As everyone knows.

Nine is the limit in the mortal world.

And the woman in front of her actually had twelve tails.

What kind of strength should the opponent have?

Looking at the woman's fox tail, Dongfang Huaizhu also showed a shocked expression.


"Oh... the tail you mentioned, isn't it beautiful... This fairy fox is the leader of the Baichen clan, and controls countless foxes... But don't worry

I don't know how to eat people.

I have never eaten anyone...

Come sit down and dine..."

Facing the invitation from this big boss.

Dongfang Huaizhu quickly pulled his sister to sit down.

Fairy fox.

They are immortals.

In an instant, the original thoughts of exterminating demons were completely shattered.

Humans and monsters are indeed at odds with each other.

However, rising to the level of immortal.

But it's completely different.

Immortal power.

One thought wipes out thousands of mortals.

The two sides are not in the same dimension at all.

"Here... little guy, try this sweet and sour pork, it's a snack... And remember in the future... Distinguishing right from wrong is the real growth of a person."

"Then...sister, those monks outside...what are you going to do?"

The girl took a bite of the sweet and sour pork.

Suddenly he smiled.

I saw Su Han hugging Keli and saying: "These people... naturally have to work hard. They are greedy... We are here to clean up the world...

There are good people and bad people.

There are naturally good monsters and bad monsters.

You guys are coming out like this...have you taken care of things at home?

There is a guy named Jin Renfeng in your family. You'd better be careful... This person will take your father's life in the future, as well as your family's demon-killing divine fire. "

"Huh? do you know there is a disgusting guy in our family?"

"I am all-knowing and all-powerful...There is nothing in your world that I don't know about."

Hearing Su Han be so supportive.

Dongfang Huaizhu couldn't help but ask: "How did this golden human phoenix seize our demon-killing divine fire... The power of our family is passed down from generation to generation."

They are from the Eastern Spirit Clan and are naturally filled with spiritual energy.

Its essence and blood can be used to cultivate the demon-killing divine fire.

Moreover, this inheritance can only be obtained by children.

Even if the husband marries a wife from the Dongfang family, he cannot obtain it.

Mona, who was wearing a magic hat next to her, explained: "That golden phoenix stole the blood exchange spell from the leech clan, so... I just need to kill your father.

Use that method.

You can replace the essence and blood.

And he naturally possesses the Demon-Destroying Divine Fire..."

"What? It's actually like this!"

The two sisters were startled.

It's scary to think about it.

Recalling when Jin Renfeng came home.

Always trying to win the hearts of the two sisters.

As a result, neither of them liked the other.

Later, the other party was still filial to his father. Dongfang Huaizhu thought that Jin Renfeng wanted to marry him through his father.

In the end, was it to seize blood essence?

Then my sisters go on a trip.

Isn't it very dangerous at home?

"No...I...I have to go back!!〃~!"

The more Dongfang Huaizhu thought about it, the more confused he became.

I can't even eat dinner.

Su Han wiped his mouth and said, "How about I take you back? In short, you only need to take a look and you will know the truth..."

"But this place is nearly a thousand miles away from my home. Even flying will take several days and nights."

"Don't worry... With Su Han's strength, this distance is nothing... It's good to go and have a look now, maybe we can save a crime."

Faced with the reminder of Yae Shenzi.

Dongfang Huaizhu knelt directly in front of Su Han.

"I beg you, senior, to take me back to ensure my father's safety. Otherwise... I will be restless."

"Okay! Come with me..."

He summoned the Sun Sword.

This flying sword is like the sun.

The two sisters were stunned.

No wonder those monks were fooled, this flying sword was not a mortal thing.

"Let's go... Qin Lan will stay here for now, let's go back quickly..."

"Thank you."

Two people stood on the flying sword.

Rushing into the distance like a rainbow.

Has a protective shield.

The violent wind could not affect the two of them at all.

However, they stood very close to each other.

Dongfang Huaizhu, who was close to a strange man for the first time, could not help but feel a blush on his face.

To divert attention.

Dongfang Huaizhu began to ask about the origins of Su Han and others.

"We are from the world of Teyvat, and the fox demon from Tushan has already passed by... As for the demon-destroying divine fire, you can understand that I obtained it from other sources.

Not only your Dongfang family can have it. "

"Then...Senior, what will be my future destiny?"

"Probably he died in depression... After the Jinfeng people killed your father in a sneak attack, his strength increased greatly... and he announced your secret to the world, attracting countless people to hunt him down.

Anyway...not a good thing. that I'm here, I won't allow such a thing to happen..."

"Senior, why do you want to help me?"

Facing the inquiry of the woman in his arms.

Su Han chuckled and said: "Probably... I just don't want some tragedy to happen again. Well... we have arrived at your villa."

"So fast?"

Dongfang Huaizhu looked down.

All I saw was that the lights in my home were brightly lit.

However, there was no sound.

There were even flames burning in some places.

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