[Restrictions]: Level 2 group members

[Remaining time]: Thirteen days and eleven hours...


[Martial Arts Trial Ground Small Secret Realm]: This is a small secret realm that can accommodate up to 10,000 people. It is a type of magic weapon.

[Remarks]: There won’t be much spiritual energy in this secret area, but gravity and customized enemies can be adjusted.

[Tip]: As a martial arts training ground, it has healing effects. If you are injured, you can be cured directly.

[Special]: Can be placed anywhere, with built-in defensive barrier

[Price]: 100,000 points

[Restrictions]: Level 2 group members

[Remaining time]: Thirteen days and eleven hours...

Within the second-level treasures.

These three are the most special.

As for the other treasures, Su Han looked at them and saw that they were of no use.

It will not be exchanged for the time being.

After all, a level 2 treasure requires 100,000 points.

Even though he now has more than one million points.

Still don’t want to waste it.

Captain Qin looked at the selected treasures, nodded and said: "We are also interested in these... The current martial arts training ground has been decided to be placed in the undersea city after discussion.

how do you feel? "

The underwater world extends in all directions.

From now on, we will go directly to Liyue and Dao Wife.

Although it is not possible to reach Mondstadt for the time being.

But it can link two countries.

It's already very good.

Yae Shenzi said: "This can also bring considerable benefits to the underwater city... Not only can it stimulate the economy, it can also build this place into a martial arts capital."

"Okay...this method is good."

Su Han nodded.

The proposal was perfect.

No need to replenish it yourself.

Lisa looked at the foundation-building technique and said: "We discussed this technique, and the result is that we cannot let it go at will, otherwise we will fall into the Winter Kingdom.

The consequences would be disastrous..."

There has been an experience of Inazuma's sword-forging skills being stolen in the past.

Therefore, even if this skill is the most common, it must be managed.

Su Han suggested: "Since this is common in our army, as for those big families, they must also ensure that no information is spread to outsiders and make a contract that no secrets can be leaked."


"Su Han, where do you think it's better to place that small spiritual vein mine?"

"Just Liyue... I know you will feel a little biased, but... I plan to completely bulldoze the area near Jueyunjian and turn it into a plain.

And the spiritual veins are placed here!

Build a third city here. "

Su Han is also extremely heroic.

This is the foundation of having money.

At the same time, it is also a barrier.

You can't just let it go.

Therefore, Su Han planned to build a third city in Liyue.

· ··Asking for flowers····· ····

In the future, the focus will be moved inside.

Yae Shenzi shook his head and said: "We don't think we are partial. Since you think so, you must have weighed it..."

Everyone also nodded.

Then the distribution of secondary treasures.

It's already been determined.

Next, everyone looked at the third-level treasure.

Although I understand that it cannot be redeemed for the time being.

However, it’s good to take a look at it now to satisfy your eye cravings.


[Falling Heart Flame]: A strange treasure from a certain fire fighting world

[Introduction]: Has a unique effect that can speed up cultivation.

[Special]: Once you successfully refine this strange fire, a strange flame will be born in your body, which will continue to burn your own power, equivalent to a hammer constantly tempering it.

[Remarks]: The flame will not destroy the body, please rest assured.

[Price]: Five million points

[Restrictions]: Level 3 group members

[Remaining time]: Thirteen days and eleven hours...


[Buddhist Golden Body Technique]: It is a powerful magic practiced by Fa Hai in the world of White Snake Legend.

[Tip]: This spell has the effect of suppressing evil spirits and being invulnerable to all means. If you practice to the peak, you can achieve an immortal golden body and cross the sea of ​​suffering and hell.

...... ....... 0

[Remarks]: Only people with a righteous heart can practice, and they must practice pure Buddhism.

[Special]: Belongs to the four secret methods of Buddhism

[Analysis]: Once when Ksitigarbha went to the underworld, he relied on the art of golden body to cross the eighteen levels of hell, ignoring the red lotus fire.

[Price]: Five million points

[Restrictions]: Level 3 group members

[Remaining time]: Thirteen days and eleven hours...


[Longyuan Seven Star Sword·Jueyun]: Originated from the Seven Evil Swords in the ancient sword world, it is the number one peerless evil sword.

[Attribute]: Water

[Grade]: Demon Sword (equivalent to Immortal Grade)

[Remarks]: You must have enough willpower to control this sword, otherwise you will be completely swallowed up by the evil spirit inside and become a slave of the sword.

[Analysis]: The Jueyun Sword contains powerful evil spirits. Even the Emperor of Heaven was alarmed when the sword was struck, and was eventually sealed deep underground.

[Special]: If the power of this sword can be suppressed, it will become a powerful aid.

[Price]: Five million points

[Restrictions]: Level 3 group members

[Remaining time]: Thirteen days and eleven hours...

Third-grade goods.

Currently there are only these three.

no doubt.

Everything is shocking.

The terrifying nature of Long Yuan's Seven Star Sword also shocked everyone.

Such a magic sword.

It is not something that can be controlled by ordinary people.

As for the fourth level treasures.

For now there is only one.

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