
The Blackwater Black Snake fell down in pain and moved away.

No bleeding though.

However, the damage it suffered was fatal.

Because there are countless sword energy in the body tearing its flesh apart.

five minutes later.

Beidou received the message of victory.

[Congratulations on killing the 40th floor BOSS, the Black Water Black Snake in the Land of the Dead...reward: ten drops of Black Water Black Snake blood essence. 】

[Black Water Black Snake Essence and Blood: Concentrates the life essence of this monster. It can be used to make elixirs, swallow them directly, or refine weapons...]

The battle is over.

Beidou did not go to the next floor immediately, but kept calming his breathing.

Take medications at the same time.

Quickly recover the power you have consumed.

The rewards this time are very good.

The essence and blood of the black water black snake.

If you make alchemy.

Almost ten pills can be made.

"I just don't know how powerful the Moon Worshiping Cult Master is. I hope... it won't be a scene that makes me despair..."

Beidou rested for about fifteen minutes before continuing on his journey.

Start from the 41st floor.

The number of monsters began to decrease significantly.

However, the combat power has skyrocketed, and many of them are monsters Beidou has never seen before.

...... ....... 0

Normal combat and normal recovery.

Such an intense scene.

It makes many people in the group yearn for it.

For example, Diluc, Kaia and others continue to improve their strength.

And this spiral tower.

It definitely gave them a chance.

However, those 30,000 points are expensive enough.

Insufficient strength, or not enough power.

It's no use going there.

Keep going.

When Beidou kills all the enemies on the 49th floor.

Everyone was very tired.

A battle that lasted several hours.

It is a training for the spirit.

"Finally we have to face the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult... Let me see the power of this strong man..."

When Beidou is almost recovered.

Then he entered the fiftieth floor.

I saw a man in black, sitting cross-legged on a mountain, sensing the enemy's arrival.

The other party slowly opened his eyes.

"Is there another person who is here to die? And he is also a person who is not full of energy... boring..."

Watching the Moon Worshiping Cult Leader wake up.

Hokuto transformed into a thunderbolt and wanted to imitate the move that defeated Deidara.

Kill the opponent directly.

As a result, when her body was just halfway forward, a monster flew out of the lake.

The stormy waves directly blocked Beidou.

In the flowing water curtain.

Stained with traces of blood.

Beidou is injured! ! !

"So fast..."

Her pupils shrank suddenly, and there was already a lot of blood on her arms.

There was even a feeling of numbness.

Apparently when the monster attacked him, it added some kind of poison.

However, Beidou also got an answer after this test.

The monster that attacked him was definitely not a water monster.

A monster that can bring disaster to the world.

It is very simple to kill yourself.

Because according to Su Han's description.

The power of the Water Monster should be equivalent to that of the Whirlpool Demon God.

However, this monster is not so powerful.

"However, without the power of the devil, I can't fight... This poison is so powerful! What a desperate BOSS..."

Beidou's body was shaky.

In the end, the monster penetrated his body.

The trial is over.

Beidou appeared in front of everyone mentally exhausted.

His body was unscathed.

I saw her smiling slightly at everyone.

The body fell down involuntarily.

Because this battle is really tiring.

Chapter 411 Beidou’s fiery and sincere heart, the thirty-first five-star mission is refreshed

It is late at night now.

Beidou was sent to the next door by Su Han, although his body would not die.

But this high-intensity mental battle.

It's also tiring enough.

He came here to take out some previously stored soul crystals, fuse them with the essence and blood of the Black Water Black Snake, and restore some of Beidou's body.

have to say.

The Zhutian chat group is really amazing.

Death within is not really death.

However, the exercised body will be substantially reflected on the body.

Anyway, the two of them had already met each other frankly.

Apply medicine to Beidou.

It’s nothing.

Almost half an hour later.

Su Han looked at Beidou, who was still unfamiliar with him, and frowned in confusion. Could it be that... after being killed inside, his body would be so tired?

It doesn’t feel like that.

He continued to take out a piece of soul crystal.

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