Chapter 262 Kanria’s technique is wrong!

There is no doubt that Abedo has got what Bai Ye needs.

I quickly read through the information in my hand.

Bai Ye also knew it in his heart.

“Just upgrade the server you have here.”

“Then take the phone out for testing.”

Bai Yedang has made a decision.

If he wants to send pictures, he still needs to upgrade the server.

Abedo has no objection.

The server used for testing is useless.

If it is upgraded, just upgrade it.

Immediately, he also Pointing to the server in the corner, he said:”Over there”

“Do it yourself.”

When Bai Ye saw this, he didn’t hesitate. He stepped forward and started to do it. He directly upgraded the server.

This server is also connected to the Internet.

However, it has no effect.

This is just some experiments used by Abedo to test. Just something.

After spending a while, Bai Ye used the power of the Herrscher of Reason to upgrade this group of servers.

After finishing this, Bai Ye picked up the mobile phone design drawings given by Abedo and looked at it.

The drawings of the mobile phone, Abedo just upgraded.

Abedo didn’t figure out the shape or anything.

In other words, Bai Ye needed to do this thing himself.

Looking at these information, after Bai Ye figured it out, he started to think about it.

Mobile phone, Transformation.

Mobile phone? Of course it needs to be a touch screen.

He quickly summarized the various materials he knew in his mind.

Then he simulated it.

Soon, Bai Ye designed a mobile phone that belonged to Teyvat.

It was completely I made it with reference to a certain mobile phone in Bai Ye’s previous life.

Appearance is the most important thing.

Then, Bai Ye directly made the icon at the back to look like a rough stone.

At the same time, all the functions of the mobile phone were also integrated.

Listen to music, Take pictures, everything is available.

The parts inside are naturally not chips or the like. They are made by real alchemy.

The appearance looks exactly the same as the mobile phone in the previous life, but the inside?

Take it apart and let those who make mobile phones see it. They will probably be confused.

As for batteries, they still use electrical crystals.

Until a new replacement is found, this is the only way to go.

Perhaps, in the next research project, Abedo can be asked to study batteries. It’s a matter of time.

The electrical crystal will be unable to support sooner or later.

Although Inazuma: 01 provides it, it is very troublesome to go back and forth every time.

This greatly limits the current development.

While thinking about these things, Bai Ye A mobile phone was taken out.

Abedo saw the mobile phone taken out of Bai Ye’s hand.

His eyes suddenly lit up.

Such a mobile phone seemed to have a special kind of beauty.

But, why were there no buttons?

Bai Ye just took out the mobile phone. bought two.

Then one was given to Albedo, and the other was held in his hand.

“To operate, just touch it directly with your fingers..”

“Let’s test it first”

“Can I send pictures?”

“I also optimized the thing I designed before for transmitting pictures.”

“From now on, let’s use this to chat.”

“This thing is called, chat software!”

“Specially used for sending messages and adding friends”

“You can register with your own mobile phone number.”

Hearing what Bai Ye said, Abedo was stunned.

Use your fingers to operate?

This guy is really scary.

He just gave you a blueprint, and then Bai Ye directly upgraded you and even made optimizations.

Abedo was thinking He began to study this phone.

There were buttons next to it.

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He subconsciously tried to press it.

Then, the screen lit up.

When he saw the screen lit up, he also touched the screen with his fingers.

Just now With one touch, the phone unlocked.

Then he also saw the small icons on the desktop.

And the text below

“Take pictures, settings, calendar, phone, radio, text messages……?”

Also, chat software?

Good guy, why did you come up with so many things in one moment?

Abedo expressed great curiosity about this.

He clicked directly to take a photo.

Suddenly, the image under his feet appeared.

Seeing this scene, he also understood.

Just like a photo camera, it can be used directly, right?

With this thought, Abedo began to take pictures of other things in the room.

I took photos and a photo album appeared in the corner.

He immediately clicked in.

After several operations, Abedo also understood how to use this phone.

How to exit and enter, he soon mastered it.

Bai Ye was also studying the things in his hands.

When he looked up at Albedo.

Bai Ye was suddenly speechless.

Good guy, you don’t need to be taught, and you mastered it so quickly?

“First add a friend and start trying to send pictures.”

Hearing Bai Ye’s words, Abedo nodded.

According to Bai Ye’s request, the two of them directly added friends on the chat software.

Then, Bai Ye began to send a series of photos.

In just a moment, Abedo Just received it.

He is also studying the functions of this chat software.

It seems that it only has the function of sending pictures, text, and voice?

Is the voice function for people who can’t type?

Want to add new functions? What should we do?

At this moment, Abedo was suddenly filled with doubts.

“These things… how to make new functions?”

Abedo was very puzzled.

After hearing what Abedo said, Bai Ye didn’t hide anything.

“Because I created it directly, I ignored the development process.”

“If you want to get new features or new software”

“Then you have to take advantage of the programming technology used to make the ruin guards.”

“you should know”

“The ruins guard will faithfully execute the order when it receives certain instructions or triggers something.”

“These things are written directly into the core of the ruins guard.”

“As for this software, we have already developed it on the Internet.”

“You can directly use that technology to make modifications on the Internet”

“Or make some tools or something like that”

“I call this stuff programming”

“To be honest, Kanria’s programming skills are quite good.”

“Artificial intelligence is all done for you”

“It’s just that the network has not been developed, and the technology has been completely distorted.”

“Not used on the right path”

“I’ll put together a programming textbook by then.”

“Then, teach this specifically in schools.”

As Abedo listened to Bai Ye’s words, his brain was also running rapidly.

Then he roughly figured out what these softwares were about.

“In other words, if I want to modify it, I can only do it through special instructions, right?”

“Permissions are also required.”

Roughly speaking, this should be it, right?

Bai Ye nodded.

That’s right.

But only Bai Ye knows about this permission.

Bai Ye will be in charge of future updates of this chat software.

Maybe there will be more What about the unexpected surprise?

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