The last orphan of Evikin?

The son blessed by the Triple-eyed Earth Mother Goddess?

The gambler who never loses!?

At this moment, when everyone on the continent of Teyvat saw the title on the screen, they couldn't help but be shocked.

【Funina】:"Wow, a gambler who has never lost! ? Is this true! ? Is there really someone in this world who always wins every time he gambles? (Shocked.jpg)"

【Skirmishers】:"Win every time you gamble? Oh, that's funny, how could such a person exist in this world?"

【Skirmishers】:"I'm afraid only a brainless idiot would believe such a title?"

【Rosalyn】:"Hehe, just as I expected, this so-called live broadcast room for exposing the collapse is just a name in name only."

【Rosalyn】:"Who doesn't brag? A gambler who has never lost. Who does he think he is? The god of luck? Funny"

【Dottore】:"I wonder what kind of surprise this collapsed live broadcast room can bring me?……"

【Dottore】:"It was just a farce, never lost���Gambler? Hum, just reading this title is a bit funny"

【Dottore】:"If there really is a gambler who never loses in this world, he would have been on par with the gods long ago. But... do you think it's possible? Haha……"

【Night Palace】:"Although I also think that this gambler who has never lost is exaggerating a bit, but... there is no need for you Fatui to say so, right?"

【Ara Taki Ichito】:"That is, although I can’t say that I win every time I gamble, I have basically never lost in insect fighting. I guess that person must be as strong as me!"

【Paimon】:"Cowherd, don't you feel ashamed to say this? (Speechless.jpg)"

【Kuki Shinobu】:"Boss, please stop talking. I feel ashamed for you..."

【Nashida】:"Actually, I don’t really believe that there are gamblers in this world who never lose."

【Nashida】:"But... I still want to see what kind of person this last orphan of Evikin, the son blessed by the triple-eyed Earth Mother, is in that collapsed world."

【Kelly】:"Great! Keli wants to see what the big brother who always wins the bet looks like! Play the video quickly!"


At this moment, as everyone in Watt waited, a picture slowly appeared on the giant screen in the sky.

【World Introduction: Pinocchio】

【Pinocchio - Originally a prison planet used by the Interstellar Peace Corporation to exile criminals, when the Cancer of All Worlds broke out, the company lost control of it, so Pinocchio fell into the arms of the star god"Harmony" Shipe and became the current"Star of the Gala".」】

【Now, a grand event called"Harmony Ceremony" is being held in Pinoconi as scheduled. The"family" has invited many people from different destinies and factions from the Milky Way. Star Train, the Knowledge Society, the Flowing Light Memory Court, the Masked Fool, and the Patrol Ranger are all invited to attend this banquet.】

【Likewise, it also includes the senior executives of the Interstellar Peace Company and one of the"Stone Heart Ten" - Sand Gold】

【Related characters: Huangquan, Hanabi, Sunday, Doctor Zhen, Firefly, Nameless Guest Star……】

On the screen.

After the introduction of Pinocchio and related people was finished.

The screen slowly appeared.

At the beginning of the screen.

The voice of Shajin's confession sounded in the live broadcast room.

【I came from the desert of Tsygania. For sixty copper coins, people branded me, put shackles on me, sent me to the rack, and buried me in the sand.……】

【But the sun can't kill me, instead the quicksand sends me to the embrace of the society and the company】

【Remember, I didn't win once by accident, I never lost】

【Friends, the game has begun, you can't refuse——】

【——There is no reason, and there is no room for it. 】

At this moment.

As this confession of Shajin sounded in the live broadcast room. The people of the entire Teyvat continent were shocked by this sentence.


"Oh my... God!"

At this time, the Fontaine Water Goddess Funina, after hearing what just said, was filled with shock in her beautiful eyes.

"This is...what a domineering statement!"

"It's like a king who despises everything!"

"The pressure he brought to me by these words even felt heavier than that of a god!"

Hearing this, even Navilette beside him couldn't help but reveal a shocked expression.

"The guy who can say such a thing... is definitely not an ordinary person"

"Who is this gold dust?"



"I didn't win once by accident, I never lost……"

At this time, Zhongli, who was in the tea room of Wangsheng Hall , couldn't help but repeat it in a murmur, his eyes full of disbelief after hearing Shajin's confession.

"What a confident and domineering statement!"

"Just from his words, I can feel a majestic aura that is no less than that of God.……"

"I didn't expect that this live broadcast room had completely exceeded my expectations from the beginning.……"

"Gold Dust, could it be that you have never lost in your life...?"



"Unbelievable... How confident a gambler must be to make such a domineering statement?"

"I'm afraid even the general may not have such majesty! ?"

"The person who can say such words... is he really not a god?"

Yao Shenzi, who was at the Narugami Taisha Shrine, looked at the screen in the sky with turbulent eyes.

When she saw the title of the live broadcast room before, she was a little bit unconvinced.

In this world... how could there be a gambler who has never lost?

But now, after hearing Shajin's confession.

Yao Shenzi suddenly had a feeling... the man who said this, I'm afraid he has never lost to anyone in his life!



At this time,

Nashida, who was in the Jingshan Palace, couldn't help but widen her eyes after hearing Shajin's confession.

"Is this... the confidence of a gambler who has never lost?"

Nashida looked at the screen in the sky and couldn't help muttering.

In the video just now

, although there was only a simple confession.

But Nashida felt unprecedented dominance and confidence from that confession.

It was as if as long as he was at the gambling table, he was the king who could dominate everything.

Even gods would be defeated by him.

At this time, Nashida became more and more curious...

What kind of story did this man named Shajin have?……


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