It has completely angered the opponent's intestines.

With the waves coming.

The wife of the Uzumaki Demon God has arrived.

Chapter 429 The strength of the three elf kings, a slash of the fairy Yuehua Sword!

Bashi's body is naturally smaller than the Uzumaki Demon God.

Plus it wasn't sealed.

Therefore, the real strength is stronger than the whirlpool demon god who unlocked some seals before.

Barrier from the storm.

Destroyed in one blow.

The three elf kings looked at each other.

Fantini said: "I will stop this guy, leave the attack to Natasha...Lilith, you will assist her! If you continue to get closer,

The mother tree can withstand it, but Liyue Port behind it can't either.

That is Father God’s territory...”


Three changing forms.

Fantini urges power.

Create one water element giant after another.

These guys are a hundred meters tall.

As soon as it was born, it ran towards Bashi.

And Lilith was using the buffing magic on Natasha.

She is a warrior.

But all elves can use magic.

After casting auxiliary magic on Natasha.

The two people followed the storm and flew towards the monster in the distance.

With the blessing of the wind.

In an instant, he arrived in front of Bashi.

"I'll block her attack, you go up..."

Lilith drew her sword.

Be the first to attack.

The elemental bombardment sprayed from Bashi's mouth was all blocked by her swordsmanship.

At this time, a pair of flaming wings appeared behind Natasha.

At the same time, the hair strands burned like flames.

The whole person turned into a huge fireball.

"It's you...Ma Jiasiya who actually betrayed my husband!!! You're in cahoots with the guys from Liyue..."

"I'm sorry, I don't know who Magasia is. My name is: Natasha..."

Fire blast.

Penetrated through Bashi's body.

blazing flames.

Burning in the opponent's belly.

" traitor, shameless thing...I won't let you go, destroy it completely for me...sea beasts, as long as they can break through this place.

That tree will be yours..."

Bashi's voice of resentment came from the bottom of the sea.

Distant on the sea. 687

Countless water columns rose up.

Huge sea beasts come from afar.

Staring at the World Tree with eager eyes.

Some of them are very intelligent.

Some are of average intelligence.

But...I came here today with only one goal.

That is to plunder the World Tree.

The body's instincts tell them.

As long as you get a part of this tree, you can continue to evolve.

One move after another.

Natasha returned to Lilith.

" was it? Did you kill that guy..."

"No, you only destroyed one of the opponent's bodies, and... you clearly feel that the opponent has good momentum, why is he so weak?"

In the eyes of the wind elf king.

There was a flash of doubt.

In her perception, the other party had several heads and several bodies.

Destroy only one.

It won't have much impact at all.

Could it be that...

Lilith thought of a possibility.

Look behind you.

I saw Fantini saying solemnly: "Trouble... That strange snake just now has already given its power to the sea beast... That's why it is so weak...

The next battle.

I'm just afraid it will be difficult to fight..."

The power of three people is very limited.

However, according to visual inspection, there are almost tens of thousands of sea beasts in the distance.

Such quantity.

How is it possible to defend them all?

Just as the three of them were looking sad.

An arrow shot towards the sea in the distance.

The original rolling sea.

It instantly turned into a sheet of ice crystals.

"this is?"

"Where are the people around Father God..."

Natasha looked back.

I saw that those people who were standing next to Father God just now were already fully armed.

One of them holds a bow and arrow.

That arrow just now.

It comes from the other party's handiwork.

"Elves... the World Tree is not only your mother tree, but also our partner... Don't worry, it's just a remnant of the Whirlpool Demon God...

It can't change the world at all. "

Su Han's voice came over.


Now here in the World Tree, there are gathered the God of Wind, God of Thunder, and the former God of Thunder.

There are also a series of strong men such as Shen He.

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