Integrate it into Beidou's body.

Fingers on the other person's smooth back.

Rub slowly.

Until Su Han saw Beidou's earlobes turning red.

Only then did I understand.

The other party has been pretending to sleep.

He smiled evilly.

The strength of the fingers gradually became lighter, and they continued to slide downwards.

As a result, Beidou remained motionless.

When Su Han saw the other party like this, he slapped him directly and said jokingly: "Okay... don't pretend to be asleep..."

"You stupid "670" egg..."

Beidou stood up.

Riding directly on him.

His eyes were full of anger.

You gave yourself a chance, why doesn't this fool understand?

It was obvious that he just wanted to tease himself.

However, before Beidou could react, the two of them arrived on the sea.

It was extremely quiet.

Except for the waves.

There was only this page in front of them.

Under the gentle moonlight.

Su Han brought a bottle of wine to the other party and said with a smile, "Would you like a drink?"

" can't drink. If you didn't seize the opportunity I gave you just now, you won't be able to find such opportunities in the future..."

"You, how could I do it at that time? How many people are there in Qunyu Pavilion..."

He understood what Beidou meant.

People have had feelings for me before.

The few times I tried to get myself drunk were the same things I thought about.

Today, Beidou also took advantage of his weakness to give Su Han a chance to make the relationship between the two people go further.

After all, it's always stuck there.

It's also quite embarrassing.

She's not the love brain.

That little daughter attitude.

Beidou can't do it either.

For example, Ayaka Kamisato knows how to knit a pair of shoes and socks for Su Han.

As for Shen He, he can use affectionate eyes.

Follow Su Han.

There is no need to say more about General Thunder.

His identity, status... and appearance are all among the best in the world.

As for myself, I was just a captain before.

He also often likes to drink.

I have been hanging out with my brothers for a long time, and I don’t even know how to please others.

All you can give is a sincere heart.

If I were to say how I was attracted to Su Han, it would probably be those heroic performances.

Can catch one's own sword moves from the opponent.

Later, I continued to prove myself.

Only a man stronger than Beidou can conquer this fierce horse.

She even announced it herself.

Find your own conditions for your partner.

Now, being able to do this really attracts Beidou.

There was only Su Han.

From her choice to abandon the captain.

It is enough to prove your intention.

"Hmph... So what's the matter? When others eat you, I don't think anyone objects... What are you afraid of? Is it embarrassing for me to follow you..."

Heard Su Han's words.

Beidou couldn't help but feel a little sad.

I felt inexplicably uncomfortable inside.

As a result, an arm hugged him.

"I just don't want to possess you so easily. I have said before that the Beidou I like is a heroic sea empress, even though you have lost the Southern Cross fleet.

However, I promise you to build the strongest navy.

And I brought it here to give you a surprise. "


Beidou is still wondering.

But he saw light shining in the distance.

A fleet of ships.

Slowly drive from Daozhu to Liyue.

There are almost a hundred ships.

Each one has the size of a Death Star.

It is equipped with the most powerful elemental cannon.

There is also the latest defensive barrier.

This kind of fleet can be called a giant on the sea.

"Is this...our fleet?"

Beidou was stunned.

She didn't expect that.

Su Han's men already have such a powerful fleet.

It is no exaggeration to say that so many ships can sweep the entire world.

"You... squat down for me, please pay attention to your clothes. Although this boat has a barrier, I don't want you to be exposed to the air..."

"Pfft... If I had known you would bring me clothes like this, I like jealous men."

Beidou couldn't help but laugh.

The other party is so nervous about himself.

It shows that you still have yourself in your heart.

So, she sat down cross-legged and said boldly: "Okay... But even if I become an admiral of the navy, I won't be here very often... Thank you for your kindness."

The two of them exchanged cups.

Talking about some things from the past.

Slowly as time passes.

Two people sleep together.

That last step didn't happen though.

However, both parties have expressed their feelings.

The next day.

Su Han was awakened by the cold sea water.

News from the All Heavens mission group.

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