Chapter 117 Hutao, please keep an eye on Keli!!!

Qingce Village does not look small like the game.

In fact, Qingce Village is actually very big.

Looking around, there are fields as far as the eye can see.

Some old people don’t actually have much land to plant. Most of them are people from Qianyan Army and Liyue Port who come here to plant.

Most of the food grown here has been collected.

Only a small part of the rest was confiscated.

And Bai Ye brought these machines over, which undoubtedly speeded up their autumn harvest.

You know, in the past, even with the help of people from the Qianyan Army, Zhuangzi wanted to harvest all the grain.

That will also take several months.

But now that we have these machines, there is no doubt that the time for harvesting food can be greatly shortened in the future.

Even more farmland can be planted.

This machine is definitely not enough.

So Bai Ye planned to have Guiliyuan produce more cultivators.

Plant all the land that can be planted.

It is said that the grain output of Qingce Village was ten times what it is now.

It is only because of the massive loss of population in recent years that food production has decreased.

It even got to the point where Qianyanjun was allowed to come here to farm.

But now, high-yielding grains are available, and machines for plowing the land are also available.

If this continues, maybe just one farmland in Qingce Village can feed most of the people in Liyue.

Although it will not feed everyone, it can greatly reduce food imports.

For Liyue, this is undoubtedly very beneficial.

Wouldn’t it be nice to use the money spent on importing grain every year to do other things?

It is precisely because of this that Bai Ye, Shen He and others temporarily stayed in Qingce Village.

At night, Bai Ye took out the radio and started to contact Keqing.

Ask her to help the factory produce more cultivators.

After production, it is sent directly here.

At the same time, Bai Ye also contacted some Ning Guang.

Let her send some people to Qingce Village.

It is simply impossible to cultivate more fields with these old people alone.

The best thing is to hire back all the people from Qingce Village.

Ningguang certainly agreed with Bai Ye’s suggestion.

She was going to deal with it starting tomorrow.

Wait until you wake up the next morning.

Three lolita just ran over.

“Brother Baiye.!”

Bai Ye was a little confused after hearing Keli’s words.

“What happened to Keli?”

You ran here so early.

Is there something wrong?

Keli looked at Bai Ye eagerly.

“Brother Bai Ye, when are we going to fry that flying fish?”

“Poor thing can’t wait any longer.”

Hearing her words, Bai Ye couldn’t laugh or cry immediately.

“This one”

“Let’s wait first”

“Wait until I take care of everything here first”

“I’ll take you there then”

“Now, Keli will go somewhere else to play first, do you understand?”


“Don’t just drop bombs and scare the grandparents here.”

Bai Ye couldn’t help but remind the little guy.

He was really scared. Keli would go crazy when the time comes, and the bomb would hurt the old people here.

If something goes wrong by then, it would really be a sin. Hearing what Bai Ye said, Keli was disappointed, but she still nodded.

“Keli knows”

“Keli doesn’t just drop bombs randomly.”

Keli immediately agreed.

Seeing this, Bai Ye nodded with satisfaction.

However, Bai Ye was still a little worried.

So when she saw Hu Tao also woke up, she thought she was asking this guy to help take care of the baby.


“Please take Keli and the others to play around.”

“These little girls couldn’t sit still.”

Hearing what Bai Ye said, Hu Tao couldn’t help but be shocked.

Let her take Keli?

Are you sure you’re not making things difficult for her?

“The main thing is to prohibit her from using bombs to hurt people.”

“It’s not difficult actually”

“I don’t have much time now, so I can only ask you.”

Bai Ye noticed Hu Tao’s somewhat resistant look, so he couldn’t help but remind him.

There’s no need for you and Keli to fry fish or something.

Bai Ye knew that Hu Tao already suffered from a mild Keli bomb phobia.

Usually If you play with Keli, there is no problem if you don’t play with bombs. If you play with bombs, even Hutao will be scared.

So, this time Bai Ye couldn’t help but remind her.

Don’t play with bombs.

When Bai Ye heard With that said, Hu Tian was relieved.

Then he agreed.


In this case, then Hu Tao is fine.

Let her keep an eye on this little guy today and prohibit her from playing with bombs.

Thinking of this, Hu Tao suddenly smiled brightly.

And Keli learned that Hu Tao was going to Playing with them made me happy.

I had no idea that Hutao was just staring at her bombs.

She was forbidden to play with bombs.

Yaoyao felt something was wrong, but she didn’t think much about it.

After they all went to have a simple lunch , Hutao left here with Keli and started to play in Qingce Village.

There were also some children from Qingce Village who had nothing to do.

When they saw Keli, they followed directly.

Yesterday Keli is already familiar with the children in Qingce Village.

If there is anything interesting here, of course you have to ask the locals.

Keli is so cute, so she naturally gets the love of many people.

Hutao started with a group of children They went to play all over the mountains and plains.

Bai Ye continued to teach the people here how to use the machinery.

Sugar also began to cultivate the seeds and prepare seedlings.

This time, in addition to wheat seeds, there were also rice seeds. Seeds.

These seeds are cultivated from sugar.

In addition, she also has to check the nutrients of the soil and so on.

It seems very scientific, but in fact these are magic and alchemy.

Bai Ye stays here. Within several days, a lot of land was reclaimed.

More cultivators were also sent from Guiliyuan.

Then even some uncles began to learn how to use these cultivators.

They were very convenient to use.

At the same time, people recruited by Ningguang began to come over one after another.

Many of them were people from Qingce Village.

After learning that Qingce Village was recruiting employees to help farm and earn income.

Many people They all chose to come back.

If the family could make money, who would want to go out?

The return of these people also made the children in Qingce Village excited.

Because their parents who went out to work finally came back.

Not only that, Ningguang also plans to open buses from Qingcezhuang to Guiliyuan and Liyue Port.

Originally, the current buses only ran between Guiliyuan and Liyue Port.

Now one more place can be added.

Only But this is a long-distance bus.

It takes a long time.

So it’s just a few buses running back and forth.

The return of these people also speeds up the speed here.

After Bai Ye has taught everything that needs to be taught, , the rest is up to sugar.

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