The combat effectiveness becomes more exaggerated.

"bring it on..."

Beidou chose to enter the fortieth floor.

Just like what Su Han said.

There was no light at this level. When Beidou just arrived, a huge snake's tail swung over.



Not even much pussy.

This blow directly shook the nearby ground to roar.

"Hehe... It's really interesting. It's a monster on the 40th floor. The pressure it gives you is pretty good..."

Hokuto dodged the attack.

The battle started directly.

What about the Black Water Black Snake?

She is the Thunder Emperor.

Thunder and lightning raged.

A sword slash.

The terrifying sword energy.

With infinite power, it landed on the Black Water Black Snake.

The huge impact directly sent the strange snake flying backwards.

Seemingly unscathed, the giant snake swung its tail to attack.

Beidou's face was a little gloomy.

He did not break through the opponent's defense.

It is indeed a monster in the fairy world.

Far stronger than that ninja.

"But...that's what makes it interesting! The Thunder Emperor Sword..."

Beidou roared angrily.

The soul sword is activated.

And she herself started to rush over with the attack of the sword body.

Black Water Black Snake noticed her movements.

A direct flick attack.

Beidou saw the attack plan in advance and struck out with a sword while dodging. This sword she used was the flying sword obtained by Shushan.

Sword energy and sword body.

It turned directly into a twisted thunder snake.

Directly causing a deep scratch on the monster's skin.

However, this injury angered the Black Water Black Snake.

The surrounding water.

It boiled with the twisting of the strange snake.

Countless water columns.

It turned into dense tentacles and moved towards Beidou to encircle and suppress them.

"What a beautiful thought...this water is your weakness!!"

Beidou's body flashed.

Leaving behind a trail of afterimages.

He raised his fingers together and slashed again.

The power of the power grid impacted the water column, and a large amount of thunder followed the water surface and struck towards the Blackwater Black Snake.

Water can generate electricity.

This is common sense.

The aura of the Black Water Black Snake is in the water.

This actually creates a favorable location for Beidou.

Within the Zhutian mission group.

Watching Beidou separated and fighting fiercely.

General Raiden: "Her fighting style has not changed much. Her moves look powerful but actually cause very little damage to the enemy.

A waste of power.

The ultimate in martial arts.

It's simple. If you gather your strength, you can break this snake with one strike of the lightning sword..."

Zhongli: "It's true... The enemy's body is huge. You shouldn't be fooled by the size in front of you. Compressing strength is the last word to defeat him."

Wendy: "Well, what you said is right... However, I don't think this Beidou is someone who can be defeated easily. I guess you can notice it after a while, right?"

Sanshen's evaluation is very pertinent.

It is a very unwise choice to compete with the Black Water Black Snake for physical strength.

This is equivalent to comparing your physical strength with the beast.

If you surpass the opponent by a lot, that's fine.

If the strengths of both sides are similar.

Then, Beidou will always suffer.

ten minutes later.

as expected.

Although Beidou caused a lot of damage to the Black Water Black Snake.

Even blood stains covered the water.

But the opponent's firepower did not decrease.

The attack frequency is still maintained.

" that so? I almost went astray...what kind of magic, magic...the essence is to kill people..."

"How could I make such a stupid mistake?"

After being swatted away by the Black Water Black Snake.

Beidou finally woke up.

She looked at the strange snake rushing toward her, with a smile on her face.

Feijian is right.

Lei Di is not wrong either.

What's wrong is the way you fight.

The core in the body is constantly surging.

A touch of golden light.

Lights up at Beidou's fingertips.

She had gathered all the remaining strength together.

Condensed power.

Contains all the mysteries of Beidou.

The Black Water Black Snake flew towards me.

Beidou's body flashed.

While dodging the strange snake.

The Thunder Emperor Sword in his hand turned into reality and was aimed at the enemy's weak point.

A fierce slash.

The sword energy penetrated into the body.

The golden sword energy echoes with the purple thunder.

· ··Asking for flowers····· ····

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