And those monsters are constantly changing their shapes.

Still unable to withstand the destructive power of Tianfeng Sword.

One after another they turned into dust and were destroyed.

And on the top of the mountain in the distance.

A figure is watching everything silently.

· ··Asking for flowers····· ····

As is everything.

Zhongli would observe for a long time before taking action.

And now it's the same style again.

"'s a pretty good's very fast. It's worthy of being the top magic weapon in the world. It has a different style from the sword-controlling skills taught by Su Han.

I feel like this kind of sword control will be even more powerful.

I wonder if I can get their tempering method..."

Zhongli saw it very clearly.

The power of heavenly fencing.

It is a flying sword made using a unique method.

The reason why it is powerful is because the magic weapon is powerful.

And not people.

People in this world are actually not very strong.

If there was no fencing that day.

Li Yingqi's strength is just that.

After the opponent has dealt with all enemies.

The master of Tianfeng Sword walked towards Dan Chenzi, unlike Duan Lei before.

She has judged that the other party is not dead.

He was just knocked unconscious.

But when Li Yingqi came close to call, something strange happened.

"Big Brother...Big Brother...Big Brother..."

A terrible evil energy emerged from the other party's forehead.

The Red Corpse God appears.

"Hehehehe... little one, you are the controller of Tianfeng Sword, right? Hehehehe... I am the Red Corpse God. That idiot Youquan always dislikes me for being a woman.

But what happened to women?

I still conquered Mount Emei with my own hands!

He is an idiot, and he is still cowering in the blood fountain... Hahahahahaha... You are mine, don't run away... Let me eat your soul.

Compared to Dan Chenzi, this waste.

Your soul is more delicious.

Ha ha ha ha..."


Li Yingqi's expression changed drastically.

Constantly wanting to retreat.

But the body didn't listen at all.

The strength of the Red Corpse Lord is comparable to that of Youquan.

It's just that one party is good at blood magic.

And she is suitable for controlling other people's spirits.

"Stop struggling...little girl, please give your master Changmeizhenren a try. Come here..."

Huge adsorption power.

Pulled Li Yingqi in front of the other party.

Just when the Red Corpse God Lord was plundering the opponent's soul.

A ray of light fell from the sky.

That clear and divine power.

The Red Corpse Lord suddenly screamed.

"Ouch...what the hell!!!"

Plenty of power.

She couldn't even maintain her shape, and Li Yingqi took the opportunity to escape.


The woman couldn't help being frightened and broke into a cold sweat.

He almost died himself.

She looked up to the sky.

I saw a man with extraordinary temperament slowly falling from above.

And that light is a sword in the opponent's hand.

"Thank you, senior, for saving your life..."

"That doesn't have to be the case, but I have one thing to ask of you."

"Can you let me read your Emei Sect's classics later?"


Li Yingqi was a little unhappy by this rude request.

But then I thought about it.

There is no one in Mount Emei anymore.

Why collect classics?

Just give it to the other person.

"Okay, then please ask this senior to destroy this devil. You can take the Emei classics as you like..."

It's urgent.

It's to deal with the devil.

Everything else takes a back seat.

This is Li Yingqi's decision.

And Xuanyuan Sword clicked lightly.

The sword energy instantly tore apart the Red Corpse Lord.


I'm sorry, Xuanyuan Sword is so terrifying that even Chi You's resurrection can't do it.

Chapter 396 Zhongli searches for the Emei Sword Sect, and the heavenly movement activates the Thunder Flame Sword

Brilliant sword energy.

Li Yingqi was frightened when he saw it.

Master Chang Mei Zhenren once said before that the twin swords of thunder are the most powerful weapons in the world.

However, the sword in the opponent's hand.

But it made her want to worship him.

Even a feeling of inviolability.

This smell is simply shocking.

Is it really a human weapon?

Li Yingqi has some doubts about life.

"This contract is completed, girl... where is the tome?"

"My senior brother..."

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