A carefree feeling.

It's really good.

"By the way, what do you think of this treasure? Is it helpful to you..."

"It's very big! And...continue to nourish my soul body. It is estimated that in another week, I will be able to rely on my soul body to go out like my sister."

But still can't break away from this green lotus.

It's hard to imagine where you got this kind of treasure.

Even in other worlds.

It is also something that will be fought over. "

You know she is a demon.

But this treasure can even nourish the soul of the devil.

Enough to know how terrifying the treasure is.

Su Han smiled and said: "As long as it helps you, if it recovers slowly, I will make elixirs for it..."

The effect of alchemy.

It is the power of this Qinglian.

Become one.

This makes lightning truly absorbed.

If there is a way to make the opponent recover, then there is no need to use this method of killing the goose that lays the egg.

"Hmm... Just keep this treasure. There is no need to make elixirs for me... By the way, how is Ying doing lately? How are you getting along with that doll..."

"Well... we quarrel a lot, it's much better than before, and I like to laugh..."

Su Han sat down and started to talk about some daily life in Lei's movies.

And their life together.

Hear interesting places.

Lei Deng smiled unkindly.

"She... was spoiled by me. She only knows how to practice martial arts all day long, and she doesn't understand the world at all. It's only thanks to you... that you know how to treat her well..."

"Ying is my wife after all. Who else can I pamper if I don't pamper her..."


The two talked about many topics.

Similar to what happened five hundred years ago.

A few are also mentioned.

"How were you killed back then? Was it by the power of the abyss..."

"Well, we Seven Gods were warned to go to Kanria. Who knows... that country has fallen into madness. In addition to the dark beasts, there are also a large number of machines.

The strength is comparable to the power of gods.

And because they are machines, they can also repair themselves... You also know my strength.

Far inferior to Shadow.

Even with the help of other gods.

In the end, there was no way to resist those monsters.

Unfortunately he was hit..."

Recall the beginning.

Rice Wife is still a master.

He was worried about his wife, so he lost his mind and was seriously injured.

The power of the abyss.

Make yourself unable to recover.

A series of blows followed.

If there had been a shadow, he would definitely not have died.

However, my sister is still guarding Inazuma Country.

Couldn't get away at all.

By the time my sister sensed something was wrong with her, it was already too late.

Su Han nodded and said: "Then after this resurrection, start practicing seriously. As for the affairs of your subordinates, just leave it to us. You can't be without the strength to protect yourself..."

"Okay, I will practice seriously. But... let me just be a salty fish for a while, hehe..."

Raiden Jin clasped his hands together.

Don't blame her for being a salty fish.

Just wanted to have some fun before the resurrection.

Su Han laughed out loud and said: "Okay... I'll let you have some fun again... But we have agreed to give Ying a surprise in a week."


Thunder and lightning nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Even a week is enough.

Su Han stayed for another hour.

Put down some books.

Then he left with satisfaction.

As for why Raiden Jin was not invited to join the chat group.

It's because she doesn't like fighting.

Moreover, entering will also allow the shadow to notice his sister's revival.

This makes it impossible to ride on the surprise effect.

After returning to Qunyu Pavilion.

Su Han took out the secret realm drawings and began to seriously transform them.

First of all, there is Qunyu Pavilion...as the habitat of Su Han and others.

This is naturally the highest point of the castle in the air.

Then there is the weather island.

Originally, Su Han wanted to release it outside.

Now that we have the treasure of the Secret Realm Blueprint, we can completely embed it into the Jade Pavilion.

Used as an edge island.

Not only that, it can also attract spiritual energy.

Increase the function of the island to breed various shellfish.

The Kunlun Mountains are in the north, and Mount Emei is in the south.

The east is the weather island.

The south is the entry exit.

Just perfect.

A large number of sunflowers are planted on the island.

Provides electricity and storage functions for the island.

The moonlight maple trees were transplanted by Su Han on islands and mountain peaks.

Breeding to this day.

The Moonlight Maple trees are getting bigger and bigger.

The effect is also very gratifying.

After several immortals practiced.

All said their strength had improved.

Immortals like to be quiet now when transplanting.

Especially Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun also asked for a hot spring. Su Han would naturally satisfy such a small request.

Finally, the three immortals moved to Mount Emei.

In Kunlun Mountain, there are two yakshas, ​​Mandrill and Fushe.

Qunyu Pavilion has once again become a training ground for Su Han and others.

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