It was replaced by a silver dress.

Similar to that kind of war skirt.

All of a sudden, the originally young girl was transformed into a mature female knight.

See changes in your friends.

Kelai was full of surprise.

"I didn't expect that she has changed so much..."

When two people met before.

Amber is still a very young girl.

The figure is naturally the same as mine.

They are all airports.

Waist-length hair.

Bring unlimited vitality to girls.

But now Amber's whole temperament has improved to a higher level.

It's like he has grown up by ten years.

He wears a long sword at his waist.

There is also a short bow.

Gives people a feeling of being smart and capable.

Collet smiled.

It's really surprising that my friend has become like this.

Then, an extremely handsome man appeared on the screen.

The other party has silver-white hair.

The whole person is very handsome.

There was always a gentle and doting expression on his face.

Kelai recognized the other party's identity immediately.

Su Han.

Currently 12, a terrifying figure who controls three countries.

It can be said that in the entire continent, you don’t know what the gods of your own country look like.

But if you mention Su Han.

But it can be said that no one knows it.

Businessmen traveling across the continent.

And in those newspapers, there is basically news about this person every now and then.

Even Lord Tinari always talks about that gentleman.

Sometimes they even said that if they and Xumi could get help from each other, maybe things wouldn't be like this.

Kelai naturally agreed with the other party's strength.

in the screen.

Amber's voice came.

"Brother Su Han, I'll leave it to you..."

"Okay, the practice of domineering is actually very includes the distinction between three types of power!"

in the screen.

Su Han uses pictures and personal demonstrations.

Told Kelai the actual use of Haki.

Not to mention the ordinary domineering instinct, which improves combat effectiveness.

And when the domineering level advanced.

Kelai finally found out.

Why did those three countries dare to declare war on the Winter Kingdom?

This is so powerful.

The internal destruction of the armed color can directly capture the power of elements.

The power of seeing, hearing, and color is able to capture enemies from extremely long distances.

What's even scarier is being able to see the future.

As for the power of Overlord Color, it was something she had seen when watching a movie.

That level of fighting.

It's obviously not something you can control yourself.

Then Amber appeared again, sticking out her tongue and saying cutely: "Hey... do you understand? Then I'll teach you some more knowledge."

They both use bows and arrows.

Amber's domineering attachment naturally inspired Kelai a lot.


The video of over an hour is over.

"I didn't expect that there would be such power in the world, well... I will also practice from tomorrow!"

The girl with green hair smiled and made up her mind.

At the same time, she also understood that this was the most important gift Amber gave herself.

It must never be shown to anyone.

Even Lord Tinari is like this.

Because it involves the other party's secrets.

Although Amber didn't mention it,... Ke Lai is not a fool, how could he not know the other party's intentions.

It's just that the demonic remnants in his body have been suppressed very well.

There won't be any loss of control.


The next day.

Amber woke up from her sleep.

She stretched herself, turned over and jumped off the vine bed.

"Hehe... I have to keep working hard in the new day, but I don't know what will happen when Kelai sees my letter..."

Girl combing her hair.

Weared a simple light makeup.

Originally Amber didn't know how to do this.

However, one day Lisa said...if you are in front of your sweetheart, you should be more delicate and beautiful.

Just an unintentional remark.

But it made Amber's heart mature a lot in an instant.

Because every time I meet the other person.

Always think of yourself as a child.

If you continue like this, you will gradually lose sight of yourself.

Ever since, Amber's appearance slowly moved towards Captain Qin.

Although still a little immature.

But now no one regards her as a girl.

But treat it like an adult.

" got up so early? Come and have some's breakfast is pie!"

"Okay, Brother Su Han..."

Amber came to the dinner table.

Many people have already gathered here.

Like Keli and others, they were drinking sweet pumpkin porridge and baked bread.

And condensing light and engraving clear light.

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