Sumeru is not a rice wife.

All Thor needed was a word.

can change national policy.

The Grass God here doesn't have that much prestige.

Even with the addition of this old man, the sound produced was extremely weak.

One who falls into folly.

Little did he know that the road ahead was an abyss.

Knowledge that you strive to gain every day.

It's actually just a cup of delicious poison.

When you find yourself poisoned.

it's all over.


There are reports of phone bugs.

Yujingtai quickly received a response.

"Lord Gan Yu, good news... Huachengguo has accepted our suggestion and invited us to transform the ground... and build a train at the same time.

He even invited Lord Ningguang to be an envoy there.

Discuss some things..."

"Well, this news is really good. I'll go and tell her the news..."


Ning Guang in the office.

After listening to Gan Yu's report, he nodded and said: " seems that the first step of the plan is completed. The next step is to slowly spread the news, since strong diplomatic methods cannot be chosen.

We also have many ways.

Xumi likes to manage knowledge, right?

Well, let's do the opposite... tell Sugar some of the recent knowledge.

All revealed in Throne of Arcane.

Includes the study of botany.

There are also changes that spiritual food can have on people’s bodies.

As well as the effects of a series of treasures such as the Moonlight Maple Tree.

Be detailed and invite scholars to study..."

"What? want to do such a big deal? You know...that's our family fortune. Is it really okay to announce it like this..."

"What do you know... There is a saying I think you should know about Gan Yu. You can't trap a wolf if you don't want to let go of your children! How can you attract the people of Xumi without using some real means?

Moreover, Xumi people like to use knowledge to control people.

I also like it very much.

Wait until this mission is completed.

Keqing, Beidou and I went on a mission to Huachengguo.

I want to establish a Liyue Bank in Xumi. "

Ning Guang smiled.

Want to destroy the foundation of a country.

It's actually not that difficult.

As long as there is enough information.

Everything will fall into place.

Diluc's winery.

Plus ninjas.

Assassin group.

Constantly penetrating Xumi.

Ningguang now has enough information in his hands to start taking action.

Just wait until this mission is completed.

You can go on a business trip.

Gan Yu suddenly realized that she had underestimated Ning Guang's ambition.

The other party didn't want to proceed slowly from the beginning.

However, Su Han gave the order.

As a result, a gentle policy was adopted.

But even so, Ningguang's wrist is still very strong.

It can be said to be murderous and heart-breaking.

We have various products in Liyue.

But it only accepts people who have opened accounts in Liyue Bank.

Just save as much money as you want.

You can get free knowledge information.

After you become a VIP guest.

You can even go to Liyue to participate in research.

Want to study the remains of the Demon God?

There's something about that in the ocean.

Want to study plants?

The World Tree is there.

Of course, excessive research is not allowed.

But that alone is alluring.

It's already very scary.

Yuanxia Palace.


These mysterious places.

How many scholars look forward to research.

There are also Heguan and Qinglai Island.

A place that has been covered in dust for a long time is not something that can be studied casually.

That requires permission.

If there is no permission.

You are the one who broke the law.

will be judged directly.

time flies.

It was eleven o'clock in the morning in a blink of an eye.

And the mission is about to be refreshed.

When the condensed light passed through the mirror and arrived at Qunyu Pavilion.

Everyone is almost here.

"When this event is over, Keqing, you and Beidou prepare, we will go to the Huachengguo of Xumi Kingdom..."

"Well, okay...has the proposal been approved?"

"Yes, and the other party's attitude is very sincere. It seems that Xumi's situation is urgent. Let's go over and take a look... and discuss some things by the way.

Don't make too much noise.

This time we went quietly and came back quietly.

Let's take a look at the specific situation..."


Beidou and others nodded.

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