"It's not good, Master Keqing... In the sea area, many sea beasts were detected approaching... It seems that someone is driving them away..."

"Huh? Someone is driving... What do you mean? There is a problem with the fluctuations in the sea..."


After getting the news.

Ke Qing said to Su Han who was chatting: "The scouts on the periphery just sent news that the sea seems a little uneasy. It seems that something is approaching..."

"What's the meaning?"

"Just a lot of sea beasts..."

While talking.

The sky turned into pitch black.

The entire sea surface also became rough.

People looked into the distance one after another.

I saw hundreds of sea beasts rushing towards the World Tree.

Huge wave.

The tsunami that turned into a sky-covering tsunami was surging in crazily.

Wendy frowned when she saw this scene: "It seems that those who can control this power are not mortals..."

"The power of the tides is controlled by others... There are people at the bottom of the sea watching us."

The water elf king.

Fantini closed her eyes and felt it.

The target was quickly found.

Su Han asked her: "Fantini...who is the enemy?"

"The enemy is a huge monster, like a sea snake... stronger than us!"

"She should be the wife of the Uzumaki Demon God..."

Ning Guang retracted his gaze and said lightly.

The Uzumaki Demon God has appeared before.

However, he was suppressed by Su Han.

Now, the birth of Yggdrasil...plus the movie keeps playing.

The other party could easily learn that her husband had been killed.

Even if someone misleads you.

The other party may also think that the growth of the World Tree also draws on the power of the Whirlpool Demon God.

Qin straightened her ponytail and said seriously: ".¨It seems that our country can have a seafood feast again... Get ready and try to capture all these sea beasts."

But we can't let them get close..."

There are railroad tracks and plantings nearby.

If a wave comes crashing over.

It's all over.

Therefore, it is blocked in the sea.

It's the safest thing to do.

"No, we can just protect you..."

The water elf king Fantini flew towards the distance and raised his staff at the same time.

All I saw was her loud voice.

resounded throughout the world tree.

"Tidal surge..."

The turquoise hair flew directly.

Endless water elements gathered towards her.

When the staff is raised high.

A tsunami with a range of several thousand meters roared towards the incoming sea beasts.


The two sides collided on the far sea.

This strike killed countless sea beasts.

Keqing and others also took a breath of air.

Is this the strength of the Elf King?

Although dozens of huge sea beasts were killed.

But there are still fish that have slipped through the net and are running towards the World Tree.

Fire Elf King Natasha flew out.

Angry voices resounded throughout the sky.

"Don't even think about harming our mother tree...Split Sky·Meteor Fist..."

A punch as powerful as a shooting star.

It directly evaporated all nearby waves.

Gan Yu, who had an astonishing sense of sight, could see it very clearly.

The sea beast that was hit.

They were all evaporated by the fist wind.

The strength of the fire elf king.

It's actually even scarier than the water element.

His strength is already at the level of a real immortal (Wang Qian Zhao).

There is no doubt about it.

Then the wind elf king also flew out.

"Praise the great Supreme Father God, praise the great World Tree Mother Goddess, evil will be shattered... The storm will tear apart all enemies for us..."

Delicate wind.

In her hand, it became a graceful bow and arrow.

Lilith is an all-around warrior.

Bow and arrow to her.

Not a problem.

When the arrow bursts out.

The entire sea was cut open.

The terrifying storm blade penetrated the sea and chased the one in the depths.


Extremely fast arrows.

Let Bashi have no time to dodge.

The whole sea heard the other party's screams.


A harsh sound.

The shock made everyone's eardrums hurt.

All three elf kings took action.

The strength is so powerful.

Although not as good as the Demon God.

But he stopped the devil's wife Bashi.

General Thunder looked at the three elf kings in the distance and said with a smile: "They are very strong and can continue to grow... But if they want to deal with Bashi.

It’s still a little bit worse..."

Can become the wife of the devil.

The strength cannot be underestimated.

And that blow just now.

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