The other one is the cock.

These two guys are disgusting.

The captain and the girl in front ignored their quarrel.

But talking about today's events.

"Do you think today's incident is so simple? If it is just for conspiracy...then the citizens here are also hiding."

"You doubt Arecino?"

"No, I just think... there is a mole among the fools. Arecino is being monitored. We just got the news and there is no change in the other party.

However, if it is said that the other party is already prepared today.

How should those citizens explain it?

Another point is... the people around Su Han grow up too fast. Even if I use my evil eye, I can hardly suppress that crazy woman.

I even have a feeling.

If it weren't for being too close to Huachengguo, the opponent's strength would have improved.

This level of strength.

It’s already the level of an immortal..."

"Hey...Mr. Capitano, aren't you also Beidou's opponent?"

"Well, this woman's weapon is not the dragon-slaying sword. It is a strange weapon that cannot be described... but it can provide powerful power to the opponent."

"Flying sword?"

"No...definitely not a flying sword."

The captain kept shaking his head.

The enemy has more and more trump cards.

But with the betrayer Rosalin, their secrets are constantly being exposed.

Continue like this.

I'm afraid that Xumi will gradually fail here.

The other party captured Huachengguo.

If the attack on the Solstice Kingdom is used as a flashpoint.

They will also be very uncomfortable.

Although everyone is wearing a mask.

No identity revealed.

However, based on his understanding of the woman Ningguang.

The other party will not give up on this matter.

"Sigh... I lost this opportunity. If I want to capture Ningguang again, it will be difficult to reach the sky... The opponent has a large number of experts accompanying him every time. Otherwise, inform the clown...

Our strength is obviously not enough. "

"That adult is not free... If he is really free, he will come here this time. Moreover... the other party's identity is sensitive and cannot be easily attacked..."

"Leave the follow-up of this matter to the doctor. Is it okay for you to solve it?"

Facing Colombia's proposal.

The doctor shrugged and said indifferently: "Okay... This kind of thing is very simple... I even want to fight back through this incident. This is Xumi.

Not Liyue...

I want to see how Ning Guang explains that he brought such soldiers here. ”.

Chapter 465 The dream new urbanization city, the construction team that meets all Xumi’s needs

Inside the city.

Although Wendy stopped the loss in time.

However, a large number of buildings here were still burned down, especially some ancient trees.

He was even more excited by that.

Burnt to pieces.

The remaining wood could not support the building.

They are collapsing one after another.

Upon seeing this, Gan Yu quickly used ice to temporarily freeze the area.

This prevented the street from completely collapsing.

After a long time, Tinari picked up the city's elders one after another.

Look at the place that collapsed.

Everyone looked heavy.

Some people even broke into tears.

"Damn those fools, how dare they attack us like this... They simply don't care about the Sumeru Kingdom..."

"I'm sorry, old man... We tried our best."

Keqing came over and apologized.

After all, this is a battle taking place on the other side's territory.

Causing such damage.

They also have certain responsibilities.

Upon hearing this, Tinari quickly shook his head and said: "No...this is not Miss Keqing's fault. Even in order to protect this...Master Fengshen, he also transferred the flames away.

Everyone sees this.

Please don't blame yourself.

Really problematic.

Actually it's those people. "

"Yes, everyone in Liyue, don't blame yourself for this... We all know right and wrong, those people are too presumptuous. But... the more the other party behaves like this, the more we have to become stronger.

So please try to help us.

Everyone will give you feedback..."

The senator has made up his mind completely.

No matter it's for Xumi's future.

Or for the sake of transforming the city, he even stood up.

Even if he is reviled by thousands of people.

He also wants change.

Changes are also necessary! ! !

This is your mission.

Now people from the Winter Kingdom dare to attack Huacheng, regardless of the life and death of the people, and even say that a fire can wipe out all witnesses.

Then I will dare to burn Xumi City in the future.

He will definitely allow the enemy to do whatever they want! ! !

Hear the heartfelt words of the old man.

Other elders also expressed their opinions one after another.

"We also ask everyone in Liyue to help us..."

"Xumi people are not stupid, they can distinguish who is a friend and who is an enemy..."

"As long as we all work together, no matter what the situation is, we can get through it! Please help us..."

Looking at the determined expressions of everyone.

Ning Guang, who had just stepped out of the mirror, couldn't help but nodded and said: "Since everyone is so determined, let's talk about Hua Cheng Guo.

Let's just rebuild it... As for the materials, we will provide the design drawings and everyone will do it.

Let this transformed city be reborn in the flames..."

Ning Guang's words undoubtedly surprised everyone.

Rebuild a city.

What a huge project this requires.

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