Chapter 283 I heard that the emperor won a lot of money!

When you return to the original place, you will often find things that are not available in Teyvat.

Gan Yu had already told them about this from the beginning when he came here.

This group of employees must be mentally prepared at all times.

Always be ready to learn.

If something new comes out, they have to learn it immediately.

Things like the cars and mobile phones that appeared before.

They are constantly adapting to these.

Now, here comes the computer.

They, too, have to continue to adapt.

It is precisely because of this that this group of people has no complaints.

After all, you were mentally prepared from the beginning, right?

After the computer is turned on.

According to what Bai Ye said before.

They began to try to control the mouse.

Then I clicked on the software called Typing Practice.

Some people click the left button, and some people click the right button.

But it’s not a big problem. can be opened as well.

If it doesn’t work once, click twice.

The software opens.

Then there are methods for you to enter various texts.

What words are entered on the keys will be displayed.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of everyone present suddenly lit up.

Then I started to try it.

Each one of them used their two-finger meditation to type on the computer. speed?

Very slowly! Very slowly!!.

When it was time to get off work, Bai Ye walked out of his office.

700 saw many people outside ordering takeout and now practicing typing in the office.

Bai Ye felt so satisfied.

These guys seem to be very easy to learn.

Well, I’ll give them a lecture when I come back in the afternoon.

Wait until this group of people learn it.

Then let them teach people in other departments.

Nowadays, computers are only kept here at the General Affairs Department.

It’s not done elsewhere.

Bai Ye, who was thinking this way, left here directly.

Start to eat.

After returning from a full meal, Bai Ye began to give lectures to those present.

Teach them how to use those office software.

The main thing taught is to let them input words into the computer.

Scan something into your computer at the same time.

Then print it out and so on.

Not only that, but also how the computing software is used.

Some people are responsible for accounting.

After seeing that you only need to input various data and then simply manipulate it to get the results.

These people’s eyes suddenly lit up.

Because this is so convenient.

Therefore, these people are also the most serious in their studies.

While Bai Ye was teaching.

Ningguang, Ganyu, and Keqing also walked in from outside.

Seeing what Bai Ye was explaining, they immediately became interested.

So Bai Ye was not disturbed.

Instead, he found a place to sit down.

Of course Bai Ye also noticed these people coming.

He didn’t pay attention and continued talking about these things.

After the time was almost up, Bai Ye stopped.

“Okay, let’s stop here today”

“You can try it yourself when the time comes.”

“When I have time, I will continue to teach you”

“Of course, you can also do your own research.”

Hearing what Bai Ye said, everyone present nodded hurriedly.

When they were about to leave, they also saw several people from Ningguang.

When they saw Ningguang, they were immediately startled.

“Master Ningguang, Master Ganyu, Master Keqing.”

Looking at these people, she said very gently:”Hello everyone.”

“study hard”

“These things are very useful”

“In the future, we may have to use this thing called a computer to work.”

Hearing Ning Guang’s encouragement, everyone nodded excitedly.


After responding to Ning Guang, these people also left here in a hurry and started their own work.

Bai Ye said directly to Ning Guang and others:”Why are you here?”

Hearing Bai Ye’s words, Ning Guang rolled his eyes.

“Come to play mahjong with you”

“Recently, the emperor has been very addicted!”

When she said this, she couldn’t help but complain.

Ever since Zhongli and Hutao learned to play mahjong, they immediately ran to the young master to play mahjong.

And because they were playing in a teahouse, there were many people Everyone knows about the game of mahjong.

The young master lost millions of dollars that day. Even the unlucky guy they pulled over also lost a lot of money.

This scared the other party to the point where they didn’t dare to continue playing with Hutao. They played.

The young master was also addicted and directly called the manager of Beiguo Bank.

Then the two began to send money to Hutao and Zhongli.

When he heard the news, Ningguang was speechless.

Good guys, those two Are you planning to win Beiguo Bank?

Although I don’t know what will happen next.

But I heard that they played mahjong all night long.

When they left, Hutao was jumping up and down, and Zhongli was also full of joy.

Even watching on the spot I came across a vase I liked and bought it without saying a word.

It was still a check.

It can be seen from this that the emperor must have won a lot of money.

After hearing what Ning Guang said, Bai Ye also gave Give this guy a blank look

“Stop making trouble”

“You probably didn’t come here for this.”

“Let’s go”

“Come to my office and tell me.”

Playing mahjong?

Do you want to play the landlord tonight?

He, Shen He and Ningguang are added.

If not, it’s no problem to join Gan Yu and Ke Qing.

Ningguang’s mouth raised slightly.

She was just joking..

Mahjong, a time-consuming game, can be played when she has time.

However, she does not have much time.

In fact, if she has time, she might as well play the Liyue Millennium game she made.

Several people arrived Bai Ye’s office.

Ke Qing, who was walking behind, closed the door directly.

There was no need to let outsiders know about the conversation between them.

Bai Ye directly made tea for everyone.

After taking a few sips, Ning Guang was He opened his mouth and said:”When do you plan to popularize those computers outside?”

“You’ve come up with a lot of things recently.”

Hearing her words, Bai Ye nodded.


“However, if you want to popularize computers, you have to wait.”

“Now computers and the Internet have just been developed”

“Many things are not perfect yet”

“So there is no need to rush to popularize it”

“Besides, now the only places suitable for using computers are offices like ours.”

“I guess not many people will buy computers for personal use.”

I want games but not games, I want to watch TV but not TV.

For the time being, I can only use it for office work.

What’s so fun about it?

Or maybe it’s for chatting online.

If that’s the case, isn’t it good for me to play on my mobile phone?

So it’s not the case now. It’s a particularly good time.

Let’s wait until the computer is more perfect.

If it continues to develop, I believe that every household in Liyue will have a computer by then.

Ning Guang nodded.

Since Bai Ye has his own plan, that’s fine.

Immediately , Ningguang also started to talk about what she came to say today.

Her eyes suddenly became serious.

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