
"Strange…what is this gold dust going to do?"

"It has come to this, why is he still so confident?"

At this time, looking at the gold sand in the video, which was nothing but a bag of cheap jewelry, even the water goddess Funina had a puzzled expression on her face.

"Villette, what do you think this gold dust should do to overturn the current situation?"

At this time, Furninna turned her head and looked at Villette beside her and asked.

"Subversion? Ms. Funina, I think you are overthinking this. This is a situation that cannot be reversed."

Villet said slowly.

"Eh? But I saw that the gold dust looked confident, how could he not have a backup plan?"

Funina was a little confused.

That Villette:"It's normal, isn't it the same for all gamblers?"

That Villette:"Until the last moment, they always think they can turn the tables."

That Villette:"However, these are just the gambler's fluke mentality at work."

That Villette told the truth coldly.

Funina couldn't help but feel a little surprised when she heard it.

"No...No way……"

"Could it be that... Sand Gold is really just pretending to be calm right now?……"

Furninna said in disbelief.



"It’s strange, what on earth is Sha Jin talking to that Doctor Zhenli?"

"Why don’t I understand?!"

Keqing was looking at the screen in the sky, puzzled.

Keqing:"He only had that bag of cheap jewels on him, how could he be so calm?" Keqing

:"He even thought he was just one step away from victory?"

Keqing:"What kind of crazy gambler must he be to be so optimistic in this situation?"

At this moment, even Yuhengxing, one of the Seven Stars of Liyue, could not guess what this crazy man was thinking.

"Keqing, do you think there is a possibility?……"

"Is Shajin really crazy?"

At this time, Ganyu said weakly:"After all, from our point of view...Shajin is really defeated."

Ganyu:"Friends betrayed, the cornerstone was taken away, and even the [Harmony] restriction was placed on his mind. Even his life only has the last 17 systems left.……"

Ganyu:"If ordinary people encounter such a situation, it is entirely possible that they will have a mental breakdown due to despair, right?"

Ganyu:"Even Shajin himself said that he couldn't tell whether he was sane or crazy.……"

Ganyu:"Perhaps, he has already collapsed under the torture of the power of [Harmony]……"

Hearing this,

Keqing was stunned.

Could it be that... was Shajin really crazy?

That kid who came all the way from Tsygannia, a gambler who had never lost... was he really defeated by the power of the Tonghe"family"?




"This gold dust...what on earth is he thinking about?"

"I can't understand him at all now.……"

Nashida looked at the scene where Shajin was clearly defeated but still looked like he had everything under control.

Even she, who was always called the God of Wisdom, couldn't help but wonder at this moment.

She didn't understand how Shajin, who only had a bag of cheap jewelry on his body, could be so calm?

He only had seventeen system hours left to live.

This guy... is he crazy, or does he really have a trump card?

Although Nashida subjectively hoped that Shajin really had the ability to reverse the current situation.

But looking at the current situation... even as the God of Wisdom herself.

There is no hope of a comeback.

At this time, Nashida was completely confused.

"Gold dust, if you can really complete this gorgeous reversal……"

"Then let me see your trick that can even deceive the gods.……"

"How amazing is it?……"

Nashida couldn't help but murmured


At this time, the video was still playing.

In the video, Shajin was dragging his bag of cheap jewelry and distributing it to passers-by on the streets of Pinocchio.

He used this opportunity to ask them about"death in dreams".

However, as time passed...

Shajin found that the power of"harmony" that was originally raging in his brain was gradually becoming more and more crazy!


【……There seems to be something in my head. Is it the influence of"harmony" beginning to take effect?】


【The voice in my head... is kind of annoying, it's getting closer and closer……】


【Does everyone have to be tortured like this before joining the family... Damn it, I want to send my brain away as evidence……】




At this time, after distributing the last bit of jewels in the luggage bag,

Shajin finally couldn't stand the destruction of the"harmony" power in his mind anymore and fell to the ground.

Until this moment, Shajin finally realized the horror of the"harmony" power.

The irresistible power was constantly eroding his will from the depths of his mind, trying to assimilate him into a member of the"family".

The more he resisted, the crazier the power became.

Shajin even felt that before the seventeen systems were gone, he might become a walking corpse because of the power of"harmony"!



"Hehe, this is really interesting.……"

"Seeing desperate people struggling in pain is really refreshing."

Looking at the gold dust whose brain was destroyed by the power of [Harmony] in the picture, Dr. Dotore couldn't help but sneer.

Lady:"It seems that the gambler has been destroyed by the power of [Harmony] to the point of losing his mind~"

Lady:"The head of the Oak family is quite capable... The [Baptism] he bestowed can actually turn a person into a madman alive."

Lady Rosalin also smiled and said:"It seems that the power of the [Harmony] star god is not as unbearable as imagined.……"

Lady:"I guess the [Star God] of the Collapse World must be at least as powerful as the Fatui executive, right?"

Rosalin said slowly.

Dotole:"Executive level?"

Dotole:"Haha, Rosalin, isn't it too early for you to say that?"

Dotole looked at the lady and said coldly:"Don't compare you executives who are at the bottom with me who is at the second seat."

Dotole:"Which of the Fatui executives in the top three seats doesn't have the power to rival the gods?"

Dotole:"At present, it seems that the power of that harmonious [Star God] is nothing more than being able to take someone's life from a distance."

Dotole:"For something like this, I can do it with just a flick of my finger."

Dotole:"Comparing Him with me, a mere harmonious [Star God] is probably not worthy of it."


(A new book is about to start, and the author is begging for data! As long as someone sees that the author has updated more than 10,000 pages a day, he will not break his promise! If there is data, he will continue to update!)

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