As the scene just played on the screen ended, the entire Seven Kingdoms of Teyvat could not help but be moved.——

"Oh my god! Is that baby in the picture… Gold Dust? He looks so cute!"

Barbara looked at the baby Gold Dust still in the cradle on the screen and couldn’t help saying,"But… why does his mother look so sad?"

"I think it's probably because of the harsh living environment on the planet Tsyganiya."

Qin at the side sighed and said,"The thirsty eye of the storm, the place spitted by the gods, there are stones but no water, thunder but no rain, blood but no tears."

"In such an environment, even the most ferocious beast would have difficulty surviving, let alone... a fragile baby."

Hearing this, Amber on the side couldn't help but murmured:"Oh my God... Just listening to the mother's description... I already feel that it is a world like hell."

"You beat us with falling stars, temper us with wind and thunder, and chew us with cracked earth.……"

"It is really hard to imagine how they survived on that land.……"

At this moment, when they saw the hellish scene on the screen, they were also shocked by the cruel living environment on the planet Tsagania in the video.

Until this moment, they finally understood why the mother asked such a soul-searching question at the end.——

【Please tell me if life is just a fleeting dream……】

【Otherwise, why was this child born to die?】



"Oh my god... Is this... the legendary Tsyganja, the birthplace of gold?……?"

At this time, Nashida, who was in the Jingshan Palace, was shocked when she saw the hellish scene on the planet Tsyganiya.

The earth was drier than the Xumi Desert, the wind was stronger than the lonely king in the tower, and the thunderstorm was more terrifying than the sea outside Inazuma.

She couldn't even imagine how the Evikins survived in such an extremely harsh environment.

In Nashida's view, this was not a place where life should exist.

Even a god like her would be terrified by the hellish living environment on Tsyganiya.

"On this planet called Tsyganiya, even the birth of life has become a sin.……"

"Gold dust... Could it be that you grew up step by step in a place like this, and finally achieved your own undefeated legend?"

Looking at the gold dust still in its cradle in the picture, Nashida couldn't help but mutter to herself



"Oh my god! I am not seeing things.……"

"That hell-like place is actually Tsygannia! ?"

At this moment, Funina looked at the image of Tsygannia on the screen and couldn't help but screaming.

At this moment, beside her, Villette, the highest judge of Fontaine, also frowned.

It seemed that even he felt that it was impossible for life to survive in such a harsh environment.

But... Shajin did it.

Not only did he do it, but he even became a senior executive of the Interstellar Peace Company and one of the ten stone hearts...

It is hard to imagine what price Shajin paid to get to where he is today.……


At this time, Funina suddenly looked at Violet and asked,"You said... Shajin survived even in such a cruel environment, so we should be able to survive the crisis of Fontaine, right?"

Hearing this, Violet was stunned.

Then, Violet nodded slowly and said,"Yes, I will."

"Shajin, if you are really a child blessed by luck, then... please bring your good luck to us as well."

Funina murmured.


At the same time.

In the chat group

【fluorescent】:"Oh my god... this is the birthplace of gold dust... Tsyganiya?"

【fluorescent】:"This is simply... simply like hell! (Shocked.jpg)"

【Ganyu】:"What a scary planet... I can't even imagine that there is life on this planet……"

【Ganyu】:"I think even an immortal... probably can't survive on this planet, right? (Shocked.jpg)"

【walnut】:"I couldn't understand why Gold Dust's mother wasn't happy about the birth of her child, but was instead... mourning! ?"

【Keqing】:"Perhaps it’s because... on Tsygannia, a planet full of death, even the birth of life... has become a sin?"

【Ningguang】:"Yes, being born on a planet like hell, even dreaming of my mother's heartbeat or the sound of rain falling on the earth has become a luxury.……"

【Ningguang】:"Just ask yourself, which mother...can be happy about this?"

【Ningguang】:"No wonder she questioned her mother goddess, whether life was just a fleeting dream? Otherwise, why was her child born to face death?"

【Paimon】:"Woo woo woo┭┮﹏┭┮, this is too tragic! On this hopeless planet, the mother can only watch her child die... What kind of hell is this!!!"

【Paimon】:"People born on this planet...what kind of sins did they commit in their previous lives to have to suffer this kind of pain?!! (crying.jpg)"

【Rosalyn】:"Haha, now I find this so-called"luck" of gold sand really funny. Being born in such a hellish place, you call this luck?"

【Rosalyn】:"Rather than saying it was lucky, it was more of a misfortune, right? His birth, besides bringing death to his people, what else could it bring?"

【Rosalyn】:"Could it be possible that he could make it rain in this hellish place?"


At this moment, in the picture, just as the mother was holding her baby and telling her about her suffering, there was a sudden burst of lightning and thunder outside the tent.

Then... there was the sound of heavy rain falling on the ground.

"Mommy mommy……!"

"……"Mom - Rain! It's raining!"

At this moment, the daughter's excited voice suddenly came from outside the tent.

【Rain...? Rain……】

When the mother heard the sound of thunder and rain outside the house, she was still a little bit unbelievable.

She hadn't heard the sound of rain for so long that she almost forgot what it sounded like when raindrops fell on the ground.……

"It's raining! It's true! Those strangers didn't lie to us, they really made it rain.……"

"Mom, we can get out of here...! We can go home……!"

The daughter's voice was still extremely excited, awakening her mother from her thoughts

【Go home...ah...Triple-eyed Earth Mother, it's you!】

【Did you hear that? Thank you...thank you……】

【Baby, listen... this is the sound of rain】

【On the day you were born, the Mother Goddess's gift also fell from heaven.……】

【You are a lucky child, a blessed child… just like your name, a gift from Him to Evikin… my child……】

【May the Mother Goddess close her eyes for you three times……】

【Make your blood beat forever……】

【The journey is always peaceful……】

【The trick never fails……】

【……Welcome to this sad world, Kakavasa (son blessed by the Mother Goddess)——】


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