The shadow in his heart gradually dissipated.


Maybe the whole prehistoric world is broken.

I'm afraid of a hammer.

Anyway, there are mission groups in the heavens.

If you look back and practice for a long time, you will definitely be able to transcend that world.

That night, Su Han slept very soundly.

Group members expand.

Three gods gathered together.

It will be easier to do tasks in the future.

What about five-star missions?

With Zhongli and others here, this is nothing.

Early the next morning.

Propaganda began everywhere.

The emergence of new food products immediately caused a craze.

"Is this true?"

"Spiritual food, you can become stronger after eating it."

"Didn't you see the seals of the three gods on it? There is also the seal of Lord Su Han. This must be true..."

"There's a lot of news today. The creation of a new city..."

"All the immortals in the original Jueyunjian have left. Lord Su Han wants to change it to a city. It would be great... I heard that there is still spiritual energy. I am really envious..."

"Yes, now we in Liyue are getting stronger and stronger..."

People were talking a lot.

Whether it’s spiritual food or a new city.

All very attractive.

Of course, the thing about the arena.

It also shocked many warriors.

Because this place appears.

From now on, everyone can gather there to fight.

It's a kind of place for discussion.

I heard that if you have enough points, you can redeem them for martial arts and the like.

Let's imagine.

Able to obtain martial arts skills taught by Su Han and others.

That's not covered.

The news this morning revealed a lot.

The second video shot urgently is also eye-catching.

This is the second segment of the Fairy Mountain movie.

Announced at the end of the morning news.

"You want to break off the engagement?"

"So what!!! The person I like now has the Eye of God, and you... are just a waste, I'm sorry..."

"Thirty years in the east of Hedong and thirty years in the west of Hexi! Don't bully young people into poverty...Sooner or later I will return as an immortal..."

This is a line that transcends its time.

It directly detonated the voices of countless men.

"I this really a movie? I really want to see it..."

"Yes, thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, aren't we the ones you are talking about..."

"I'm really looking forward to this movie..."

People discuss with each other.

During this day, the topics basically continued without interruption.

Arecino was completely dumbfounded now.

What is going on in Liyue?

The wind changes from day to day.

The same goes for revelations.

But... the more this happened, the more her curiosity about Su Han continued to deepen.

While dining at Arecino.

A figure caught her eye...

The other party has silver-white hair.

The figure is curvy.

And that figure gave her an infinite sense of familiarity.

Arecino trembled.

"Is she...really not dead?"

Because he knew that the people around Su Han had super powers of perception, the executive did not chase after him, nor did he dare to stare.

He didn't even dare to take a second look.

But, she was sure.

Someone just passing by.

Definitely Rosalyn! ! !

Ladies in the Executive.

Rosalind Kreuzica Loefaat.

Except her.

No one else has this face.

Although it's just a back view.

However, when the other party is moving around.

No one dared to get close.

They may even avoid it subconsciously.

Obviously, this woman's identity is very noble.

In the intelligence collected by the Fools before.

In Liyue Port.

There are absolutely zero people with such status.

Have such an identity.

The strength is pretty good.

A woman with a terrible identity.

There's probably only... Rosalind Kruzhika Loefat, right?

Arecino took a deep breath.

Calm your inner turmoil.

In this city, she didn't dare to be presumptuous.

Because, there is Xuanyuan Holy Sword here.

Whenever there is a slight movement.

That sword will release sword energy to penetrate itself.


Weather on the island.

Countless elves are catalyzing the spiritual food.

After a night of development.

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