Yan Fei might have really cared about herself at first.

But long-term attention.

Saved Liyue several times.

Su Han really underestimated his own charm.

That half-immortal beast lady may have been thinking about herself for a long time.

See he agreed.

The two immortals also nodded with satisfaction.

Several subsequent conversations followed.

Everyone had a great time chatting.

But Su Han didn't stay too long.

Because in Qunyu Pavilion, 733 is currently discussing the distribution of treasures in Qingyun World.

Calling myself back.

"Then Shen He, please accompany the masters. I'll go back first..."


Su Han turned and left.

Zhenjun Liuyun Jiefeng sighed: "This child is good at everything, but sometimes he is too worried and wants to resist everything by himself. The emperor said that he likes beautiful women.

Just ask this world.

What man doesn't like beautiful women...

If you can save the world like Su Han.

So what if I like some women more..."

"That's right...How many people and countries has he saved? If it weren't for Su Han...not to mention our Liyue, Dao's wife and Mond would still be in dire straits..."

"Yes, so Shen He...you kid should be more proactive. Especially after you go back, talk to Gan Yu...the sooner you have a child, the more stable your status will be...

I heard Thor can't have children right now.

You have to hurry up.

If you are pregnant...Su Han's love for you will naturally increase. "

"But...he said that our current situation is not suitable for having children..."

"Hmph... How can this make sense? How many people are fighting nowadays... A woman can give birth to a child after ten months of pregnancy. Do you still want to become a god and have children again?"

Face the Master’s teachings.

Shen He only smiled bitterly.

Grandma Ping next to me said: "Sometimes, you just rush too fast... which leads to the increasing pressure. It's time to slow down a little."

It's only been a few months.

It has already united three countries.

Stay stable and try other things, don’t be greedy for too much..."

"Yes, we understand."

The two women nodded repeatedly.

They agreed with this matter very much.

Although the tasks are very frequent.

However, there are more and more things happening now.

If you can take a break from your busy schedule, come over.

It is already very difficult.

Because even Shen He now takes time to teach those soldiers and masters.

Otherwise, there will not be enough manpower.

Chapter 458 The group leader’s special reward is coming, the complete diagram of the Zhuxian Sword Formation

Return to the warehouse of Qun Yu Pavilion.

It was already late at night.

A lot of stuff has been piled up here.

Yae Shenzi and Hua Sanli basically raided the Qingyun sect completely.

Materials for refining weapons.

Materials for alchemy.

And those flowers and plants.

Basically, everything that can be moved has been moved.

Moreover, many treasures from the Demon Sect were also brought over.

"Master Su Han, let's see how we distribute it... There are quite a lot of these things. The materials for refining the weapons... are almost enough to equip three thousand people."

"Leave it to Totosai directly, but leave five hundred people behind to cultivate those geniuses who refine weapons..."


Baiwen quickly mobilized.

Lots of material very quickly.

Then he sent it to Daodaozhai.

The little old man looked at the mountain of materials and was as happy as a child.

"Don't worry, it will take at most half a month... you will definitely build it!"

So many materials, plus a brand new weapon refining technique.

You can create many treasures by yourself.

Who would have thought that the once inconspicuous monster would now become a large-scale weapon refiner.

After processing the refining materials.

Su Han began to allocate resources.

"Leave one third of the materials for alchemy, and let Di Nian'er cooperate with Bai Shu to refine the alchemy with the rest... By the way, I also told Qi Qi that the most important thing is not to guard the stove every day and practice more."


"What should I do with these magic weapons?"

Mona looked at those low-level flying swords.

Not interested at all.

Compared with the flying swords in Shushan World, these things are too shabby.

It's obviously more than one level lower.

Xiao Gong tilted his head and said: "Why don't you give it to the new disciples? I heard that there are not many new disciples in Xianji Mountain?"

"It's not good to give it away directly...it will make those disciples develop lazy habits!"

Hua Sanli shook his head and said.

You can give things away, but you can never just give them away for free.

Ruoruo, who was gnawing on chicken legs, suggested: "How about setting up an adventure? Hide the treasures inside, and each person can only take one piece..."

Everyone's eyes lit up.

This method is good.

Neither will be given away for free.

It can also train the disciple’s strength.

Su Han heard the words and smiled and said: "Then leave it to Lisa... You and Yae Shenzi have some discussions. Prepare to design some big adventures after the Zhuyue Festival... It is best to divide it into regions.

By the way, you can also use the previously captured beastland hounds.

Throw it in as a monster.

Defeat these guys, or rather through some decryption.

To get the treasure...

It’s not good to just train their strength, they also need to cultivate their brains..."

"Well, I will go...but where should I choose the venue? There is not such a big place at the moment...and, since it is a place like this, it requires a lot of land..."

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