These grains are ripe.

However, the elves are also tired.

Six batches of elves have gone to rest.

Sugar looked at the heavy fruits and immediately called for people to collect them.

"Try not to drop too many seeds. These are precious treasures. Once they become normal, you won't have to be so careful..."


The soldiers collected all the spiritual food.

It weighs almost tens of thousands of kilograms.

The first batch of food was delivered to Su Han and others.

It's a brand new breakfast.

Regardless of how long it takes, the fruit turns green, actually when eating.

These things are still white.

5.4 is like bread and steamed buns.

There is no difference.

It can even be cooked into rice porridge.

Xiangling said with a smile: "Come and try it. How does it work?"

"Okay...let's try a new variety today!"

A mouthful of rice porridge.

Su Han and others looked shocked.

Because there is a lot of spiritual energy contained in this food.

This sip absorbs spiritual energy for almost five minutes.

If it is taken by ordinary people.

It will definitely become stronger if you take it for a long time.

Ning Guang stared at the dumplings on the plate and said in surprise: "This thing is a treasure... It must not be sold privately! If it is obtained by other countries.

Even a seed.

It will have a big impact..."

"Well, that's right, so let's control the food for the time being... When we have a certain level of strength, we will spread the sales of this kind of thing."

"But how to restrict it? We can't let people eat nothing..."

"Then buy according to your ID card. You can only buy it per day, and... give priority to military families, and then slowly open it up. If you are someone who has contributed to Liyue.

Food is also available.

But it must be inactivated and regenerated food cannot be grown..."


Sugar means understanding.

This food is a treasure.

It must not be leaked.

Chapter 407: The clingy Ruotuo Dragon King, Ruoruo: sabotage? Then I am the best at it!

"Let's use it to replace food in the future, Xiangling...has master sent it over?"

"Yeah, they've all been sent over. But Granu said that grain breeding is now a priority, so I only sent Liang for one day..."

"Well, that's the priority. As for the elves, if they are too tired, let those with grass-type God's Eye abilities come over!"


Just let the elves catalyze it.

It's so tiring.

Therefore, grass-type God's Eye ability users.

Now I often join the catalytic army.

Don't look at this job as boring.

But in fact, people who want to work for Su Han.

There are a lot of people there.

Basically, now post a task.

Dozens of grass-type God’s Eye people came to sign up to help.

At the same time, such catalytic tasks.

The price is also very expensive.

Almost five thousand molas at a time.

Fifty times the price of ordinary workers.

Now that prices are rising in Liyue, who doesn’t want to earn more molas?

These are arranged.

Su Han went to the undersea city.

Nowadays, the construction here is getting better and better, with houses...streets...lights...facilities all available.

At the same time, he also released the small secret realm of the martial arts training ground.

This is not a real secret.

So the space it occupies is almost the size of an arena.

Contains the universe.

It is as big as Liyue Port.

Therefore, it can accommodate many people to compete and train inside.

"The tickets are cheaper. It costs about one hundred moras to use the primary training room."

"Five Hundred Mora uses the intermediate training room."

"Qian Mora uses the advanced training room."

12 "We need to implement the points system. If we have points, we can offset Mora... so that soldiers can come to practice!"

Baiwen recorded all Su Han's instructions one by one.

These regulations will be implemented soon.

Because the underwater city will be operational soon.

During this period, Su Han also entered and tried practicing.

Compared to the secret realm of Qun Yu Pavilion.

It's somewhat barren here.

The spiritual energy was directly weakened by a hundred times.

But even's better than outside.

After Su Han and others left.

Some soldiers entered it to practice.

The gravity of an ordinary training room is one to five times.

Under strong gravity.

It directly made it difficult for the soldiers to move.

This is much scarier than practicing with heavy weights.

"Ha... I didn't expect that just an ordinary training room could be so scary..."

"Who said we are just ordinary people? If we want to use a high-end training room, we don't have that much strength!"

"Stop talking... We only have enough points to practice for three days, so we must cherish our time!"


These soldiers were the ones who resisted the Abyss before.

The practice of domineering is only the beginning.

Therefore, this can be consumed.

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