Chapter 284 Ning Guang: Help me copy a few jade pavilions and use them to smash them!

This time Ning Guang came to see Bai Ye, not to talk about the computer.

Computers are just incidental.

What she wants to say is much more important than this.

“The Immortal Invitation Ceremony is about to begin”

“All the preparations we should make are ready”

“What about your side?”

“Don’t you need to deploy weapons on the coastline?”

Hearing what Ning Guang said, Bai Ye shook his head.

He waved his hand directly, and the nearby sea chart appeared directly.


“Even if Osel comes out”

“It will probably go directly to Liyue Port by then.”

“Although our side may be slightly affected”

“But it’s not a big problem”

“Moreover, don’t underestimate Gui Liyuan’s current power.”

“Abedo, Keli and these people are all here.”

“I won’t let anything go wrong here”

“You can rest assured of this.”

About this, Bai Ye is still very confident.

Let’s not talk about whether Osel will come here.

Gui Liyuan’s current combat power alone is already very powerful.

And weapons?

Bai Ye has a lot of those things with just a wave of his hand..So there is no need to worry.

Ningguang only needs to take care of the affairs in Liyue Port.

He doesn’t need to worry too much here.

After hearing Bai Ye’s words, Ningguang was silent for a while and then nodded.

“Since you have confidence, there is no problem”

“Next, I hope you can help me get some more guns”

“My side has expanded its army, and there are still many people without weapons.”

“Other than that, it’s just a matter for fools.”

“What should we do with those guys next?”

Speaking of this issue, Ningguang also felt a little headache at this time.

Logically speaking, the emperor is having fun playing with that young master of fools.

Then if Liyue carries out reforms next, the fools of the crowd should How to deal with it?

Hearing Ning Guang talk about this.

Bai Ye blinked.

“Didn’t I say that before?”

“Just put the shit basin on them”

“Didn’t the emperor want to fake his death?”

“If that’s the case, just put on a play”

“Directly blame everything on the fools”

“Just in time, take this opportunity to drive the fools out of Liyue completely.”

“What a great opportunity.”

Hearing Bai Ye’s words, everyone was speechless.

“Isn’t this not good?”

Gan Yu also raised his eyebrows at this time.

Wouldn’t it be unethical to pour dirty water on fools?

Ke Qing on the side began to think deeply.

This seems to be a good idea?

Ke Qing quite agrees with this approach..Drive out the fools!

“The young master still doesn’t know that Zhongli is the emperor.”

“The young master’s mission in coming to Liyue is for the heart of God.”

With that said, Bai Ye took out two God’s Hearts with his backhand.

Several people already knew that the Emperor’s God’s Heart was copied by Bai Ye.

So now that he took it out, no one was surprised at all.

“He came for the heart of God”

“So, it’s normal to assassinate the emperor for the heart of God, isn’t it?”

“So, reasons, motivations, they all have them”

“There’s nothing wrong with throwing a shit basin at them.”

“When the time comes, the emperor will probably give away his divine heart.”

“By the time they understand these things, their reputation in Liyue is already bad.”

“Although it already smells bad now”

“But after what happened this time, if the Fools want to do something in Liyue, they will be extremely disgusted.”

“This may be a good thing for Liyue”

“After all, those guys wouldn’t feel comfortable if they didn’t do something for a day”

“It would be good to take advantage of this opportunity to drive the fools out of Liyue directly.”

“In Mondstadt next door, all the foolish diplomats ran away.”

“If we still have fools here, wouldn’t we be worse than Mondstadt?”

Listening to what Bai Ye said, Ning Guang and others were speechless.

What you said makes sense.

Ning Guang thought for a while, and then agreed with Bai Ye’s approach.

“Well, if that’s the case, then let’s do it then”

“By the way, Bai Ye!”

“Can you copy Qun Yu Pavilion?”

Speaking of this, a strange color flashed in her eyes.

Bai Ye was a little puzzled when he heard her ask this.


“Do you want me to copy Qunyu Pavilion?”

Ningguang nodded.

“I thought so”

“If our methods can’t deal with Osel by then,”

“Then just smash the Qunyu Pavilion directly.”

“But if it were smashed directly, I would be very heartbroken”

“So, please help me copy it.”

When talking about smashing the Qun Jade Pavilion, Ningguang’s face showed a rare expression of depression.

She really didn’t want to smash the Qun Jade Pavilion unless it was absolutely necessary.

After all, the Qun Jade Pavilion cost her countless efforts.

But if it’s for Liyue, she won’t hesitate too much.

It’s always a big deal.

I have plenty of money.

It’s just that some materials are hard to find.

After hearing Ningguang’s words, Bai Ye agreed after thinking about it.


“If you copy it, it won’t be a big problem.”

“The most valuable things in your jade pavilion are nothing more than the antiques you collected.”

“Then there is the floating stone”

“Or Mingxia floating stone?”

When he said this, Bai Ye couldn’t help but complained.

The price of the floating stone itself is very expensive. It can easily cost tens of millions.

The auction price of the Mingxia floating stone used by Ningguang alone starts at hundreds of millions or more..

The ability of Qun Jade Pavilion to fly is almost entirely dependent on this.

Why don’t you use floating stone when building an airplane?

Well, the parts on the ruin hunter are cheaper.

That’s why they don’t use it.

And the floating stone needs to be activated by special means to fly. Get up.

Otherwise, it is almost like an ordinary stone.

It is still not as good as the parts on the ruins hunter.

Only the rich woman Ningguang can afford such materials.

After hearing what Bai Ye said, Ningguang nodded.


“The core of Qunyu Pavilion is the floating stone”

“Without the floating stone, Qunyu Pavilion would be just an ordinary palace.”

“if you could copy”

“That would be a big help”

“Can you copy a few for me?”

“When the time comes that one won’t work, just use two to smash it.”

“If it really doesn’t work, use three seats.”

“How can Qun Yu Pavilion lose?”

Speaking of this, Ningguang suddenly became excited.

When the time comes, it seems that she can have a lot of fun smashing it?

It looks so good!!

If it is copied, she will definitely not feel bad when it is smashed. She will win if she frowns.

Ke Qing He Gan Yu was speechless after listening to Ning Guang’s speech.

Good guy!

Is this woman crazy?

Bai Ye also looked at her with speechless eyes.

“Come on”

“It’s not necessary at all”

“To deal with the Vortex Demon God, you don’t even need to let the Immortal take action.”

“If I do it myself, I can do it easily.”

“But this time, it was just for Liyue’s navy and army to show their strength.”

“And, your strength”

“So, at the end of the day, just let me finish it off.”

Bai Ye still has a hundred million points of confidence in his own strength!

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