Only the captain level has the weight of one more bowl.

But now Mondstadt is self-sufficient.

It's really not easy.

At the same time, everyone in the West Wind Knights also understood that spiritual food can replace ordinary food when there is more.

The people of the country will become stronger and stronger.

You won’t be bullied in the future.

This is the most critical thing.

Look at the serious expressions of the soldiers.

Amber also left with satisfaction.

I heard there is a movie coming out today.

She still had to rush back to the city to watch a movie.

When Amber returned to Mondstadt.

The streets and alleys have long been deserted.

The cinema was overcrowded.

As for those who have not bought tickets, they can only wait for the movie to end before it is their turn.

"Huh... I finally didn't miss the screening, Miss Blanche... let's go see a movie together?"

" it Captain Amber? Okay...let's go together."

Blanche is a saleswoman in Mondstadt.

I often deal with Amber on weekdays.

Therefore, the two people are very familiar with each other.

Come to the cinema.

The scene just started.

Amber held the popcorn and looked at the big screen.

"What are you doing here?"

"I'm sorry, I can't fulfill this engagement..."

"Just because I can't have the Eye of God, do you look down on me? Thirty years to the east of the river and thirty to the west of the river. Don't bully young people into poverty... One day I will let you understand.

What is regret! "

The immature man roared out his inner unwillingness.

But what greeted him was the ridicule of many people.

Even the parents don't like this child.

There is no eye of God.

It means the child has no talent.

But... the other party strengthened his heart and rushed towards Xianji Mountain.

[I once said that there are true immortals in the world who live forever... practice powerful magic, hold a flying sword in your hand and fly in the air, how carefree and comfortable...]

With the rise of BGM.

People also witnessed the young man’s growth.

Compete with your peers.

Surround yourself with wild beasts.

Train your mind.

Just to prove myself.

Finally, when he passed through many obstacles and came to Fairy Mountain.

A fairy-like scenery.

Present in front of everyone.

"Oh my this Fairyland Mountain?"

"Countless flying swords are spinning in the sky. You only need to be recognized by one of them to become an immortal disciple?"

"real or fake...."

"It is said to be true. I have a cousin who is a soldier in Liyue's army. He said...Xianji Mountain was shaped by a true immortal, and the flying swords inside are all treasures.

And it's spiritual...

If you can resonate with it.

You can become the current disciple..."

"Damn... I really want to go to Fairyland Mountain too!!!"

That's not the only shock.

When Li Yingqi and Lian Xing arrived with the twin swords of thunder.

That's shocking.

"Do you want to become an immortal?"

"Yes, Rishi!"

"You's a long road to becoming an immortal. If you join us in Mount Emei, you have to be restrained. If an enemy comes to attack Liyue, you have to protect it at all costs..."

"Disciple knows!"

"Well, let us tell the history..."

The screen changes accordingly.

The two swords of thunder and lightning were flying through the air.

A thought.

Thousands of meters in an instant.

Point your finger.

The rocks are broken.

Even if you encounter a powerful sea beast, Tianfeng Sword can easily kill it instantly.

Amber was dumbfounded by this scene.

I heard before that sister Li Yingqi is very powerful.

But he didn't expect that the opponent's strength would be so terrifying.

In the end, the young man worshiped in the Fairy Mountain, was recognized by Feijian, and easily defeated the user of the Eye of God.

Complete revenge.

The story is simple though.

But in this world of Teyvat where entertainment is scarce.

But no one has ever seen it.

Especially that line.

It simply ignited the passion of all young people.

Don't bully young people into poverty.

This sentence is simply for those who have no ambition.

Customized by hand.

Chapter 423 Little Amy’s hidden worries for many years, the two flying swords of shark teeth and wind and waves

The movie was a total hit.

Although the actor's expressions and lines are still a little bit not quite right.

However, I couldn't resist the attraction of this plot.

At the end of the plot.

Major theaters have also announced the news.

Fairyland Mountain has opened.

And he also left a sentence that anyone can challenge.

[Only those with destiny can become immortals...]

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