After modifications in the secret realm.

This huge secret realm.

Hidden in the sky, it has become a more suitable holy place for cultivation.

After finishing all this.

News came from Ningguang.

Because of the refresh of the points mall.

He hasn't watched it yet.

Now invite him over to discuss what he needs to buy for the next points.

There is also the distribution of treasures in the future.

A lot of things pile up.

It can't be done without him.

Come to the conference room.

Except for a few immortals and the devil no longer.

They have all gathered.

Chapter 405 The terrifying treasures in the Points Mall, the Longyuan Seven-Star Sword and the Immortal-Slaying Flying Knife

It was already night.

Previously, places such as Qunyu Pavilion and Kunlun Mountain were turned into secret realms.

It consumes a lot of time.

Therefore, the meeting started at the right time for dinner.

Ning Guang watched Su Han arrive and said, "Let's take a look... There are quite a lot of rewards this time. Although the special offers haven't been refreshed yet... they are the latest treasures.

It seems a bit ridiculous. "


Su Han sat down and accepted the food sent by the servant.

Start checking the points mall~refreshed treasures this time.

Promoted to Level 3 - After the All Heavens Mission Group.

The types of treasures have also begun to increase.

First of all, it is a first-level treasure.

There are three things that Su Han thinks are good.

[Bollfly Green Spiritual Food]: The spiritual food in a certain world is rich in a variety of spiritual energy and is easy to cultivate as a compound food.

[Introduction]: A treasure from a certain fairy world. Planting is very common. If you take it for a long time, you will become strong even if you don’t become a strong person.

[Remarks]: It requires some spiritual energy to maintain, but...when growing, it will also absorb the moonlight at night and release spiritual energy.

[Tip]: Can be planted anywhere

[Quantity]: 100,000

[Price]: 20,000 points

[Restrictions]: First-level group members

[Remaining time]: Thirteen days and eleven hours

[Qingluan Maple]: A very common tree with spiritual roots in a certain world

[Introduction]: A treasure from a certain fairy world, a very cheap treasure that has the power to change the environment.

[Remarks]: It cannot grow on the sea, but no matter how harsh the place is, it can slowly change the environment.

[Tip]: A very magical tree that can change the environment as long as there is water

[Quantity]: 50,000

[Price]: 20,000 points

[Restrictions]: First-level group members

[Remaining time]: Thirteen days and eleven hours

Looking at the first-level treasure.

Su Han said to Ningguang: "Let's exchange these two things directly. At present...spiritual food and maple trees must be dispersed. I think many places in Liyue need such trees..."

"Yes, we were discussing just now. For example... Inazuma's Crane View, Qinglai Island, Mondstadt's Running Wolf Territory, and Wind Dragon Ruins all need to be changed..."

Gan Yu as secretary.

Project the map.

Except Liyue needs this thing.

There are also demands from other places.

Just not that much.

Liyue is a mountainous and rocky area.

Even if Su Han used the Gravity Fruit to level it.

Crops cannot be grown in barren areas.

And there are bare mountain walls and plains.

Nor can the people live.

But have the treasure of a maple tree.

But you can slowly change the environment.

That's a great thing.

Su Han nodded and said: "Then exchange it immediately and let the secretary team discuss a very good place!"


Ning Guang exchanged the seeds.

Gan Yu conveyed the problem.

As for the issue of spiritual food.

It will be catalyzed by the elf.

Grow the seeds slowly.

Until the production capacity is completely expanded.

Then face the people.

Currently, Sugar has taken Su Han's orders.

Gather the elves and get to work.

Because there are weather islands and Kunlun and other places.

The secret realm can also be used as a food cultivation base.

Then Su Han looked at the second type of treasure.

There are a few nice things in there too.


[Small Spiritual Vein Mine]: A spiritual vein mine from a certain world. It has a lot of spiritual energy and is a very precious treasure.

[Introduction]: As the name suggests, the spiritual vein mine is a spiritual vein. It has not yet formed a mineral vein. If it is placed underground, it will slowly evolve into a mineral vein.

[Range]: One hundred kilometers, the range can be customized

[Price]: 100,000 points

[Restrictions]: Level 2 group members

[Remaining time]: Thirteen days and eleven hours...


[Basics·Foundation-Building Technique]: An introductory spell in the Shushan world. After systematic improvements, it allows people to quickly absorb spiritual energy and build foundations.

[Remarks]: After foundation building, spiritual veins will be formed in the body, so people without the Eye of God can also use elemental power.

[Tip]: And everyone can build a foundation, but...if someone is more talented, the speed of foundation building will be faster.

[Tip]: After building the foundation, the strength will be significantly improved. If you use martial arts, the power will be greatly improved.

[Price]: 100,000 points

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