At this moment, when the gold dust in the video suddenly fell, everyone in the Teyvat room couldn't help but panic.

【Paimon】:"Oh my god! Why did Shajin suddenly fall down? What happened to him? (Shocked.jpg)"

【Seven Seven】:"His face... is so ugly……"

【Ningguang】:"It seems that the power of"harmony" in his mind has begun to erode his will."

【Ningguang】:"If this continues, it won't be long before he is completely assimilated by the power of"harmony" as he said on Sunday."

【Funina】:"Assimilation? What does that mean? It doesn't sound like... it's not that bad? (doubt.jpg)"

【Nashida】:"Judging from the current situation, the power of"harmony" is likely to obliterate the will of the gold dust itself."

【Nashida】:"As time goes by, this power of"harmony" will only become stronger and stronger, until he can no longer resist it."

【Nashida】:"In other words, Shajin now has only two choices: either find out the truth before being assimilated by the power of"Harmony" and become a member of the"family"; or... under the power of"Harmony", he will completely become a madman."





At this time, after hearing Nashida's description,

Furninna was completely shocked.

"My God! The power of"harmony" is so terrifying!"

"Can it actually turn a living person... into a madman! ?"

Funina said with horror.

She didn't expect that the seemingly gentle and kind head of the Oak family would actually set such a vicious ban on Shajin. If Shajin failed to complete the task assigned to him on Sunday, he would probably be turned into a madman by the power of"harmony". Now, just thinking about the possible fate of Shajin, Funina couldn't help trembling all over.


"Wow, that's terrible.……"

"Traveler... Will Gold Sand be okay?"

After learning that the power of"harmony" would eventually turn people into lunatics, Paimon couldn't help but pull the traveler's arm and said with fear on his face.

"No, it's okay.……"

"He should have a way to deal with the gold dust……"

Although the traveler Yingmei said so, she couldn't help but swallow her saliva in worry for Shajin.

The power of"harmony" is really too terrible.

When she said on Sunday that Shajin had 17 systems left, it was probably a euphemism.

Now it seems that Shajin will completely lose his mind before he has 10 systems left.

Until this moment, Ying realized that the power of the"Star God" in the collapsed world seemed to be far more terrible than she imagined!



"Do you remember what I said?~?"

"You Tsyganians are only fit to stay under manhole covers~"

At this moment, just when the gold dust was about to be eroded by the power of"harmony", a voice full of sarcasm suddenly sounded from behind him.

"Look at you, you're so sneaky.~"

"Smell here, smell there——"

"——Is the bloody smell of death so alluring?"

""Little peacock~"

When hearing this familiar mocking voice,

Jin Sha slowly got up from the ground.

Then he turned his head with a cold expression and looked behind him.

He saw a little girl wearing a fox mask and a red geisha kimono who appeared there at some point.

At this moment, she was looking him up and down with a sarcastic look.

That look was as if she was looking at a drowned chicken soaked by the rain.

And when he saw the Masked Fool finally appear in front of him,

Jin Sha finally let go of the stone hanging in his heart.

Then, he pretended to show an expression that he did not expect the other party to appear, and said in a cold voice:"Huh... It's you. I should have guessed that after the death of the robin, the"stand-in" who appeared on TV was you, the Masked Fool."

At this time.

When seeing the Masked Fool dressed like Inazuma appear on the screen, and Jin Sha said that she was the stand-in for the"dead" robin.

Everyone in Teyvat couldn't help but be shocked.

【Paimon】:"Wait, who is this little girl wearing an Inazuma-like outfit? Why does Shajin call her the Masked Fool?"

【fluorescent】:"Masked Fool? Who is that? Why does he sound like the Fatui?"

【fluorescent】:"Could this little girl also be a bad guy? (scared.jpg)"

【Funina】:"Ah!? No way! She is such a cute little girl, please don't let her have anything to do with the Fatui! (scared.jpg)"

【Skirmishers】:"Humph, so much nonsense. (cold hum.jpg)"

【Qin】:"Judging from the tone of the little girl just now, this little girl seems to have a bad attitude towards Sha Jin... She even seems to be mocking Sha Jin."

【Qin】:"Could it be that...she is the enemy of Shajin? (Thinking.jpg)"

【Kuki Shinobu】:"Is it my illusion? I don't know why, but when this little girl appeared, I felt... especially crazy.……"

【Kuki Shinobu】:"Moreover, it’s not the kind of madness that the boss has, but there’s a kind of... particularly evil feeling in it?"

【Ara Taki Ichito】:"Hmm? ? ? ? ? (stunned.jpg)"

【Wendy】:"I feel like Shajin seems to be very wary of this little girl... Strange, I feel like that little girl doesn't look like a threat."

【Wendy】:"Moreover... Shajin even said that she was helping the"family" to pretend to be a robin... Could it be that she was on the side of the"family"?!"

【Paimon】:"Ah!? No way! Isn't that gold dust very dangerous!? (Shocked.jpg)"


At this time, with the appearance of the crazy little girl in red, the entire chat group began to discuss the identity of the little girl.

At the same time, the introduction of the girl in red gradually appeared in the video.


【Fireworks——"One of the members of the"Masked Fool", although she looks like a pure and beautiful girl, her heart is hard to understand.】

【She is a dangerous drama master, obsessed with acting, with thousands of masks and the ability to transform into a myriad of faces.】

【Wealth, status, power... are not important to Hanabi. The only thing that makes her take action is"fun".」】

【As a loyal believer of the God of Fun... Wherever fireworks appear, chaos and disorder will surely follow.】

【After all, what wouldn't a Masked Fool do to have the fun she loves?】


(A new book is about to start, and the author is begging for some data! As long as someone sees that the author has updated more than 10,000 chapters a day, he will keep his promise! If there is data, he will continue to update!)

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