The other party actually made the decision directly.

So courageous.

The senator quickly shook his head and said: "How can that be done... If this city is to be rebuilt, it will cost at least tens of millions of molas... too much, we can't afford it..."

If it is hundreds of thousands of molas.

You can repay it just by gritting your teeth.

Ten-million-level mola.

The old man really can't afford it, even if he sells himself.

Probably not.

I saw Ningguang smiling and saying: "I have never lost money in business, old sir, please don't worry... This city can't spend that much money, as for the used money.

How about we just deduct the subsequent earnings?

And wood is everywhere here. You can use local materials... In fact, many materials are available at no cost. "

Anyway, mountains, forests, trees and rocks.

All available from InuYasha World.

All it costs is labor.

Really build a city like Huachengguo.

Probably only 200,000 molas.

If this little money can buy people in this city.

It's simply too profitable.

At least Ningguang thinks it's worth it.

Because this will be the place where you can break into Sumeru.

Even a million molas are worth it.

The discussion is over.

Residents evacuated the dangerous area first.

Cleaned up by Beidou.

One piece destroys all the wreckage.

Seeing the familiar city in a state of collapse, people have mixed emotions.

Some old people have even lived here for hundreds of years.

It would be a lie to say that he has no emotions.

Unfortunately, the foundation has been ruined.

What if we don’t fix it?

On the other side, Tinari led the soldiers and began to sort out the obstacles.

To pave the way for the arrival of future trains.

Since we have to cross the rocky abyss.

Then the train would have to cross the entire canyon.

This has to be left to the professionals.

Sugar is here.

after research.

The designs were released in just a few hours.

The equipment used for rock drilling is already in place.

And the earth-type ability users.

Then start consolidating the train's path.

A tunnel was dug out of the original mountain forest.

Construction team in Liyue.

That's very powerful.

Ten kilometers of road were paved in just a few hours.

Digging and excavating the mountain.

Clear the way.

Pave the railroad.

There are even people from the Arcane Throne to reinforce the magic barrier.

This will prevent those poisonous insects from entering the train.

It can also protect against damage caused by falling rocks.

Come dawn.

A suggested and spacious road appeared in front of the Sumeru people.

Some people hold themselves to be intellectuals.

But at this moment.

I have to marvel.

Liyue people are building at a very fast pace.

Not only that.

The rocks were also transported quickly.

Xumi people like cities that are close to the log style, so these are naturally very simple.

All it takes is some simple paint and it's done.

At the same time, due to the special nature of the world of Teyvat.

All of those paints are made from purely natural substances.

There is no such thing as formaldehyde at all.

It can be said to be very safe.

Ningguang took the elders and others to look at the foundation of the city and said, "It will take about three days to complete..."

"So fast? Can those workers bear it..."

"Don't worry, our construction team works in three shifts... Each person works for eight hours and can rest as they please the rest of the time."

As the leader of Liyue.

Naturally, Ningguang will not exploit workers.

Even if you want to work overtime.

It can be more than four hours.

Moreover, all meals for the workers are half price.

Such great benefits.

It also attracted many people to work.

Local people in Liyue don't like to do it.

But people in other cities like this kind of work very much.

Lots of money.

Consumption is less.

A large amount of mora can be saved every month.

Therefore, Liyue has never been short of workers.

Tinari looked at the people who were working quickly and couldn't help but sigh: "This is Liyue... No wonder it's more prosperous than us. It's just the construction of this foundation."

They all force us too much..."

"We'll talk about this later. The foreman over there just asked if you need artificial drying technology?"

"What is that? Lord Ningguang..."

· ··Asking for flowers····· ····

"Oh, it's like this... Many of you living in the rain forest have problems with rheumatism and humidity... This is caused by long-term rainy weather.

Young people don't have anything to do with it.

But older people can no longer bear it..."

"That's it! How many molas does this drying technique cost?"

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