"No...Dad...Dad...where are you?"

Dongfang Huaizhu flew down directly.

When she opened the door.

All he saw was a pile of corpses.

All his servants were killed.

And dad has long since disappeared.

Dongfang Huaizhu's vision went dark and he almost fell to the ground.

Fortunately, Su Han appeared quickly.

This prevented her from falling to the ground.

"The bloodstains on the ground are dry...maybe they were done during the day. Let's search...it'll be easy to find!"

"But... we have no idea where he went..."

Dongfang Huaizhu has never been as desperate as now.

That suffocating feeling.

It was almost going to swallow her up.

Su Han took out something and said: "I have a treasure here that can find anyone... Let's go, he can't run away..."

The compass that cannot guide appears.

Saw that dark thing.

Dongfang Huaizhu was a little surprised.

But I still held it doubtfully.

I kept thinking about my father silently in my heart.

Su Han glanced at the direction, picked up Dongfang Huaizhu and flew towards the sky.

In desperation.

Dongfang Huaizhu also did not pay attention to the difference between men and women.

She just wanted to find her father as soon as possible.

The two men moved forward very quickly.

After a while, they arrived near a mountain peak.

"Found... your father is a little weak, but... his life is not in danger."

"Really? Where..."

"follow me!"

Su Han flew downwards.

Because there is formation protection nearby.

So he directly used the power of the underworld.

Cut out the space.

When his father's figure appeared in front of him.

Dongfang Huaizhu couldn't help but screamed: "Dad..."

The other party is hanging on the rock wall.

There was blood under his feet.

His body was covered in bruises and bruises.

Clearly tortured.

Jin Renfeng, who was practicing his skills and casting spells, was startled when he heard Dongfang Huaizhu's voice.

But before he could turn around.

Countless branches penetrated its body.

Intense pain makes this evil thing full of words.

It was difficult to move a finger.

".¨Dad...are you okay..."

"Huaizhu...run...you are no match for this beast, leave me alone..."

An extremely weak old man.

Don't want to be saved.

I just hope my daughter can escape from this devil's cave.

Because his eyes can no longer see.

Naturally, I don’t know what happened.

Looking at his father's miserable appearance.

Dongfang Huaizhu burst into tears.

Su Han clicked his fingers together and shattered all the opponent's shackles.

And said to Dongfang Huaizhu: "Don't cry...take your father and this beast back first. This is not a suitable place to recuperate...go back to our territory."

"Yes...Thank you, senior."

Familiar with the space of this world.

Going back became much easier.

The underworld breaks through the space tunnel.

Just three transfers.

They arrived at the fortress.

The little girl Dongfang Qinlan was frightened and fainted when she looked at her father's appearance.

And Yae Shenzi glanced at it and frowned: "Did it really happen?"

"Well... maybe this is fate. We just happened to come to this point in time... Mona, you can take the old gentleman for treatment. By the way, give him some good medicine..."

"Okay, Su Han..."

An hour later.

Under drugs such as Blood Bodhi.

Dongfang Guyue woke up quickly.

Hear your daughter's statement.

The kind old man couldn't help but burst into tears.

"It's all my fault, this old fool, for luring a wolf into the house and bringing shame to the family..."

So many servants were all killed.

It's really unforgivable.

Looking at his remorseful father, Dongfang Huaizhu sobbed: "Dad...it's not your fault, it's all that beast's problem."

"Yes... But this time I have to thank Mr. Su a lot... Without him, we, the Eastern Spirit Clan, would probably be buried."

Hear your father's words.

Dongfang Huaizhu nodded and said: "My daughter knows... she will definitely repay her kindness."

In this era, the gift of saving one's life should be given with one's own body.

And saved his father.

That is a greater kindness.

She couldn't imagine her father dying in front of her eyes.

Dongfang Guyue didn't stay awake for long because her body was still a little weak.

So, take care of Daddy after he falls asleep.

Dongfang Huaizhu came to the outside to know.

Keli came to her and handed her a snack.

"Sister...you must not have eaten enough just now, right? Keli will treat you to a snack...it contains osmanthus."

"Thank you Keli, let's eat together... By the way, don't you need to sleep so late?"

"Hehe... If we were in Mondstadt, Keli would go to bed now, but she could come to this world an hour late today."

Little Sun smiled happily.

After all, it’s not easy to come out even once.

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