At this time, when everyone in the live broadcast room saw that the newly born gold on the screen actually brought a heavy rain to Tsigonia, which had never seen rain before, they were shocked.

【Navia】:"Oh my god! It's really raining in Tsyganj!"

【Navia】:"Didn't they say that it hasn't rained in Tsyganja for a long time? Could it be that... this rain was really brought by the gold dust!? (Shocked.jpg)"

【Funina】:"Could it be that... Shajin is really a child blessed by the God of Luck!? (Shocked.jpg)"

【Paimon】:"Hahahaha, who just said that gold dust couldn't possibly bring rain to his people! ?"

【Paimon】:"You've been slapped in the face now! Let me ask you if your face hurts! Hahahaha... (laughing.jpg)"

【Rosalyn】:"Tsk, what are you so proud of? Even if he really brought a heavy rain to the Tsyganyans, didn't he still not escape the fate of being exterminated? ?"

【Rosalyn】:"In my opinion, this so-called luck is just to allow him and his people to survive a little longer and endure a little more suffering."

【Rosalyn】:"You call this luck? Haha, don't make me laugh to death. (laugh.jpg)"

【Dottore】:"Yes, living on this planet of Tsygannia is no different from living in hell."

【Dottore】:"In my opinion, it is better to die earlier and suffer less. That is really lucky."

【Amber】:"Oh my god! Aren’t the words of you Fatui executives too cruel? ?"

【Cole】:"Exactly! What do you mean it's better to die earlier to be lucky? You are so inhumane! (Angry.jpg)"

【Dolly】:"Really, why is the Fatui's executive officer so annoying!? Will you die if you don't speak? (Angry.jpg)"

【Kelly】:"Beat the bad Fatui executive! Klee is going to blow you bastards to death! (Bounce bomb.jpg)"

【Seven Seven】:"Qiqi... agree... (核善.jpg)"

【Qin】:"Wait... Where did Klee learn these swear words? Kaeya, did you teach her? (Shocked.jpg)"

【Kaia】:"I am not, I didn’t, please don’t wrongly accuse me… (shake head.jpg)"

【fluorescent】:"Although it is a bit awkward to hear these words coming out of Klee's mouth, I feel comfortable when I hear Klee scolding these Fatui... (Comfortable.jpg)"


"You should wake up, gambler."

With the shout of the Doctor of Truth, Veritas Latio.

In the screen, Gold Sand finally slowly opened his eyes.

The scene just now... seemed to be the scene that Gold Sand saw in his dream.

Perhaps it was precisely because it was a dream that he could see his mother who had died long ago, hear his sister's voice, and... see the rain that fell in his hometown because of him.

So... was it just a dream?

Gold Sand pinched his swollen and painful temples, looked at Professor Latio who appeared in front of him at some point and said,"Oh my God, I might have drunk too much, Suleda.……"

"I didn't expect you to come back so soon. Did you find anything?"

Gold Dust asked.

Doctor of Truth Veritas Latio folded his hands, put on his usual arrogant attitude and said,"It's just as you guessed. No one outside knows that the robin has been killed. There is not even a rumor."

When Doctor of Truth said this, a line of subtitles slowly appeared on the screen.——

【Robin - a member of the Tongxie family, Sunday's sister, a famous singer of the Tianhuan tribe in the Milky Way, was invited back to her hometown by her family to sing a song for the guests at the"Harmony Ceremony". But she was unexpectedly"killed" in her dream."】

Hearing what Dr. Zhenli said,

Shajin shrugged as if he had expected it:"Of course."

Shajin:"Who could have thought that death would actually come to the beautiful dream built by the family?"

Shajin:"Even the victim was the heroine of the 'Harmony Ceremony'.……"

At this point, Shajin paused, and then continued:"To be honest, I didn't believe it before, and even personally"tested" it several times.……"

Placer gold:"——Until I found out that I really couldn't die."

Shajin:"Whenever there is danger, I will be forcibly awakened by the 'Dream Pool', as if I had just had a nightmare."

Shajin:"That's why I am sure that there must be a bigger secret behind this." When people heard that Shajin was willing to risk his own life to do the experiment in order to test whether the"beautiful dream" of the"family" really does not exist, they were shocked again.

【Qiliangliang】:"Wait...what did Shajin just say about 'testing' a few that the kind of test I understand? (surprise.jpg)"

【Coral Palace Heart Sea】:"I'm afraid... it's exactly the kind of experiment you think it is.……"

【Coral Palace Heart Sea】:"Sha Jin might have really committed suicide in his dream, and... more than once!"

【Night Palace】:"Oh my… God! Isn’t Shajin afraid that he will die in his dream!? (Shocked.jpg)"

【Night Palace】:"He even dared to do something like this... just to prove that death does not exist in dreams! ?"

【Night Palace】:"This guy... is a little too bold!!! (Shocked.jpg)"

【Kamisato Ayato】:"Now I finally understand... why Dr. Zhenli called the gold dust a 'gambler'……"

【Kamisato Ayato】:"He can even use his own life as a bet. If he is not a gambler, then he must be a madman!"

【Kamisato Ayato】:"Because only gamblers and lunatics would risk their lives so recklessly."

【Dottore】:"No, no, no... In addition to gamblers and lunatics, there is another kind of people who do this"

【Dottore】:"That's a fool"

【Dottore】:"There are obviously better ways to test whether there is"death" in dreams, but he insists on using his own life to test it... Isn't this a fool? (laughing.jpg)"

【fluorescent】:"Wait... you don't mean... trying with other people's lives?"

【Dottore】:"Haha, why, isn't this a better way? Only a fool would gamble with his own life. (sneer.jpg)"

【fluorescent】:"It seems that I still overestimated you... As expected, you Fatui are all a bunch of bastards who treat human life as worthless! (Angry.jpg)"

【Ara Taki Ichito】:"Good man, if you hadn’t told me I hadn’t realized it…it turns out that Shajin was gambling with his own life in order not to hurt others!!!"

【Ara Taki Ichito】:"Isn't this ten thousand times better than those brain-dead fools who only know how to use other people's lives for experiments! ?"

【Paimon】:"Cowherd! Although I used to think you always spoke in a silly way, but this time... I think what you said was really great!!! (Excited.jpg)"


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