You have to protect it well.

It is a secret book that is not passed down...

I told you that after mastering domineering and the unique cultivation methods, your body will become better..."

Although Amber's character is lively.

But he can always see into people's hearts.

Concern expressed in words.

Kelai was deeply moved.

Then turn to the next page...

Above is a very beautiful photo.

I saw a towering tree rising from the magnificent sea.

Huge tree trunks soar into the sky.

It looks amazing.

"Is this... is this true? It's so amazing..."

The young girl Kelai was stunned.

Didn't even think about it.

There will be such magnificent scenery.

At the same time, there seemed to be no such big trees in Sumeru where she lived.

So amazing.

After picking up the photo, the text below began to increase.

I saw a lot of text on it.

The girl picked it up and saw what was written on it.

"Did you see it? This... is the World Tree planted by Brother Su Han. It's amazing... this tree will continue to grow, and then... it will purify the environment.

Wait until you are free after your busy work.

Must come to Mondstadt.

I will take you out to play then hehe...

And there are... there are elves on the World Tree, they are very cute. "

Sure enough, it's in the photo.

There is also a mezzanine.

Kelai quickly found the elf's appearance.

Suddenly, the girl's heart burst into laughter.

"so cute..."

The letter is very thick.

It all comes from Amber’s heart.

Kelai continued to read.

I saw more photos inside.

For example, Amber and Paimon fight for food.

There was also the practice between the two parties under the moonlight maple tree.

Ke Lai watched with great yearning.

It would be fun to go to that kind of place.

at the end of the letter.

It’s the thoughts from Amber.

"We have been apart for so long, I really miss you... The training of the Knights is very tiring, but my strength is getting stronger and stronger. Kelai... I will never forget it.

People who hurt you.

Please remember...I will definitely kill that enemy of fools for you...

People who dare to hurt you.

I will remember them all in my heart..."

After reading the letter.

Collet was already in tears.

The whole person burst into sobs.

It's really touching to be paid attention to by such a person.


"I really miss you..."

Ke Lai laughed and cried at the same time.

She was happy for the other person.

But...even if Amber became so strong, the other party did not forget about herself, and even said that she would avenge herself.

In fact, she had already gotten the package.

However, I have not opened it because I have been very busy recently.

Set the letter aside.

Kelai quickly opened the package and saw a lot of things inside.

For example, chocolate...drinks, and some protective gear.

Because there are too many things.

Therefore, at that time, Kelai was still wondering whether he had sent it to the wrong person.

Now I realize that it was all Amber’s intention.

There are many candies.

But, more is still a videotape.

However, considering that Ke Lai had no money to buy a TV, Amber chose a new product with a video recording function and direct playback function.

Currently this kind of thing.

Only popular internally.

The cost is very high.

Because if it is played outside, it can be regarded as a movie.

Although Kelai didn't understand the cost of this thing. can understand it just by looking at it.

and stuff must be worth a lot of money.

Moreover, it is a product that I cannot buy even if I have saved up money for several years.

", you can't spend it randomly even if you have money..."

Being moved.

Kelai also felt a little helpless, because Amber was too generous.

This makes her unable to repay the other party.

Chapter 392 The bombed Tevalin, the birth of the middle elves

Follow the instructions.

Kelai turned off the lights in the room, and then pointed the projected object at the wall.

In her hand was the brewed milk tea sent by Amber.

The smell is amazing just by smelling it.

A countdown number appears.

Collet saw Amber jump out.

"Hehe...are you scared? It's me...Amber, how clothes are beautiful, aren't they? It's the brand new Knights costume!"

The girl in the picture.

Not wearing the same red clothes as before.

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