Su Han did not stay in this fortress for long.

Because the mission will be refreshed tomorrow.

So, after lunch.

Back to the world of Teyvat.

After a series of construction.

The underwater city is finally completed.

It happened that Sister Dongfang Huaizhu was fine too.

Then he followed Su Han to the bottom of the sea.

Dongfang Qinlan asked doubtfully: "Is it really possible to build a city under the sea? In that case... wouldn't it become a dragon palace..."

"You will see after a while, actually the underwater city is not that difficult! At the same time... it will be very beautiful."

"It must have taken a lot of effort to build a city with such huge water pressure..."

Although Dongfang Huaizhu doesn't understand modern technology.

But it can be understood.

The difficulty of building a city at the bottom of the sea.

Su Han said with a smile: "Well... the cost is about 50 million, but... the money can be earned back soon, just go... through this entrance."

Talking and laughing.

They arrived at the entrance to the underground passage of Liyue Port.

Travel through deep passages.

Then I saw a long tunnel appearing in front of me.

Sea water laps at the top of the tunnel.

Gives people a wonderful feeling.

Even, you can easily see various fish and shrimps from here.

It's really a wonderful place.

" turns out this is the bottom of the sea!!"

Dongfang Qinlan saw the sea for the first time.

It was also the first time to come to the bottom of the sea.

So I am very curious about everything.

There was another person who was equally excited and screamed, and that was Little Sun Keli.

"Brother... look, this is a starfish... this fish is so big..."

"Hahaha, this is just the beginning, let's go...the tunnel is very long. We can take a sightseeing bus to go..."

The sightseeing car is a slow-moving car built in the undersea tunnel.

Similar to a train.

However, the speed is very slow.

Tourists can take this car to enjoy the scenery under the sea.

If you want to reach the underwater city quickly, you can buy a tunnel train.

One ticket costs five molas.

Able to reach the underwater city in ten minutes.

Very fast.

Everyone sat in the car and browsed the underwater scenery.

At this time, Mona pointed to the tree roots in the distance and said in surprise: "The roots of the World Tree have already reached here... It's so fast..."

"Well...yeah, after all, its rhizome is very long. I wouldn't be surprised if it even spreads to the snowy mountains."

Su Han replied lightly.

Hua Sanli next to him frowned and said, "If it spreads to the snow mountain, will it be affected by the poisonous blood? What I mean is... isn't there the body of the Demon Dragon Dulin in the snow mountain?

· ··Asking for flowers····· ····

If Yggdrasil peeked into the past.

Maybe it's not good? "

Currently all messages in the group are public.

So, everyone understands what is available everywhere.

Hear what Fox said.

Paimon reacted and said in surprise: "Yes... The Demon Dragon Dulin has the power of the abyss. If it is absorbed by the World Tree, it will definitely have a bad impact.

Su Han, please go over and discuss it with World Tree later.

Let her stay away from the snowy mountains for the time being. "

"Is this... really necessary? The World Tree should be able to purify the power of the abyss..."

"No... the power of the abyss of Demon Dragon Dulin is not an ordinary power of the abyss. Its power is so terrifying that it can pollute a snow mountain. My opinion is the same as Paimon's.

Don't take it lightly.

You must know that plants sometimes have a natural tendency to absorb all nutrients.

If you don't say...

The World Tree may really absorb the corpse of the demon dragon Dulin.

Living... she may be obedient, but... World Tree may not be able to let go of this natural power..."

Mona lowered her head and thought for a moment.

The answer is similar to Paimon.

....... 0

Su Han nodded when he heard the words: "That's okay...I'll go to the World Tree after arriving at the destination..."

Hear everyone's exchanges.

Dongfang Huaizhu asked: "Does the World Tree refer to the tree that grows on the sea?"

"Yeah... that's a very big tree. Now the top has passed through the clouds, and the tree body is like a city. Hehe...

Also, there are many powerful elves inside.

The Elf King among them is the reincarnation of the former Demon God..."

Young Paimon heard the outsider's curiosity.

He quickly puffed up his chest and started explaining.

Talk about pride.

Forget about that proud expression.

After hearing the story of World Tree, Dongfang Qinlan's eyes couldn't help but glow with golden light. She said to Su Han: "Brother...I want to go there to play in a while, okay?"

" guys have had enough fun here, just ask Paimon to take you there."


Hearing about being able to visit new places.

Qin Lan couldn't help but do somersaults.

Talking and laughing.

Everyone arrived at the underwater city.

Looking at the city full of technology, everyone showed shocked expressions.

Even Paimon and Yingmei, who had been here once before, were shocked by the construction here.

The buildings are all in modern style.

Full of simplicity and technology.

Electric energy products are everywhere.

Moreover, at the dome... there is a large coral group, which you will never get tired of even if you look at it for a day.

"Oh my god... this is even more exaggerated than the Digimon world. High-rise buildings... all kinds of electrical facilities... it's so dreamy..."

"Yes, last time I came here it was still bare. Now it has changed so much..."

"I really didn't expect that the city could develop to this extent. The sightseeing bus we took here is also powered by electricity..."

"Yes, the two tunnels currently opened use electrical energy... Even TV stations are transmitting signals here. Today's undersea cities...

Eight thousand people have already moved in.

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