"Why don't you agree?"

Everyone has seen this document.

The requirements are not very special.

It’s even very discounted.

The white-haired old man said angrily: "Those old dogs... actually said that they would use knowledge in exchange. Bah... What's the development of Liyue?"

That knowledge is useless.

It's just a waste of money.

No...it's just treating others like fools. Building the entire country's railways without letting others benefit... What a siege this is.

I don’t want to pay a penny. "

"How dare they think that?"

"No wonder Liyue has such a bad attitude towards us...it turns out to be those people from the Order Academy!"

"Yes, the relationship is now getting better. It seems that Mr. Tinari played a big role. This time the other party went to Liyue. He must have done something big."

"Sigh... If we can improve the relationship, we won't have to maintain such great pressure..."

The thing about the giant layered rock abyss.

They all heard about it.

To put it bluntly, it is the exit of an abyss.

Once Liyue gives up.

It's not them who are unlucky.

Instead, it’s Sumeru.

Because the main city of Liyue is at the seaside port.

Just build a defensive line.

Those abyss monsters will definitely not be able to break through. Who will be unlucky then?

Of course it is Sumeru.

"Then let this plan pass... No one objects, right?"

"Of course! But...just be afraid, some people will point fingers..."

"You mean, those people who talk about taking the moral high ground?"

"Of course, those who point fingers... will never know our difficulties."

"That's right...well, now that the plan has been approved, everyone will work together. We don't care about the affairs of the Order, but...this city must restore prosperity."


Many things were discussed.

After the train is opened.

Not only can you easily go to Liyue for advice.

It can even greatly increase trade.

And trade increases.

Naturally, their city income will skyrocket.

Moreover, Haiji Island can become a tourist destination.

They are rainforest country.

Nature can also become a sacred scenic spot that everyone yearns for.

Chapter 452 A five-star team mission appears, a mission where danger and opportunity coexist

After everyone dispersed.

A few old men in the conference room began to really discuss important matters.

"Is it really okay not to tell the higher-ups like this? We are just a marginal city... Even if we blame the lower-ups, we can't handle it..."

"What to blame? Did we do something wrong... I just want Huachengguo to become better. I just want Xumi to become better... Those people are obsessed with interests.

It seems that he has a high reputation.

In fact, what dirty things have you not done?

Take the matter of Kelai.

Her mother originally hoped that her child would be saved, but in the end... she was subjected to human experimentation by fools. Injecting the remains of a demon into a child

It is simply an act of the devil! ! !

Only people from the abyss can be so shameless...

After I reported that incident.

What do you get?

No evidence...

Ha... I'm afraid they destroyed the evidence themselves. "

The old man was furious.

He was the one who participated in Kelai's seal.

I also know the child’s life experience.

The people above are no longer the same group of fair people.

"We should be more careful. We are not afraid of being blamed from above, but... we are assassins of fools. In fact, everyone knows it. After Liyue, Daoqi and Mond made public their actions in Winter Kingdom.

Activities against the Solstice Kingdom have begun in many places.

However, the effect was minimal.

I'm afraid that if we get close to Liyue, we will be assassinated..."

"Hey...old man, I'm not afraid of death. Even if I die, there are still thousands of me... If I can exchange my life for the awakening of Xumi Guoguo.

That's worth it.

I'm afraid those people will die without knowing what a mistake is.

It is obviously the kingdom of wisdom.

But he became the enemy of the God of Wisdom. Bah... Xumi Kingdom was almost destroyed by those guys.

It's rotten to the core. "

The old man roared angrily.

He was also a big shot back then.

It's a pity that so many years have passed.

Under the struggle for rights.

Slowly being edged down.

I was also disheartened.

Finally, I hid in this small place and survived.

He had the heart to fight.

However, there was nothing he could do to save it.

Everyone heard this in silence.

It would be great if everyone were as sober as the old man.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

Now I want Xumi to return to normal.

That would require very big changes.

Moreover, that kind of change is terrifying beyond imagination.

It will even affect every corner.

On every common people.

It may even shake Sumeru's national power.

It is precisely because of knowing this.

The old man was disheartened and chose to spend the rest of his life here.

Nothing changes overnight.

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