Chapter 263: Can I use Thor’s God’s Heart as a server?!

Chat software.

If everyone in Teyvat used the chat software he created.

Does that mean that whatever the people of Teyvat said can be checked at any time?

Isn’t this the legendary big data?

Awesome, awesome!

Therefore, Bai Ye must hold this only chat software in his hands.

At the same time, Bai Ye also started thinking.

The server that supports the operation of the entire Teyvat network. The current server alone cannot do so many things.

You must get a powerful server.

For a moment, Bai Ye also started thinking.

It’s just that these servers created by Abedo can be sustained for a period of time.

But in the future, there will be more and more data on the Internet.

The servers required are getting larger and larger.

Bai Ye is still very clear about this.

So is there anything that can directly solve this matter once and for all?

Get a very powerful server.

For a time, Bai Ye also fell into deep contemplation.

Abedo glanced at Bai Ye.

I didn’t think much about it.

I continued to study the mobile phone in my hand.

At the same time, he started trying to program using what Bai Ye just said.

Canrea’s technology… how to get it?

He studied the phone silently.

Although many things inside were designed by him.

But after being transformed by Bai Ye, 650 has completely changed beyond recognition.

He remembered that the charging interface seemed to be connected internally.

Then make modifications.

With this thought in mind, Abedo immediately started trying.

Bai Ye, who was meditating, didn’t know so many things.

At this time, the color of Bai Ye’s eyes had changed.

He directly used the power of the Herrscher.

Start deducing what is needed to build a super server.

However, Bai Ye was not satisfied with several results.

This made him very unhappy.

Do you want to touch the earth’s veins?

Soon, Bai Ye threw this idea away.

Leylines, don’t touch them for now.

Although Bai Ye is no longer afraid of heaven.

But to avoid some trouble, try to avoid it first.

He is in ruins. The stronger the civilization, the stronger the strength.

Let that little girl come down and fight with him, and then destroy everything she made?

Although I don’t know if it will have any impact on my strength after being destroyed.

But avoid it if you can.

I gave up the idea of touching the ley lines.

Bai Ye suddenly thought of a question.

Since the Heart of God can connect to the Island in the Sky.

Is that right?

Thinking of this, Bai Ye’s eyes suddenly lit up.

Then he began to use the power of the Herrscher of Reason to deduce.

At the same time, he also took out the two imitation Hearts of God.

When Bai Ye took out the Heart of God.

Abedo also looked over.

“Heart of God?”

Seeing these two God’s Hearts, Abedo was immediately shocked.

There were actually two God’s Hearts in this guy’s hand?

The Rock God’s and the Wind God’s?

Feeling the power on them, Abedo recognized them immediately.

If it is said that Yan Shen’s God’s Heart is in Bai Ye’s hands, he might be able to understand it.

After all, what Bai Ye is doing now is the emperor’s silent support from behind.

He even doubted whether Bai Ye would take over Yan Shen next. position.

Become the second generation of rock gods.

After all, among the current seven gods, except for the wind god and the rock god, the other gods are second generation.

But what the hell is the heart of the god of the wind in the hands of Bai Ye?

Could it be that, the god of the wind ? Did the guy sell Mond to Bai Ye?

At this time, after some calculations, Bai Ye also had the answer in his heart.

And holding the two hearts of gods, Bai Ye couldn’t help but laugh.

Bai Ye, who came back to his senses, looked at

He also heard what Abedo said. The two looked at each other, and Abedo asked out the doubts in his heart.

“Is that the God’s Heart of the Wind God?”

He pointed at the Heart of God in Bai Ye’s hand that exuded strong wind elements and asked.

Bai Ye nodded.


“Copy the divine heart of your wind god”

“Not considered genuine”

“You Fengshen also have one in your hand”

“If it was genuine, he should have given it to the fools.”

Hearing what Bai Ye said, Abedo’s whole body went numb.

So, the God’s Heart used by the Wind God now is actually fake?? emm…

It feels weird.

“Can you let me study it?”

Although he was full of doubts, he soon became too lazy to think about it.

There must be some dirty deal involved.

Compared with this, he was more interested in this thing.

Can you let him study it?

Bai Yewen Yan, just threw the heart of God in his hand to him

“Take it”

“Just pay me back later”

“Now I have a good idea”

“Just do your research.”

When he said this, the corners of Bai Ye’s mouth raised slightly.

It was a very good idea to use the Heart of God to build a server.

However, the two he had on hand were not good enough. He had to use Thor’s Heart of God as a server. Just make that server.

According to his calculations, he already has the answer in his mind.

The Heart of God itself has unlimited storage space. Bai Ye only needs to slightly modify it.

Then it can be used as a server.

But how to make it have the ability to receive The ability of data?

The Heart of God itself can contact Sky Island.

So Bai Ye thought of this.

Then, the transmission of data relies on electromagnetic waves.

Then…Thunder God’s Heart of God is the perfect material.

Build one The server that accommodates the entire Tuvat network data has no problem at all.

So the next step is how to copy the God’s Heart of Thunder God.

That guy’s God’s Heart is in the hands of the fox.

Kamisato Ayaka, Mobile phones and other things have been sent over.

The Beidou signal tower has been laid.

Then, it won’t be long before the other party will definitely call.

Then contact him.

The letter I wrote before is It just happened to be useful.

Let the other party give you a copy of the Heart of God first. Isn’t that too much?

I guess the other party won’t refuse.

The shadow girl doesn’t need that thing anymore.

It’s directly in the hands of Yae Shenzi.

He just wanted to come over and copy it. When

Abedo heard what Bai Ye said, he was stunned for a moment.

Good idea?

Using the Heart of God?

What does Bai Ye plan to do?

Looking at the Heart of God in his hand, Abedo didn’t Think more.

Instead, he started researching directly.

He was also very curious about such magical things as the Heart of God.

Bai Ye did not disturb Albedo.

He sat down directly.

Then he picked up Albedo’s other notes and read them.

Abedo also made a TV.

It comes with a mobile phone.

However, his TV seems to have a big head.

It has to be changed!!

Thinking of this, Bai Ye quickly read what Abedo had written. stuff.

Then make changes.

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