He had never seen it.

I was extremely curious.


On the other side, Su Han received the news.

Nod with satisfaction.

"It seems they have integrated into this world quickly. Nellie, come here... give you a good thing."

"what? What?"

Little Loli ran in front of him.

The tattered clothes on his body.

Mona had already taken her to change into more decent clothes.

The overall color is still green.

But it looks very cute.

It gives people a doll-like feeling.

"open mouth..."


Su Han took out a white sphere and threw it towards the opponent's mouth.


(bcfe) Damn it.

Nellie chewed.

Then a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"I still want...I still want..."

"No, I can only eat one pill a day..."

"Oh, oh, please... please... Nilu wants one more!!"

Su Han's head was covered with black lines.

This was spent hanging out with Keli for a while.

Did you directly learn all the opponent's tricks?

At this time, other little lolita also ran over.

Looking at the white sphere in Su Han's hand.

Asking for it one after another.

"Brother, I also want to eat candy..."

"Kelly wants to eat too..."

Face their pleas.

Su Han explained: "This is not candy... but the elixir I refined for Nilu. Her soul has been damaged... and needs to be repaired with this elixir."

Although that is what is said.

But a few little lolita pouted.

Whatever it is.

If you don't give it to her or to us, it's just partiality.

Without any choice.

Su Han could only use some flower petals, honey and some nourishing medicine to refine a batch of elixirs for these jealous little lolita.

Likewise, each person can only eat one pill a day.

Look at the girls who have regained their vitality.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

Yae Shenzi stood aside, covering his mouth and smiling: "Now you know how uncomfortable it will be after the car rolls over, right?"

"You... just bring out some pastries and comfort me. My head is numb..."

Shit Fox is really becoming more and more inconsiderate.

How embarrassed I was.

I don’t know how to help.

Will watch the fun.

Yae Shenzi shook his head and said: "I am not as charming as you... Among the little lolita here, only Zaoyou listens to me. The rest...

Who will listen to me?

My eyes are staring at you...

By the way, do you like your daughter so much?

Do you want to have a child with Ying?

Can I come and take care of your children? "

"Hey...even if I give birth, I won't leave it to you to take care of me. Just save your own worries...Son of God."

Accompanied by thunder.

Lei Movie appeared next to Su Han.

Then sat on his lap.

Leave it to this fox to take care of the child.

He only treats children as toys.

Doesn't teach children at all.

I'm afraid that after a while, the child won't even recognize his mother.

It will scream all day long.

Yae Shenzi rolled his eyes and said speechlessly: "If you don't want to take it with you, then I won't take it with you...Huh, I'm going to play..."

With that she left.

You can tell.

Being distrusted by his best friend still made Xianhu a little annoyed.

When only Su Han and Lei Movie were left nearby.

The goddess in her arms looked back and asked, "Do you like children very much?"

"Well... I was very lonely when I was young, so I really wanted to have someone to accompany me at that time... Unfortunately, at that time... I could only pass the time by reading comic books..."

Hearing Su Han's envious words.

Lei Jingqing's eyes softened and he said: "Then... let me give you a child? I want to be the mother of your first child..."

"It's better to wait a moment..."


"I don't want my child to be born in a time of war, and...we have already declared war. If war breaks out one day, and you are pregnant with your child...

We are missing a fighting force.

Shadow...I know what you're thinking.

Very touched too.

However, our strength is not enough now.

Wait for one day and defeat the laws of heaven.

Let's think about this again..."

"Well, I understand."

Lei Qianqian hugged Su Han, and the two enjoyed a warm time.

Their swords are a pair.

Therefore, each other's souls are connected to each other.

Lei Movie understands Su Han's concerns.

In fact, she also had concerns.

What if the scene from five hundred years ago happened again.

Even he himself could not escape the disaster.

You must take the initiative to participate in the war.

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