They are all piled up.

Because today is the time for task refresh.

That is the thirty-first mission.

Without him, the group would naturally become anxious.

Beidou is comforting everyone.

Yesterday, the two of them drank more and more.

They even had a drink.

Now, she has been apologizing for half an hour.

"What's going on... Damn, why did you throw me into the sea..."

Su Han floated on the water.

A head full of black lines.

If I had known, I would have eaten this woman yesterday.

Good guy, throw yourself into the water early in the morning.

Is there such a thing?

Beidou was wearing a blanket and pointed to the top of his head and said: "Master, let's look at the top of our head. It's almost eleven o'clock... This mission is the thirty-first.

At the same time, special offers will also be refreshed.

You won't forget it, right? "

"Oh...that's it."

Su Han smiled awkwardly.

A few minutes later.

The two returned to the bedroom of Qunyu Pavilion.

After a simple rinse.

Then came to the garden.

I saw that Wendy and General Thunder had been waiting for a long time.

"Su Han, you're here... Haha, I can't wait any longer, hurry up... the mission will be refreshed in a while, why don't I ask you to find it?"

See him coming.

Wendy went straight into flattering mode.

Just pull out a chair for him.

And made a nice cup of tea.

General Thunder and others were speechless.

Good guy.

If you don't know someone.

Can you believe this is a god?

Su Han smiled and said: "Okay brother... let's take a look at the mission. If it is a five-star mission, you must go... If it is a four-star difficult mission...

Let’s give it to Kujo Sora and others..."

Everyone wants to improve their level.

After all, there are too many benefits to being a third-level group member.

You can get points for signing in.

You can also go to the Spiral Tower of the Heavens.

Most of the treasures Beidou obtained yesterday have been put into the treasure house, and the Feijian was built with the essence and blood of the Black Water Black Snake for Totosai.

It is estimated that the strength will be improved to a higher level.

Even if the strength is not as good as Tianfeng Sword and Thunder Flame Sword.

If fed for a long time.

Sooner or later it will surpass that weapon.

Wendy said with a smile: "Okay...let the low-level tasks to others, the high-level tasks...I will go!!! I will also let you see the power of me, Barbatos..."

Mond and Liyue.

But it’s a place where the gods have never been changed.

If you really underestimate Wendy.

Then it must be you who dies.

Although his strength seems to be very weak, according to Zhongli's description, during the war in Kanria.

The opponent's explosive power.

Can easily destroy a mountain.

Weak strength now.

That's because he hasn't returned to his peak yet.

General Thunder shook his head and said: "I also want to do a mission. If you can exchange some resurrection materials for my sister, let me go... okay?"

"Well, okay...see the description of the mission for details? Sometimes you can form a team..."

Naturally, Su Han would not reject his little wife.

Moreover, he also wanted to see it.

The true power of General Raiden.

How terrifying.

Everyone was chatting.

The thirty-first mission has finally been refreshed.

[Ding... It has been detected that the mission cooldown time has expired, and the five-star mission has been released! 】

[Mission]: Defeat the real controller of the Source Palace, the demon-level monster Sakura Dragon, and purify the entire Source Palace

[Difficulty]: Five stars

[Countdown]: one hour

[Description]: Originally Sakuraryu was a defeated demon from the east, and later arrived at the Source Palace near Ashina Country, thus occupying this fairyland.

The body is a demonic cherry tree cultivated in a secret realm

[Reminder]: In this mission, the enemy will absorb the power of the Palace of Source 5.4, and its strength will continue to increase. At the same time... even if it kills the Sakura Dragon Demon, it is still a difficult problem to purify.

[Tip]: Sakura Dragon came after defeat, destroyed the immortal gods near Ashina Kingdom, and occupied this fairyland. The entire earth was polluted because of its power.

People became possessed and became slaves of Sakura Dragon

Some people even become puppets of insects

[Restrictions]: Sakura Dragon cannot be allowed to destroy the entire Ashina Country, otherwise the mission will be directly counted as a failure. At the same time... After receiving the mission, the descendants of the White Snake God living at the bottom of the valley will launch an attack on the Palace of Origin.

Please completely defeat Sakura Dragon before White Snake arrives.

[Remarks]: If the countdown reaches zero and no task is accepted, it will be regarded as automatically abandoned.

Mission completely refreshed.

Su Han guessed well.

It is directly the beginning of the five-star mission.

And there is no team function.

At least not this time.

Wendy and General Thunder looked at Su Han at the same time.

That means.

Who will complete the task?

Just a word from you.

These two gods are about to go on a mission.

Su Han thought for a while and finally said: "I think Wendy should do this task, General... just wait until next time."

"Okay!!! I'm going to go on a mission, Wuhu..."

Wendy jumped up happily.

Chapter 412 The tragic story of Ashina Kingdom, the Kongo Temple possessed by insects

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