"You bastards dare to take advantage of my feelings for Su Han. I will never forgive you..."

"No, how could you escape the control of the magic weapon?"

"Oh? You really want to know...I'm sorry, just go to hell!"

The long sword penetrated the bald donkey's body.

The other party screamed.

And the illusion began to fall apart.

However, Yula did not return to her body.

Rather, it is within the spiritual world.

Now my body is shining, as if there has been some breakthrough.

"Could it be that...I have realized a brand new power?"

Yula looked at her body in surprise.

She seemed to be a blessing in disguise.

However, I think of others who may still be trapped in a fantasy.

Yora woke up quickly. When she opened her eyes, she saw...the two people who were originally dull.

They also woke up one after another.

"How about it?"

"Hmph... I almost got there, but it's a pity... The last bald donkey woke me up... Everything was in vain!!!"

"Me too, kill...destroy this place!"


The three men began to continue the destruction.

A large number of Buddha statues collapsed.

And within the Zhutian mission group.

Everyone watched the illusion shatter.

But it feels a bit simple.

Just now the three of them entered the illusion.

They also have live broadcasts here.

It's like watching three people in action.

Yura is a wedding.

Shen He is giving birth to a child.

Rosalyn, on the other hand, was starting a family.

All with Su Han.

Without exception, they all suffered at the happiest time.

Hutao: "Why...are those bald donkeys doing this? If they continue, they will sink completely...it feels so strange."

Hua Sanli: "Maybe there is some mystery in this. That's why... these guys control this area."

Yae Shenzi: "It should be when you are happiest, let you be completely broken. In this way... you will have a feeling of being lost. Then the illusion will be applied again...

People will become completely numb.

In the end, I couldn't accept reality.

I feel I have learned a lot. "

Lisa: "Let Su Han explain, he knows best..."

Kuki Shinobu: "Can you listen to stories again?"

Raiden Makoto: "It's actually good to know more about things in other worlds... I like to listen to stories."

Su Han: "Actually, you have already analyzed it almost. This story is called Huangliang Yimeng, also known as Broken Wall..."

under his narration.

Everyone understands the disgusting aspects of Buddhism.

Huang Liang wakes up from a dream.

Let you experience the ups and downs of life.

within a short period of time.

The mind will be torn apart.

If Buddhist people come out now.

The person who is under the spell will be completely lost in it.

Not only that.

It can also make people completely lose their yearning for life.

It can be called extremely disgusting.

If everyone in the world became monks.

So do humans still need to reproduce?

Love between men and women is the right principle of heaven and earth.

But those bald donkeys just acted in the opposite direction.

General Thunder: "To sum it up, even a bald donkey is not a good thing..."

Ning Guang: "Yes...even love between men and women is prohibited. Bald donkeys are indeed not a thing, but here...the battle is about to end."

A large number of stone Buddhas in the picture have been destroyed.

The effectiveness of the spell gradually decreases.

Although I still fall into illusions.

However, the three people did not fall into the illusion together.

After every hit.

It will be cracked immediately.

Until you reach the center wall.

A crack appeared between the Buddha's legs.

A large number of monks ran out from inside.

"Kill... If there is an invasion of evil spirits, please show my Buddha power... Kill without mercy!!!"

"Suppress all evil spirits..."

"My Buddha is invincible!!! The Great Sun Tathagata..."

"My Buddha is merciful!!! Angry-eyed Vajra..."

The sudden appearance of hundreds of monks put a lot of pressure on the three people.

Just because of the power of these monks.

All very good.

Some people even cultivated the Vajra body.


Simply awesome.

At this time, a wind roar came from outside the grotto.

"You bald donkey cultivators are so impudent..."

Yuwen Tuo, holding Xuanyuan Sword, directly joined the battle.

The golden long sword waved.

More than a dozen monks perished instantly.

Such a killing gesture.

It really startled the monk, but at this time the huge Buddha statue lit up.

A golden figure.

Walk out slowly from inside.

"Donor Yuwentuo...why are you coming with a divine weapon? Are you really going to do that evil thing..."

"Demon? Humph... I think you are the devil. There are all widows within a thousand miles. You demons have turned all the men here into monks.

Those who refused were buried directly in the yellow sand.

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