.

I just want stability and peace.

People are fighting in the distance.

And Qun Jade Pavilion was quietly approaching other places in Wano Country.

Although the country is currently barren.

However, Ning Guang does not need food.

And, the two parties reached cooperation.

That is: Ningguang will give them some food, while Momonosuke and others will give them weapons made by Kaido...as well as ores and a lot of other things.

Give it directly to her.

Both parties are very satisfied with this.

The Nine Heroes of Chixiao originally had to fight for their lives.

Now seeing the demon god appear, naturally all of them are filled with admiration.

As the princess of Wano Country.

Kozuki Hiwa said to Ningguang: "We still have many forged knives... I wonder if you need them?"

"Of course we do! Our country has been very poor recently..."

Ning Guang covered his mouth and smiled.

The soldiers next to them had expressionless faces.

For fear of ruining the good deeds of adults.


Yes, Liyue is now barren and only Mora is left.


Qunyuge left.

The perspective shifts back to the scene.

After the general Green Bull withstood the blow from the rice cooker.

It turned directly into powder.

Completely shredded.

At this moment, both the navy and the pirates were all frightened.

The power of devil fruit.

No matter how strong you are, there is a limit.

Who is this guy in front of me?

Why is it so scary.

That blow simply destroyed most of the island.

"Cookba...cough...are you okay?"


After using divine power.

Guo Ba was unable to speak again, but he used his divine power to heal the toxins in Xiang Ling's body.

Looking at the little cook with a worried look on her face.

The demon god showed a gentle smile.

"Hehe, I hope you're fine... I still have little combat experience... so I was careless! But... I won't make a mistake next time."


Guo Ba nodded repeatedly, expressing his trust in his good friend.

In the sky, Kaido looked at that person and a strange creature.

He was so scared that he broke out in a cold sweat.

Don't look at him who always seeks death.

What can I say it's boring.

This is all bullshit.

He is also afraid of death.

Witness Guo Ba’s demonic power.

Kaido is now thinking of quitting.

The blow just now was aimed at the green bull.

If it is aimed at yourself.

So, will Kaido continue to live?

He himself found it very difficult.

Because although Green Bull is a general.

But when it comes to strength, it is not much lower than him.

One of his right and left arms was broken directly...and Drought Jack also fell to Luffy and others.

Only one Plague Quinn is left struggling to hold on.

However, there was the siege from Law and Sanji.

He obviously couldn't support it any longer.

"Damn...it's really tricky..."

Kaido dealt with the enemies in front of him.

While thinking about whether I should withdraw.

Keqing, Diluc.

The two men had just continued to besiege Kaido.

Now I am extremely tired.

Although they have all embarked on the path of cultivating immortals, they have not condensed the inner elixir like Rosalin.

Therefore, there is naturally a gap in strength.

It's true that it can destroy Kaido's defense.

But I want to truly defeat this Yonko.

It has also become a luxury.

"This guy is trying to escape... Ke Qing!! We can't let him leave... Without this sword test stone, it will be even harder for us to break through..."

"Yes, swallow that black dragon blood potion. See if you can break through..."

The body is very tired.

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