Ke Qing suddenly thought of it.

Before leaving.

Su Han gave them the potion refined from the black dragon's blood.

And he told me not to eat this if you don’t go to the limit.

Diluc also thought about it, and the two of them quickly swallowed the elixir.

Kaido was angry that these two people had seen through his thoughts, but he didn't expect that the two people who were originally looking down would eat something.

A new power began to burst out.

And the momentum is climbing steadily.

Black dragon blood elixir.

It is currently the highest level elixir.

It is the inner elixir that Su Han refined using the flesh, bones, and blood of the black dragon.

There are eighty in total.

Very rare.

And he didn't spread it out casually like before.

Instead, he changed his mind.

The requirements must reach the bottleneck or the point of exhaustion.

Only then did he swallow the pill.

Because the power of this elixir condenses the essence of the black dragon.

If swallowed directly.

The efficacy of the medicine will be greatly reduced.

Moreover, there are very few people in the group who are currently stuck in the Neidan realm. If they can use this to break through.

That will save a lot of time.

After Diluc swallowed the elixir.

My whole body felt like it was wrapped in lava.

The essence and blood of higher organisms.

Collising inside his body, the power that had not yet been condensed was driven by this power.

Slowly it started to condense...

A large amount of spiritual energy swirled towards the body.

Diluc looked at himself wrapped in red light and said in surprise: "Is this the power of the inner alchemy? No wonder Miss Rosalin is so strong..."

He broke through!

In the dantian, a fiery red object was slowly born.

The whole person's aura.

It improved a lot in an instant.

On the other side of Keqing, countless flowers and plants were born nearby.

The original power of flowers and fruits.

There is also the power of the wood escape technique in the body.

Now it's all condensed into one.

It already possesses the element of thunder.

Now is born in it.

It can be said that Keqing now can use the power of thunder and lightning without the eye of the thunder god.

The inner elixir is born.

The whole person has changed.

Keqing opened her eyes and murmured to herself: "This is the realm Su Han mentioned... It's really wonderful..."

The inner elixir condenses.

Strength comes from itself.

There is a universe within the body.

This is a qualitative change in life.

It can be said that Keqing will greatly delay aging in the future.

And the life span has also been increased to a very terrifying level.

"You dare to be in a daze in front of me!!!"

Kaido was furious.

The thunderous Bagua in his hand struck directly.

Ke Qing easily dodged it.

The same goes for Diluc on the other side.

The two people's physical strength has returned to its peak.

Looking back at Kaido now.

But his face looked dejected.

Because he is tired... Just like the aunt, they are all elderly people, not like Diluc and Keqing.

It is in its golden period.


Now he was panting constantly.

One can imagine the ongoing battle.

What a load it brings.

Diluc's fire raccoon was activated again, and it was more terrifying than before. Black flames completely replaced the red flames.

The strength has been improved by more than one level.

Keqing then lit up the aqua blue thunder, obviously this time their attack was going to kill Kaido.

"Ha...are you murderous? It's such a pity...I'm not the same person I was at my's not that easy to kill me!!!!"

Kaido roared angrily.

The body changes again.

5.4 Although it is already at the end of its strength.

But he still has his own pride.

"Fire Dragon Torch, Rising Dragon, Flame Bagua..."

The whole body is covered with countless magma.

At the same time, wrap yourself in the overlord color.

This is Kaido's final blow.

It is also his most terrifying power.

Diluc also felt the threat, exploded with all his strength, transformed into a fire dragon and rushed towards him.

A real man should face threats head on.

Accompanied by violent shock waves.

Diluc and Kaido were both knocked back.

Wolf's End almost melted.

One of Kaido's horns was also cut off.

However, the other party's terrifying transformation has not disappeared.

At this time, Ke Qing flew over and directly added a sword.

"Sword Control·Slashing..."

Countless flowers bloomed nearby.

Countless thunders spray thunder and lightning from the flowers' mouths.

And the sword energy in Keqing's hand.

It also concentrates the power of the whole body.

It pierced directly into the flame dragon's head.

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