For craftsmen.

It's so cool.

The perspective shifts to the other side.

At this moment, in Mondstadt, there is a bombing going on near Falling Star Valley.

Kelly was sitting on the small plane.

He is constantly kneading out various types of clay.

"Try my latest bomb...Duduke the Devil!"

I saw a ball of yellow clay falling from the sky.

before landing on the ground.

It turned into a huge oval sphere.

Soldiers in the distance saw this scene.

They all turned pale with fright.

"Withdraw...Quickly withdraw..."


The soldiers had just evacuated.

A terrible storm swept over.

Keli looked at the flattened area and smiled brightly.

However, Amber's furious voice came from the phone bug in her arms.

"Keli!!! Captain Qin asked you to blow up the mountain... He didn't ask you to destroy the environment. The bombing just now caused many places to collapse."

"Ah? I...did I blow it up wrong?"

"Of course, don't test your own clay bombs all the time. You have to bomb according to the position of my Earl Rabbit, and the yield must be controlled by me!"

Amber was furious.

It was agreed to build a holy place.

As a result, Keli forgot how to work when she was happy.

That bomb almost turned the entire vicinity of Star Reaching Cliff into a huge crater.

The mountain is broken.

The problem is that it has created a deep hole in the ground and we have to fill it.

After being scolded by Amber.

Keli finally became more obedient.

The bombing also began to become more orderly.

But the soldiers still looked at the sky with a hint of fear.

After all, if the dropped bomb had a larger yield, they would probably follow the rock into the sky.

Slowly the progress of Star Reaching Cliff began to speed up.

After the ground is leveled again.

Amber began to let Keli explode at fixed points.

After the pit appears.

She took out the purified Sakura Dragon body, buried the soldiers deep in the ground, and added defensive formations.

Protect his body from being stolen.

When the seal is lifted.

After Yinglong's body entered the ground.

The soldiers felt a strong sense of vitality.

Penetrates from the ground.

Weeds grew wildly nearby.

After a while it was half a meter tall.

"Captain Amber, the corpse of this monster is so terrifying..."

"Tch...what does this mean? Hurry up and go to work. This will be our pasture from now on! From now on, we will rely on this for food and herbs..."


The soldiers worked together.

until late afternoon.

Already half of the land modifications have been completed.

The effect is extremely natural and obvious.

The ground is teeming with life.

Attracting countless birds to come over to sleep.

Time quickly came to the next day.

It was almost eight o'clock in the morning.

Amber finally finished all the work.

All the soil on the ground becomes revitalized.

The original mountain rocks have also become fertile land.

"Start planting crops..."

"come on!"

The workers in Mondstadt began to get busy.

According to divided areas.

Planting a responsive creation.

Until all the land is filled with spiritual food and herbs.

Amber took out Mona's water magic scroll.

Start summoning rain.

The rain kept falling.

The seeds began to sprout and grow.

Soon it was twenty centimeters tall.

The workers opened their mouths wide when they saw the miraculous scene. It was like a dream.

The growth rate is too fast.

"Lord Amber, is this a miracle?"

"I heard that miracles also happened in Dada Upa Valley, but later it was said that it was Lord Su Han's power. The same is true for us..."

Listen to the soldiers' inquiries.

Amber said with a smile: "That's about it... The demon's body is mainly responsible for the effect, but... the food is still too early to be mature.

It is spiritual food after all.

Tell me, we need to strengthen patrols here from now on.

Don't let anyone else get close..."

"Yes, Captain Amber!"

All the knights became serious.

About spiritual food.

They are already taking it.

The effect is very powerful.

It improves your body faster than eating beef.

Three large bowls of rice every day.

The Cavaliers feel that their physical fitness is getting better and better.

There is no need to drink milk or take eggs.

Just spiritual food is enough.

However, the yield of spiritual food is not high.

So, each person only has one bowl per meal.

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