【fluorescent】:"Shut up! Are you the only ones who talk too much? (Angry.jpg)"

【walnut】:"This hall master is so angry that he wants to hold a funeral for them right now! (coffin.jpg)"

【Ara Taki Ichito】:"Where's my knife? Ah Ren, bring me my knife! (菜刀.jpg)"

【Kuki Shinobu】:"Boss, since you didn't get the knife, use this one to convince others with reason. (Lengmo.jpg)".

【Ara Taki Ichito】:"……"

【Wendy】:"To be honest, this is the first time in my life that I want to kill someone so much... These Fatui executives really disgust me... (disgusting.jpg)"

【Funina】:"Death penalty! All of them! Leosley! That Villette! Go and capture these damn Fatui officers! I want to kill them!!! (Rage.jpg)"


At this time.

In the video.

When he heard the boy's words.

Sha Jin couldn't help but look up and glance at the sky.

At this time, he saw that the sky over Pinocchio was indeed overcast, and from time to time there were a few rumbling thunders.

���In this situation, Shajin just glanced at the sky calmly, then turned to look at the boy and asked:"Where is your home?"

After hearing Shajin's question, the young child said in confusion:"What a strange question... Home is where my father, mother, and sister are.……"

Young children:"In this dream……"

The young child said.

Gold Dust:"……"

Gold Dust was stunned when he heard this.

The young child said,"This amusement park and this beautiful dream are really peaceful. Everyone likes it!"

At this point, the young child suddenly looked up at Gold Dust and asked,"But sir, why don't you like it?"

Gold Dust sighed and said,"……Because they're not here"

"Then where are they?"

At this time, the fake voice of"Gold Sand" sounded in his ears again and asked.

Hearing this, Gold Sand closed his eyes and said slowly:"……I don't know."

The false 'gold dust'』:"You clearly know...but the answer is meaningless."

Gold Dust:"……"

False"gold dust"』:"

Admit it , you are tired.』:"We are all tired, so we plan to stay here, me... and him." In the picture, the fake

"gold dust" slowly walked to the side of the young child.

』:"Your past」……and"Future」"

【Paimon】:"The past of gold dust... and its future!?"

【Paimon】:"Did I hear it right?! Could it be that... that child with the same eyes as Shajin... is actually Shajin's past!? (Shocked.jpg)"

【fluorescent】:"No wonder I always thought this child looked like gold dust."

【fluorescent】:"So... the two people Sha Jin sees now are actually himself in different time periods?"

【Kamisato Ayaka】:"But...why?"

【Kamisato Ayaka】:"Why can Shajin see his past and future? Is it because of the power of [Harmony]? (doubt.jpg)"

【Funina】:"I don't know why... I always have a bad feeling……"

【Funina】:"Please don't let anything happen to the gold dust!!! (worry.jpg)"


At this time, after hearing this, Shajin slowly asked,"How long will you stay here?"


False 'gold dust』:"We will be with you, forever in this dream.』:"

This is the greatest respect we can pay to those who are determined to die."……"

Hearing this, Shajin fell silent. At this moment, the fake"

Shajin" suddenly looked at Shajin and said slowly:"It is an extremely absurd approach to take an unconventional approach."

』:"But it is not uncommon in your case, because"your own life" has always been the first chip you throw out. It has always been like this."

False"gold dust"』:"

You don't care who the real murderer is, nor are you interested in the so-called inheritance.』:"You just want to be a fair and just company employee, suffer in your family's territory, be put in hot shackles, and be pushed to the center of the stage.……"

False"gold dust"』:"Then, he became the third victim of this event.」"

Placer gold:"……I can do it, and it will be perfect."

Hearing this, the fake"Gold Dust" smiled and said,"Haha, of course you can do it."

The fake"Gold Dust"』:"And your good luck will definitely help you at the right time.』:"A star core... and a messenger."

The fake 'gold dust'』:"

It 's that simple, isn't it?』:"In this way, the company will be able to get a seat at the table. And you can also escape from the endless whirlpool and get the relief you have always dreamed of.』:"This is not the first time... This is the way you are best at and the way you desire the most.』:"This farce started with a [death] and will end with a [death]"

"So Diamond chose you?"

Gold Dust:"He only wants Pinocchio, regardless of the means, regardless of the price... and it has nothing to do with the specific person."

Gold Dust said coldly.

At this time, when everyone heard the fake Gold Dust say this, they were stunned.


Paimon:"Wait, wait, wait... What do you mean that Shajin wants to get the relief he has always dreamed of?"

Paimon:"Does that mean that all the radical decisions that Shajin has made, gambling with his life against others, are all for the pursuit of... death?" Paimon:"No... There must be something wrong!? How could Shajin want to die?"

Paimon:"He is so smart and so powerful... Why... does he want to pursue death?"

At this time.

After hearing what Shajin's"Future" just said in the video.

Paimon couldn't help but be stunned.

In her eyes, Shajin is just a crazy gambler, a guy who is so crazy that he can bet everything he has every time.

But she never thought that... the reason why Shajin is so crazy is not because he wants to win.

But he wants to lose!

Lose everything he has, even his life, and get out of this desperate vortex.

So this is the relief that Shajin has always dreamed of!!! ?

At this time, the traveler Yingmei was also shocked after hearing this:"I didn't expect it... This is too shocking."

Ying:"Who would have thought that such a proud person... would bet his life on the gambling table again and again... It turned out that he wanted to use this method to give himself a way out?"

Ying:"I can't understand... I can't understand it at all... Why would Shajin be like this!?"

Yingmei said in disbelief


Meanwhile, in the chat group

【Funina】:"I don't understand┭┮﹏┭┮, why would Sha Jin want to pursue death?"

【Funina】:"He had managed to survive all those hardships, but he took the lead in putting his life on the line again and again."

【Funina】:"Is his own life... really that unimportant! ?┭┮﹏┭┮"

【Nashida】:"Maybe... it's because that [luck] is too heavy."

【Nashida】:"Perhaps for Sha Jin, the"luck" that he had gained by exchanging the lives of his family and tribesmen was not a blessing from the Mother Goddess, but a"curse."】"

【Nashida】:"That's why he would bet his life on gambling again and again, hoping to be free from this [curse]."

【Kamisato Ayaka】:"How could this happen? (Shocked.jpg)"

【fluorescent】:"This... isn't this too cruel? (Shocked.jpg)"

【Navia】:"My God... How hard has it been for the gold to survive in this way until now! ? (Shocked.jpg)"


At this moment, the fake"Gold Dust" in the video suddenly laughed, then looked at Gold Dust and said:"……It's very hard, right?"

Sand Gold:"You suddenly become very considerate, have you found your conscience?"

The fake"Sha Jin"』:"After all, I was born from your self, so I know that it is difficult to get back the chips I have thrown out.』:"I can't stop you from doing what you want to do, and we can't change where you want to go."

Gold: It's hard to reverse what has been done. All we can do is seize every opportunity and make ourselves as���Win a second."

Fake 'gold dust』:"Ah, yes.……"

False"gold dust"』:"

Unfortunately , people can’t just make the right decisions all their lives.』:"Although good luck is always on your side."

False 'gold dust』:"You always win, you never lose—but why you?"

Fake 'gold dust』:"Why... must it be you?"

Fake"Gold Dust"』:"If a lucky man's miracle is built on the misfortunes of all the people he loves, or even more people……"

False"gold dust"』:"

If every rain you bring never symbolizes the forgiveness and grace of the Mother Goddess.』:"But meaningless death again and again……"

"So how many mistakes did you and I make to be born into this world?"

As"Gold Dust" said this, the entire live broadcast room was immediately shocked.

【Paimon】:"Woo woo woo┭┮﹏┭┮Why this sentence again! ?"

【Paimon】:"I feel so uncomfortable...why don't you just kill me with one sword!┭┮﹏┭┮"

【Wendy】:"Yeah...what kind of mistakes did Shajin and the others make to deserve such unfair treatment from fate! ?"

【Wendy】:"Sha Jin's mother told him since he was a child not to resent pain and poverty, because that was a test from the Mother Goddess."

【Wendy】:"But in the end... when the entire Evikin clan faced a catastrophe... where was their mother goddess?"

· ··Request flowers·· ········

【Wendy】:"The three-eyed Earth Mother Goddess bestowed the gold dust... Was it a blessing or a punishment!? (Uncomfortable.jpg)"

【Funina】:"woo woo woo woo┭┮﹏┭┮How can this be called"luck"? This is clearly a curse on the gold dust!"

【Funina】:"How could fate be so unfair to him? It gave him good luck, but made everyone around him die because of his good luck.……"

【Funina】:"If that's the case... I would rather he had never had any good luck, and let him live in peace with his family!┭┮﹏┭┮"

【fluorescent】:"Stop talking, stop talking... The child is completely broken.┭┮﹏┭┮"

【Ara Taki Ichito】:"Damn, there is sand in my eyes. I'm going to blow it out.……"


At this time, the video continues to play——

"……Maybe when I reach that destination, our confusion will be solved." Gold

Sand looked at his"future self" and said slowly.


Fake"Gold Dust"』:"

Go ahead, my friend, I'll be waiting for you in the future.』:"In the last moments, say goodbye to this child (the past).』:"Try to make yourself……"

"Die without regrets"


"Now... we are the only ones left."

Little Kakavasa came to the gold dust.���

He said with a smile.』:"Can you take a picture for me? Just as a souvenir?"

Little Kakavasa asked the gold dust.

Hearing this, the gold dust smiled gently and then said,"Well, come on."

.............. 0

Then, little Kakavasa stood in front of a signboard and smiled at the gold dust.

As the gold dust pressed the shutter of the camera, a flash of white light passed by.

Little Kakavasa finally had a photo of himself.

Little Kakavasa』:""That's great, now I can see what I look like!"

Little Kakavasa said happily while looking at his own photo.

Sand Gold:"Next time you take a photo, remember to look at the camera, your expression will be more natural."

Sand Gold said gently.

He knew that when he was a child, he never had an opportunity like this to leave a photo of himself.

So at this moment, when Sand Gold was able to take a photo of his past self, Sand Gold's face was already full of tenderness.

At this moment, Sand Gold couldn't help thinking.

If there could be more times like this... it would be great.

Little Kakavasa』:"Well, I will!"

Little Kakavasa』:"Then... sir, are you going back too?"

Little Kakavasa looked at Gold Dust and asked.

Gold Dust:"I can't leave yet."

Gold Dust said slowly:"I still have a... performance here."

Little Kakavasa』:"

Oh... so you are going to perform on stage soon, right?』:"Let's go, I'll take you to the big stage."

At this time, little Kakavasa looked at Shajin and said.

Shajin nodded and said:"……"Yes."

At this time, when everyone in the live broadcast room heard Sha Jin say that he still had a"performance", they realized what Sha Jin was going to do next.

【Paimon】:"No, gold dust! Don't go any further!!!┭┮﹏┭┮(Crying.jpg)"

【Funina】:"Please...I really beg you! Can you please not let Gold Dust go on that stage?┭┮﹏┭┮(Crying.jpg)"

【Kamisato Ayaka】:"Fate has played tricks on Sha Jin all his life... In the end, it still refuses to give Sha Jin a happy ending! ? This is too unfair to Sha Jin!┭┮﹏┭┮(Crying.jpg)"

【Navia】:"Help... I really don’t dare to read on... I’m really afraid that Sha Jin will die!┭┮﹏┭┮(Crying.jpg)"

【fluorescent】:"This is no longer a question of whether Shajin will die... but as long as he steps onto that [stage], he has already decided to die, right? (crying.jpg)"

【Ganyu】:"How could this happen... Is there really no chance of recovery? (Unbelievable.jpg)"

【Nashida】:"Although I still don't know what Shajin is going to do...but I can see that Shajin is planning to sacrifice his life here from the beginning. (sigh.jpg)"

【Kelly】:"sand���Big brother, please don't die! Klee is cheering for you! Brother Shajin, can you please not die? (Come on.jpg)"

【Seven Seven】:"Qiqi also cheers for Brother Shajin. Brother Shajin... will definitely survive... (Come on.jpg)"

【Diona】:"Dad once said that I am also a blessed child. Now I want to give my blessing to Brother Shajin. Brother Shajin... he will definitely survive! (Come on.jpg)"

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