Chapter 116 If you keep doing this and doing this, will you lose your education?!

After Bai Ye chatted with Grandma Ruoxin for a while, he started to help get the machines down.

A cultivator and harvester fell on the ground.

Many children looked at these things with curiosity.

Grandma Ruoxin also asked people to go over and call everyone else in Qingce Village at this time.

Looking around, all the people there are old people with gray hair.

Of course, there are also some middle-aged people.

But judging from the rough skin on their bodies, they must also be people who farm all year round.

They did not go to Liyue Port to find jobs, but chose to stay here in Qingce Village.

It would be nice to have these middle-aged uncles here.

Thinking of this, he said aloud:”These machines are newly developed by us and can speed up your plowing.””

“And there’s the harvester”

“Uncles, I will personally teach you how to use this next.”

With the uncle here, naturally there is no need to trouble those old men.

When Bai Ye said this, everyone’s faces were filled with surprise.

Are these things really for them to use?

That’s really great.

Bai Ye immediately There was no hesitation.

He came directly in front of a cultivator.

Then he explained to them.

Energy, power, and how to operate it.

“This is the element 01 crystal. Only with this can these machines move.”

“The elemental crystal is placed here”

“Then this is the start button.”

Bai Ye explained to them the functions of this fuselage.

Listening to Bai Ye’s words, these uncles also hurriedly wrote them down.

In fact, this thing is a fool’s operation.

After explaining the energy and startup functions,

Bai Ye started again. He explained to them how to control it.

He got on the cultivator directly.

Then he continued to explain:”When the cultivator starts,”

“Just push this handle forward and he can run forward”

“If you want to go back, just pull back”

“Then this is the energy output pedal. As long as you step on it, you can accelerate.”

“The one on the right is acceleration, and the one on the left is braking.”

“I don’t need to say more about the steering wheel, right?”

“turn left turn Right”

“Then press the lever to put the rake down, and pull it up to put the rake away.”

“No matter how deep you want to plow, you can do it yourself.”

“In fact, these Liuyun Zhenjun have already set them up.”

“Just hang it to the lower position and it will be deep enough, which is just the requirement for planting.”

“Then, press and hold this, and the plowshare behind will stand up directly.”

“When the time comes, I will drive the machine around in the field.”

“The plowed soil in the field will be broken up.”

Bai Ye explained to them seriously.

Listening to what Bai Ye said, these people were very surprised.

Plowing is really convenient.

After explaining it seriously, Bai Ye started the plowing directly. machine.

Then head directly towards the harvested field below.

“Let me show you how to do it in practice.”

After saying that, Bai Ye drove the cultivator down and started to operate it.

Put down the plow.

Then he directly started to increase the power output.

He drove the cultivator to plow the field quickly.

Seeing this scene, everyone’s eyes suddenly widened.

This was really too fast.

Bai Ye turned around in the field.

Wherever he passed, all the soil was turned over.

After returning to everyone, Bai Ye Just jumped off the cultivator

“Dear uncles, please try it one by one.”

“Only after you get started will you know whether it will”

“But the first time you drive, don’t go too fast.”

Hearing what Bai Ye said, many uncles nodded hurriedly.

Then they all stepped forward and started trying together.

This thing is really good.

With this, they will be able to relax a lot in the future.

Several uncles took turns to fight.

It was very easy. I learned how to control it.

After all, it is really simple.

Only the harvester is a little more difficult. The field below was plowed by everyone quickly.

If it were normal, it would be impossible for a few people to disappear. Yes.

But with these machines, a field can be finished in about ten minutes at most.

Then add water, and then break up the soil.

The cultivator in front of you can do all this.

After explaining the plowing , It was already noon.

Bai Ye and others had a simple meal at Qingce Village under the hospitality of Granny Ruoxin.

While eating, the person responsible for pulling the seeds also arrived.

Bai Ye immediately asked them to go first Eat.

After eating, get out the seeds.

Seeing these seeds, the people in Qingce Village were very curious.

Bai Ye also pushed Granu out.

Let Granu teach these old men and grandmothers how to plant.

What should they pay attention to?.

After a brief rest at noon,

Bai Ye continued to explain to them how to operate the harvester. He drove one of the harvesters directly into the wheat field.

Then he personally helped them harvest all the wheat in the wheat field.

Look. The wheat was harvested easily.

The uncles who were responsible for controlling the machine were immediately excited.

They would never have to go through such trouble again.

Although it was a bit difficult, these uncles got started quickly.

By the time they all After learning, the sun had already set.

The harvested wheat was also packed by the old men, and then prepared to be hauled back in donkey carts.

Seeing this scene, Bai Ye also reacted.

He had forgotten to bring some carts to pull the goods..

Thinking of this, Bai Yedang even shouted:”Wait a minute, leave these to me.”

“I’ll get you a new car.”

After saying this, Bai Ye’s mind 473 moved.

He directly used the ability of the Herrscher of Reason to directly project a truck carrying goods.

Seeing Bai Ye’s operation, the people in Qingce Village couldn’t help but be surprised..

He is indeed a big shot from Liyue Port.

This kind of power is really powerful.

One, two, three… five cars came out in succession.

Only then did Bai Ye stop.

It happened to be those five uncles. One person can have one.

Bai Ye called the five uncles over and briefly explained to them how to operate this.

Driving these vehicles is different from driving a cultivator.

They still have to be proficient.

So next Bai Ye His job is to teach these uncles how to drive these cars.

If it doesn’t work, just ask the people from the Qianyan Army to drive over.

Anyway, there are many ways.

This time, Bai Ye helped pull the food back by himself.

Once You can have a lot of sex.

There is no doubt that these old farmers like the cart very much.

Isn’t it much faster than the ox cart?

In the past, when they harvested wheat, people from the Qianyan Army had to come over to help.

Now with this The car is probably faster.

There is a lot of wheat to be harvested here every day.

These people who came here today are just some of them.

There are more people who are working in the fields at this time and have not come.

They are all busy with the autumn harvest..

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