Split into three flames.

Throw it directly towards the three people.

Shen He was still the first to wake up. She looked at each other and said with a smile: "Thank you..."

"Well, the enemy is the souls of those monks. Pry into the soul...Pry into the memory, but it's a pity... My power directly affects the soul.

Cleverness is misled by cleverness. "

"Looks like I'm embarrassed again..."

After Youra wakes up.

Said very dissatisfied.

A slow awakening is all.

It was the same the second time.

It's so uncomfortable.

And Shen He said: "Give me a way... No matter when you fall into it. Don't forget to practice the soul spell... Since it is an illusion.

Then this method should work..."

Hear her words.

Youla nodded and said: "Okay... I will work hard this time. Let's move on to 5.4..."

Soon the three people entered the grotto.

The strong light struck again.

I had the experience just now.

Shen He said directly: "The attack is physical, don't treat it as an illusion...be careful of big losses. Come on..."


The three of them took action together.

The moves continue to explode.

Their goal is very obvious.

That is to destroy this Buddha statue.

As long as the Buddha statues are broken one after another.

Then it should be able to weaken the power of illusion.

However, the three people just broke out with the most vicious power.

There was a sound coming from the huge Buddha statue.

"How dare you come here to do evil, how dare you come here to do evil, Namo Amitabha..."

The sound of thunder penetrated.

The three were forced to stop their attack.

But Rosalin still hit the flames on the Buddha statue.


Hundreds of Buddha statues shook, and countless fragments fell down.

At this moment, the three people felt that the constraints of their power were much lower.

I suddenly became energetic.

But at this time, a piano sound appeared, and the most terrifying hallucination came.

"No, it's Fu Xiqin..."

"Be careful, this is the real illusion."

"Be sure to note that dreams are false..."

The words have not yet fallen.

The three people were stunned on the spot.

Chapter 472: Cleverness is mistaken for cleverness, various exercises inside the grotto

"Hey...Yura, what are you doing? There's a wedding coming soon..."


"Yes, this is our wedding, have you forgotten... Mr. Schubert changed his ways and promised to let me use the Lawrence family etiquette.

Come and marry your bride. "

"Oh, but..."

Yula felt something was wrong.

However, if I think about it carefully, I can't figure out why.

Or maybe something is not quite right.

However, with everyone’s blessing.

She still went to the wedding venue.

There are many people nearby.

Kelly and Diona ran over holding flowers.

"Congratulations to my sister on your happy wedding..."

"You must be happy forever..."

"Thank you very much, little cutie..."

Yula showed a cheerful smile.

Later, she and Su Han got married, and both parties showed bright smiles.

But at this time.

A woman appeared behind Su Han.

The other party said murderously: "Have you ever thought about the price of betraying me?"

The long sword penetrated Su Han's heart.

And the sky also darkened.

The scene was chaotic.

Youla looked at Su Han, who was kneeling down, with a desperate expression.

"No...why is this happening...I don't want you to die..."

But her cries didn't reach the outside yet.

The monsters of the abyss are coming.

She could only pick up her Song Lai sword and fight.

The battle was very fierce.

until evening.

Yura just ended up fighting, and then the wedding turned into a funeral. 12

She looked at the grave blankly.

My heart was already filled with ashes.

But at this time, a voice came from behind.

"Amitabha...donor, have you ever fully realized that love is an illusion? Only by taking refuge in my Buddha can you gain peace of mind..."

Yula's originally numb eyes.

In an instant, it turned into a trace of resentment.

If there is no such voice.

Maybe she will really sink, but it's a pity... In the world of Teyvat, there are no such bald donkeys.

At least, no one can recite Amitabha.

"Master, please tell me how I can take refuge..."

"Come here kid...just want you!"

The words have not yet fallen.

Song Lai's long sword penetrated Bald Donkey's body.

I saw Yula roaring angrily.

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