At this time.

In the chat group

【Paimon】:"Oh my god! Did you hear what Shajin said just now?"

【Paimon】:"Remember, I didn't win once by chance, I never lose!"

【Paimon】:"Oh my god! This sentence is so cool! I can feel the domineering power of this sentence through the screen! (Shocked.jpg)"

【fluorescent】:"I feel that the person who can say this has probably never lost to anyone in his life. The feeling of oppression is really too strong!"

【Ganyu】:"Yes, I even feel that the sense of oppression brought to me by this sentence is even more oppressive than the sense of oppression brought to me by the Emperor in his heyday when he suppressed the demons."

【Rosalyn】:"Humph, come on, just pretend."

【Rosalyn】:"I just said one or two words that looked very intimidating, you guys didn't really believe it, did you? (laughing.jpg)"

【Skirmishers】:"That is, how is it possible for a gambler to never lose in his entire life?"

【Skirmishers】:"Even God can't do this."

【Skirmishers】:"Are you trying to say that this man named Shajin is even above the Seven Gods? How funny. (sneer.jpg)"

【Dottore】:"Only the wisdom of ordinary people would think that there are people in this world who are really blessed by the god of luck."

【Dottore】:"In my opinion, this guy named Jin Sha is either a pretentious liar or a clown who is trying to attract attention."

【Dottore】:"Just this little trick, and you are fooled? Haha... it is really the wisdom of mortals. (sneer.jpg)"

【Paimon】:"Ugh uhhhhh!!! (mad.jpg) You Fatui are so annoying! (angry.jpg)"

【Paimon】:"How is it impossible for someone to be blessed by the God of Luck? Maybe Sha Jin really has such luck?"

【Kelly】:"That's right! Brother Bennett is the one favored by the God of Bad Luck. Klee believes that if there are people favored by the God of Bad Luck, there must be people favored by the God of Fortune!"

【Bennett】:"Ahem...Keli, you don't have to use me as a counterexample, right? (awkward.jpg)"

【Yaoyao】:"Just wait and see! When the gold dust really appears, your faces will be swollen! Humph! (Tsundere.jpg)"


As the confession of Shajin on the screen slowly faded away

, a report on interstellar peace slowly sounded in the live broadcast room.

【A few days ago, Interstellar Peace Corporation officially announced——】

【Under the guidance of the Market Development Department, Tsigonia-IV has established an independent United Emirates Kingdom in accordance with the Interstellar Peace Charter and obtained a legal seat in the Interstellar Peace Conference.——】

【The establishment of the United Emirates has important historical significance for Tsygannia: this move puts an end to the planet's long and bloody history, and the sensational"Kartika-Ewekin Extinction Case" will become a distant past.——】

【Tsigonia-IV is located in the unowned zone at the junction of the three major star systems of Drnes, Prucia and Danube. The surface climate of the planet is known to be extremely harsh and is always under the threat of impact from small celestial bodies.——】

【Therefore, there are only a few intelligent races living on this planet now. They have split into many clans, mostly nomadic, struggling to survive in the dry and rainless desert wilderness, and have developed folk beliefs that are completely independent of the star god system.……】

As the interstellar peace report came out, the entire Teyvat continent was shocked by the extremely harsh living environment of the planet described in the report.

【Kamisato Ayaka】:"Who would have thought that the homeland of gold dust, Tsygannia, is actually a planet with such a harsh living environment! ?"

【Kamisato Ayaka】:"Not only is the surface of the planet extremely harsh, but it is also constantly threatened by impacts from small celestial bodies... Oh my God! I dare not even think about how terrible that place is! (Shocked.jpg)"

【Kamisato Ayaka】:"It wouldn't be an exaggeration to call it hell! ? (scared.jpg)"

【Deshia】:"I originally thought that the living environment in the Xumi Desert where our Gilded Brigade lived was already bad enough."

【Deshia】:"Unexpectedly, Shajin and his people actually lived on a planet with a living environment that was like hell.……"

【Deshia】:"It is really hard for me to imagine how the people living on that planet managed to survive... (Shocked.jpg)"

【Nashida】:"Wait... the report just now seemed to mention the"Katika-Evikin extinction case"』!?"

【Nashida】:"I seem to remember... before, in the title of Gold Dust, it seemed to say"The last orphan of Evikin"?"

【Navia】:"Oh my god! Could it be that... all of Shajin's tribe members and even his family members were killed in this extermination case! ?"

【Navia】:"And Shajin... is the last survivor of the extinction of the Ewekin clan! ? (Shocked.jpg)"

Amid the shocked discussion among the chat group, a picture slowly appeared in the live broadcast room.

At this time, in the picture

, a mother was holding a newborn baby and whispering

【Tsygania... Tsygania... the eye of the thirsty storm, the place spurned by the gods……】

【There are stones but no water, there are thunder but no rain, there are blood but no tears……】

【You beat us with falling stars, temper us with wind and thunder, and chew us with cracked earth.……】

【You gave us the name of honey (Evikin), but you put us under the knife of bitterness (Kartika)】

【Three-eyed Earth Mother (Fingol Björs), if you can hear me, please open your eyes and look at this child.……】

【When you took away his father, my child was still sleeping in the amniotic fluid……】

【Now where my husband is, I will also go……】

【I don't ask to die peacefully, I just hope you can tell me, the baby sleeping in the cradle...can he dream of his mother's heartbeat, or the sound of rain falling on the earth?】

【Please tell me if life is just a fleeting dream……】

【Otherwise, why was this child born to die?……?】


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