The tribesmen can settle down.

I can feel relieved inside.

On the other hand, look at the disciples of the Taoist League.

Each one of them showed an expression of humiliation.

Each of them is a genius.

Now it has ended up in this state.

Not just embarrassing.

All dignity was trampled to the ground.

When Su Han woke up and listened to Li Yingqi's report, he couldn't help but smile: " seems that the heat is enough this time, and it won't be long...those monks will be here.

Just take them all down.

This world can be absorbed at will...".

Chapter 485 The underwater city is completed, the hidden danger of the corpse of the snow-capped dragon

"Yes...but the spells in this world are still somewhat different from our world. Many powers can be passed down.

Although it is not reincarnation.

But the power is very unique... It's really a bit mysterious.

I don’t know how strong those young people are compared to their elders.

Can you catch up with us..."

Li Yingqi smiled lightly.

Her current strength is infinitely close to that of the original Changmeizhen.

It is irrigated by the aura of Qunyu Pavilion.

In addition, Su Han is not stingy with treasures.

He also discussed with him from time to time.

Li Yingqi's current strength is more than 30% stronger than when he first arrived.

"But... the people in this world are also very interesting. I just looked through the old books, and there are mentions of things outside the circle... If we don't take action.

Those who had just been suppressed.

I'm afraid they will all die outside in the end.

Brother Su Han, what is outside the circle? "

Mona looked at him curiously.

Outside the circle and inside the circle.

What's the difference?

If you want to say it's a monster.

There are not many in the circle.

"To put it simply... they are some demons from ancient times. You can understand them as beings with strange strength. Like things from the abyss.

Although these young people today have some strength.

However, as far as the monsters outside the circle are concerned.

It's still too funny...and, the creatures of this world.

It's hard to kill something outside the circle..."

"To put it means that we don't have the power to restrain creatures outside the circle. I'm right..."

In the flowers that had just been washed.

Added an extra sentence.

Isn't this a replica of the world of Teyvat?

Creatures living inside.

It is difficult to deal with the monsters of the abyss.

It is easy to be infected or even assimilate and lose your mind.

Become a demonic creature.

Su Han nodded and smiled: "You are seems to be very similar to our world...but there are very few strong people in this world...

There are even very few people who know about the existence outside the circle..."

"So when we invade, we are actually saving the world..."

"Otherwise, you wouldn't think that Brother Su Han is really a person who likes killing."

Everyone laughed.

If Su Han is really that kind of guy.

They won't like it either.

The conversation between Su Han and others.

He did not shy away from the Royal Hegemony and others in the distance.

So all these people heard it.

"Hey...Baye, they actually know what's going on outside the circle...and they also said that we will it true or false?"

"I don't know...but...judging from what they mean, it doesn't seem to be a lie."

Originally in the heart of King Quan Hegemony.

These guys who enslave themselves.

Must be an evil spirit somewhere.

But in fact, apart from making them do hard work, they didn't seem to do anything else.

The spiritual power can no longer be used.

Give me a tool in hand.

Became a worker.

to build this fortress.

We can see that there are monsters here, but... they don't eat people, and they even look more serious than soldiers.

There is a sense of prohibition.

At the same time, the classes are very clear.

Therefore, the royal hegemony did not continue to resist.

Instead, work obediently.

He wanted to see what these people were planning.

Until I just heard about things outside the circle.

Only then was he startled.

At this time, a little fat man took turns with a pickaxe and complained: "Oh...look at this, it won't work even if our father comes. Those people clearly know our details.

Someone comes out randomly.

Just picked all of us.

If that man takes action.

Is everything okay?

On the contrary, I hope dad won't come over...with his old body and bones.

Come and do hard work.

I'm afraid it's too much. "

"Now...the situation here is no longer something we can control. Just work honestly...unless you want to be beaten..."

Not far away from King Quan Hegemony and others.

He is a monk who works conscientiously.

Although not as strong as them.

But he is also a slightly famous person.

Judging from their well-behaved looks, they must have experienced something tragic.


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