She felt like her soul was about to burst.

"Let me go...don't torture me anymore...let me be free..."

However, Dia Harribel did not receive a response.

Instead, the power began to intensify.

This way.

She felt even worse.

However, at this moment, Ulquiorra recalled Su Han's words and accepted the purification of power.

You must give up most of your power.

But why would the other party say that the essence of power remains unchanged?

For a moment, his soul was filled with happiness.

"Compress the power, compress all our power within the body...quickly!!!"

"What do you mean? Okay...I understand..."

The lone wolf Stark understood what the other party meant.

Ulquiorra's idea was actually very simple.

Since the power of the holy sword is to cleanse them, why not use this power to compress your own essence?

The two men took action together.

All resistance was given up.

Instead, he uses this powerful force to compress the spiritual pressure in his body.

Darkness no longer leaks out.

Instead, it continues to condense.

The process was naturally very painful, but... it made the two extremely weak people slowly feel less painful.

It seems that this 687 power.

Slowly easing.

Tia Harribel, who was on the side, also reacted when she saw this scene.

Ten minutes...twenty minutes

Half an hour passed quickly.

Ulquiorra was the first to complete his transformation.

Full of black energy.

And all the Arrancars disappeared.

Instead, there was a fair face.

He looked at his body with a surprised expression.

The Arrancar disappeared.

Even the originally cold body had a touch of warmth.

Just like what the adult said.

Some strength was lost.

However, it turned out differently.

The spiritual pressure condensed into a crystal.

Although he felt that his power was lost,... Ulquiorra felt that if he entered the state of actual combat, he would definitely be stronger than before.

This is not an illusion.

But there is another part of power in the body.

"My strength has decreased, but... I have gained more strength. Lilynite... how do you feel?"

" feels great, my body feels stronger."

Stark looked at the smiling splinter.

He also showed a happy smile.

And Tia Harribel also changed her appearance at this time.

It had a somewhat ferocious face.

Much softer now.

What makes her feel magical is that her soul seems to have become more rational than before.

As everyone knows.

Hollows are things that have no sense and only know how to kill.

Although after Arrancar transformation.

I have become much stronger.

However, the violent factor in the body has not been lost.

On the contrary, it will become stronger.

But now Tia Harribel found that her head was extremely clear.

Will not be swayed by anything.

This feels really good.



How wonderful.

At this time, Maplehara Manyo said to them: "Okay... I guess you have completed the purification and signed the contract. You can move freely...

However, I want to warn you.

Don't kill randomly.

Don't cause trouble at will.

If it is someone who provokes you, you can fight back..."

In order to prevent these three Arrancars from causing trouble.

He reminded him anyway.

Otherwise, it will stir up disputes in other countries.

Not a good thing.

Ulquiorra shook his head and said: "Don't worry... I won't fight with others. Those weak beings have no need to fight..."

"Me too, um... this place is so prosperous and beautiful... Can we go shopping? I really want to take Lilinite to play..."

"Of course, 10,000 molas per person. This is your three-month expenses... If you don't have enough molas, you have to work to earn it."

Maplehara Manyo arranges manpower.

Help these three fit into the world.

Previously Katakuri et al.

This is also done.

Stark took the money bag and took Lilinite to play. There is a seal in the temple.

So it won't affect the outside world.

Looking at the busy streets.

Lilynite said excitedly: " many people? There are so many delicious food...let's go over there and play."


See the other person happy.

Stark was also very happy.

And Tiya came to a clothing store, preparing to customize a brand new set of clothes.

Her current outfit.

Quite revealing.

Not quite fit for this world.

But Ulquiorra stood in front of the TV.

Looking at the battle scene inside, he was stunned.

The fighting style inside.

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