If other people want to come, it will cost money.

Moreover, it is now in the urban construction stage and ordinary people cannot use it if they want to.

They were the first to use it.

But he said that Su Han had just flown out of the undersea city.

I met Ruoruo who was wandering around.

The other party's eyes lit up when he saw him.

Flying over directly.

"Where are you going? I want to play with you..."

For this Dragon King.

Su Han really had nothing to do with her.

Several playmates have been arranged for her.

Just not satisfied.

I stick to him every day.

"I have to go to work... I guess I won't be able to go home until evening today. How about we play games together in the evening?"

"No, I want to follow you..."

Ruoruo tugged at the corner of his clothes.

He looks like he is following you.

Ke Qing next to her said with a smile: "Why don't we take her with us... Anyway, I may need her help for the afternoon work."

"Huh? What are you going to do this afternoon..."

Hear that you need help yourself.

Ruoruo's eyes also lit up.

Don't look at her smaller body now.

But, it's not that naive.

I still hope to be able to help Su Han.

"We previously discussed building a new city in Jueyunjian, but... you also understand that Jueyunjian is surrounded by mountains. They need to be completely leveled.

Otherwise, cities simply cannot be built.

And the afternoon's work...

I'll probably spend it all there. "

"So that's it, then why don't you come to me... It's just bringing down mountains. I'm the best at this."

Ruoruo said with a proud face.

She was already fighting.

Also be careful not to knock down the mountains.

It's just too much trouble.

Now let yourself destroy it. Wouldn’t that be relaxing and enjoyable?

Su Han was stunned when he heard this, and couldn't help but ask: "Can you do it without your body coming out?"

"Ang...the body is sleeping inside, I can use the power inside. Let me tell you secretly...the cracks that were broken before can now be extracted by me.

Hehe... Even though the physical body is locked inside.

But I can also use moves..."

"It'll be okay..."

Su Han was afraid that she would show off her strength.

So, not very happy.

As a result, Ruoruo said angrily: "Humph, how could I be so stupid as to get myself hurt? If you don't like my help, just go do the work yourself...

I am leaving..."

Look at the little loli looking angry.

Su Han quickly took her little hand, put on a smile and said: "Aren't I afraid that you will get hurt? If you can help, I will be very happy..."


"Of course, have I lied to you?"

"That's not true, okay... let's go. But before leaving, you have to give me a lollipop... as compensation."


So, Su Han coaxed Ruoruo with ten chocolate lollipops.

have to say.

Lolita is simply killing lolita.

Go back and directly increase production.

Originally, Su Han planned to go to Xianji Mountain to supervise the filming.

Ruoruo come here now.

I plan to change my itinerary.

A big guy can help.

Don't go directly to the construction site.

Su Han and Ke Qing took Ruoruo and flew towards Jueyunjian.

He is on the left.

Qingqing is on the right.

And Ruoruo is in the middle.

At first glance, it feels like a family.

Seems pretty good.

Noticed his strange look.

Keqing blinked in confusion.

Until you see the other party's signal.

Instantly, her little face was stained with a blush.

Ke Qing pouted her mouth and glared at Su Han fiercely.

But this look.

But it doesn't have any lethality.

Instead, it gave Su Han a coquettish and angry feeling.

Such a lovely carved master.

This was his first time seeing it.

As a result, Su Han stretched out his hand towards the other party, and their fingers collided.

Such contact.

Let Ke Qing tremble like an electric shock.

Look at each other's appearance.

Su Han felt that there was a high probability that there was no chance.

After all, Master Ke is so thin-skinned that he would agree to hold hands directly like this.

As a result, he didn't expect that he was about to withdraw his palm.

Those slender jade fingers.

He actually knocked his hand directly.

"If you want to catch it, don't back down...you idiot..."

Keqing didn't dare to look at him.

But that trembling voice showed his thoughts.

She has always had her own rules of conduct.




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