"Yes, isn't the Qingyun we snatched ready-made?"

Hu Tao chuckled.

Only then did everyone react.

Those mountains have been placed near the deserted sea.

Just need to add some formations.

It can form a good secret realm.

"Okay... Then we have decided on this place, but I think... we can incorporate some techniques, such as... secrets on alchemy and weapon refining.

None of them are high-end, but they have their own unique features.

What do you think? "

"Well... I even feel that even non-disciples can join... Everyone can only get one treasure. Everyone can only go once every three months...

The words of ordinary disciples.

You can go once a month.

Inside, you can get elixirs, exercises, and treasures for refining weapons..."

Everyone was talking a lot.

The answer was quickly given.

And those materials were sent to various places one after another and started to get busy.

Take care of everything.

Su Han looked like there was still time.

Get this reward.

[Ding... Congratulations to the group members for completing the Five-Star Heavens mission. As the group leader, you will receive an additional mission reward: 260,000 points. 】

[Ding... Congratulations to the group members for completing the Five-Star Heavens mission. As the group leader, you will receive the mission reward: the Ancient Immortal Killing Sword Formation Diagram. 】

[Ancient Immortal Killing Sword Formation Diagram]: A formation originating from the immortal world. It was originally broken due to traveling through the world, resulting in the sword formation obtained by Qingyun being incomplete.

[Introduction]: You can use this sword formation without the Ancient Sword of Zhuxian, but... you must have an immortal sword as the formation eye, and at the same time... if the number of flying swords increases

The damage caused by the sword array will also be more terrifying

[Introduction]: The so-called sword formation is a killing formation. The killing energy is the main force and the trapping energy is the supplement. If four fairy swords can be gathered together, the power of this formation will be enhanced to the extreme.

Enemies caught in it.

He will be unable to escape and will be consumed to death by the sword energy.

Maximum range is 500 kilometers

No grass grows within the sword formation, and the soul is extinct

[Remarks]: This sword array can be improved after killing the enemy. If its soul is killed, it will become the puppet of the sword array.

[Tip]: The host can choose to change the soul in the Nether Star Soul Tower into various forms.

Among them: Arrancar's existence, violent power and difficult to control

Beings transformed into gods of death cannot move during the day until their strength reaches a certain level.

The existence of the Quincy is a diversification of combat. They can move at will during the day, but when they are weak, they can only last for a short time.

[Suggestion]: If there are no four fairy swords, you can also use one fairy sword as the main body, and the other four fairy swords as auxiliary, which must be personally sacrificed by the host.

When it is used, the sword energy surges wildly.

One thought can kill thousands of enemies

[Special]: When the sword array is not in use, it can be hidden in the void, absorbing the power of heaven and earth to maintain order. Once ghosts and gods cry out,

The rewards are amazing.

This turned out to be the formation of the fairy world.

And it is matched with the fairy sword.

"If the immortal swords are so powerful, then... what about using the Xuanyuan Sword? The four divine weapons are the main ones... The range will probably be earth-shattering..."

Su Han thought for a moment.

He couldn't help but tremble.

I have one more trump card.

On weekdays, you can use the Sun Sword as a sword formation, and wait until you encounter an enemy like the Demon God.

Take Xuanyuan Sword as the main body.

He felt like he could truly kill a demon.

As long as this sword formation is refined.

However, it is really difficult to gather four fairy swords.

The rewards this time are also very amazing.

Su Han did not try to smelt.

Instead, he found his own Thor wife.

Give the opponent the refining method of the sword array.

"Huh? It would be nice for you to keep this kind of treasure... What can you do for me... My strength no longer requires this sword formation, as long as you are there, it is enough..."

Lei Qianqing said softly.

His eyes were already filled with emotion.

If your loved one gets a treasure, give it to yourself.

This shows that you are very important in the other person's heart.

Su Han hugged his wife and said, "You little fool...you have to see clearly that this is a sword formation diagram...not a magic weapon! Do you understand..."

"You...you mean..."

"Yes, anyone can understand this formation. As long as you practice it, you can succeed... It is not a one-time magic weapon that you can only use by yourself..."

"So that's it. But... if you study this picture, you will waste a lot of time..."

Words from before.

Lei movies are not afraid of loneliness.

Anyway, I have nothing left.

But now, with a husband... my little sister is back, and my elder sister is back too.

Let her continue to be a homebody.

Lei Movie is not happy.

Su Han said angrily: ".¨This is something to improve your strength. I estimate that it can increase your strength by at least 20%... Don't live up to my good intentions."

"Well...I know, but..."

Ray pointed a finger.

Slowly pushed Su Han to the ground.

A blush appeared on his face.

"Hey...what do you want to do? It's just morning..."

"So what in the morning? Who dares to disturb us... Besides, if I want to understand this picture, I won't be able to make love to you while I still have time.

Let me squeeze you dry first..."

Thunder Movie's voice did not allow Su Han to refute.

What follows.

Only the two of them knew who it was.

It just came in the afternoon.

Su Han was carried out by Hu Tao.

Come to the room.

The other party directly pulled off his clothes.

"Hey...what are you doing?"

Su Han shivered in fear when he saw Hu Tao's actions.

Could this girl be stimulated too?

It would be really fatal if this happened again.

As a result, Hu Tao took out a bottle of medicine from his pocket, rolled his eyes and said, "Of course I'll give you a massage... Do you think I will bully you like the God of Thunder?


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