"Don't worry, his soul has just been eroded. With the Xuanyuan Sword, any evil spirit will be expelled. It takes about half a stick of incense to wake up."

"That's it, thank you senior..."

Li Yingqi quickly clasped his fists and saluted.

After all, there is such a powerful senior.

Then it would be easier to deal with the devil.

Zhongli smiled faintly and said, "No need...we each take what we need..."

The two people flew towards the Sutra-Tiding Pavilion above.

on the way.

Only then did he understand the current situation in the world.

Just as Su Han said.

The current Shushan world is very dangerous.

After the Kunlun Sect was captured by the devil, its spiritual energy was completely devoured.

And now it’s Mount Emei’s turn.

However, the devil Youquan is very smart and knows that the power of the righteous path "Six Five Seven" is now concentrated here.

So he failed.

He chose to dive into the Chiyou Blood Spring.

So, if the other party comes out now.

The strength will be so powerful that it will be a very scary thing.

The two people came to the main hall on the top of Emei Mountain.

This was originally the place where Master Changmei lived.

At this time, except for a Nanming Lihuo, there are no other treasures here.

Look at that thing.

Li Yingqi sighed silently.

She understood that her master's departure was definitely not an escape, but an attempt to find other ways.

Come and defeat that Old Demon of Youquan.

Li Yingqi took Zhongli to a secret room, pointed to the row of bookshelves and said, "This is our collection... You can take them all."

"Oh? Don't you need to leave a backup..."

"If you can't survive this calamity, what's the use of these books... If you can survive this calamity, the Patriarch can naturally send messages from the immortal world. Do you have these books or not?"

In fact, there is no difference.

Senior, just take them all. If you can help us defeat the old demon of Youquan, the flying sword on the mountain wall can also be taken away..."

As the only remaining high-level person in Mount Emei today.

Li Yingqi naturally has the authority to handle all matters.

What's the use of those flying swords left behind by our ancestors?

It's better to find a strong backer.

This is more practical to deal with the old demon Youquan.

And since the other party is coveting the ancient books of Mount Emei, then the other party will need their flying swords even more.

Sure enough, I heard what Li Yingqi said.

Zhongli showed a bright smile.

"Well, that's okay... I'll deal with the old demon of Youquan. After it's eradicated, the mountain in the distance filled with flying swords will be mine..."


Li Yingqi took the bait with his sword.

Suddenly he beamed with joy.

Now the master has left.

Dan Chenzi was injured.

Xuantian Sect died again.

This is simply the greatest good news.

After Zhongli collected all the books in the hall, he walked outside.

But at this moment, Dan Chenzi has returned to some normality.

However, his face was still a little pale.

Obviously the strength has dropped a lot.

"This senior is..."

"Zhongli is a senior from Liyue Mountain. Although I don't know where Liyue is,... the Red Corpse Lord possessing you was eradicated by him."

"That's it! Dan Chenzi, thank you, senior... It's all my fault for being so careless this time that I was invaded by an external demon... I'm really ashamed."

"Well... your sect is not weak in strength, but your character still needs to be tempered. Please note... you need to be strong to make iron. Even a small blade of grass may kill you..."

"Been taught a lesson!"

Dan Chenzi clasped his fists.

At this time, Li Yingqi asked: "Elder brother, how are you doing now? How many percent of your strength is left..."

"About 50%. That Red Corpse Lord devoured a lot of my essence and blood. I'm afraid it will be a little difficult to recover now!"

Dan Chenzi looked troubled.

Now fight that blood fiend.

It's simply impossible.

It's best to recover.

At this time, Zhongli looked down the mountain and said, "There seems to be a person hanging on that mountain wall... I find it interesting. Is he the master of the Thunder Sword?"

"Well, it's just that after reshaping the body... we haven't been able to master the Thunder Flame Sword yet! If we can combine the two swords, our strength will be greatly improved."

Suddenly she thought of something.

Li Yingqi asked Zhongli: "Senior, I wonder if you can help stimulate it? If you can activate that guy's Thunder Flame Sword.

Our chances of winning will be much better. "

"How to stimulate?"

Zhongli naturally didn't want to expose his full strength in this mission.

Therefore, it is good to increase one's own combat effectiveness.

Li Yingqi smiled and said: "As long as you give him some life-threatening danger, I feel that I can do it... Now the senior brother is recuperating. And my power is too familiar to him.

If it is a stranger.

I feel like it will have an unexpected effect..."

"So that's it...Okay, I understand...While I have time now, I'll go put some pressure on him."

Zhongli smiled lightly.

before going down.

He thought of something and turned around and asked: "There must be life-threatening pressure, right?"

"Yes, the pressure is reduced...I'm afraid it's not enough. I hope you won't be stingy with your power...give him more pressure. Thank you, senior..."


It’s hard to say it’s stressful.

Zhongli flew downwards.

Before he even got close, a golden light flashed in his eyes.

"The sky is moving..."


Huge meteorites fall from the sky.

It's over a thousand meters in diameter.

The criminals hanging upside down were dumbfounded, what the hell was going on.

How could a huge meteorite fly down in such a long time?

"I am Cao...Help...Hey...Is there anyone there? Please help me quickly..."

He kept trying to break free.

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